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Jalaika Shanne A.


September 19, 2015


Mr. Jeric A. Arguelles

Social Media Effection

Facebook is a mirror, and Twitter is a megaphone. In young adults in college, if you

love yourself more, youd prefer Twitter. Young people may overregulate the importance of
their own opinions. On the other hand, some middle-aged adults are found to prefer posting on
Facebook instead as it is a matter of forming and presenting an portfolio of their life choices.
Then you will find out what are some of the effects of social media in our life.
In the Implicit Association Test, Catalina Toma of University of Wisconsin, Madison
found that a quick 5-minute check of Facebook profiles can significantly boost the self-esteem of
the users. The more positive associations, the higher the respondents self-esteem users are found
to have more self-esteem after a quick check of their own profiles. Did you know that in some
marital relationships, there are some culprit that could lead to a breakup or divorce? among
excessive Facebook users are partner surveillance and jealousy stemming from a partner
keeping in touch with their ex. A finding that will offer some reprieve is that relationships that
are less than 3 years long more easily affected by these influences while those in a longer
relationship have higher immunity against these influences. When faced with a possibility of
drama in your love life, the researchers advice is: cut back on usage.
Social media definitely has an impact on how we view ourselves and the people around
us. It is a tool that we associate with at a personal level, so personal that the things you do on
social networks like Facebook could get you mixed up with individuals with criminal intent. But
still it is better to have a face-to-face conversation into someone because it is the essence of life
to show your sincerity personally. You can edit everything you had post, but you cant change
the fact that the truth lies behind it.

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