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rirTots Examples clearing intentions | Assessment for Learring Romesh Examples of learning intentions ‘The learning intention is expressed in terms of knowledge, understanding and skills, and lnks directly with the relevant curriculum document, The oe ign of learning Intentions starts with the answers to these questions. What do I want students to know? rat do I want students to understand? What do I want students to be able to do? ‘A certain challenge exists for teachers In translating the knowledge, understanding and skills of a published curriculum into learning Intentions whose language Is accessible to their students, but time spent on this preliminary step isin tself excellent professional learning ‘Some schools have made this ‘unpacking’ of the curriculurn @ focus of teacher meetings. The result, they claim, is that all teachers have a much better understanding of the curriculum itself, and there Is an increased confidence in the consistent quality of teaching across classes, Learning intentions that focus on knowledge Learning intentions that focus on skill Lensning intentions that focus on understand Thinking about the differant kinds of knowledge, and being specific about the kind of knowledge that is required in a particular situation, wll help teachers design their tearning intentions They consider, for instance, knowledge about a particular topic (know about different tynes of eneray) knowledge of how something is done, of the steps involved in producing something (know how to construct a ple graph) knowledge of why something happens (koow why rabbits are an ecological aisaster) knowledge of what causes something to happen (know what couses thunderstorms) Learning intentions that focus on skills always start with the words ‘to be able to' followed by a verb. For example, to be able to unite a recount (a be able (0 solve a problem using mare than one strategy to be able to work as part of @ team to be able to identy persuasive strategies used by the author or an argument to be able to experiment with a variety of media in order to achieve a stated effect Often leatning intentions that focus on skill wll also imply the acquisition of certain knowledge or understandings. For Instance, to be able to write a recount, students must have a knowledge of the structures and features of @ recount. Understanding bullds on knowledge and requires some kind of processing, For instance, @ student might be able to list the causes of an historical event - thereby showing knowledge of them - but understanding requires analysis and, perhaps, interpretation Understanding, then, is of @ higher cognitive order than knowledge and, in designing learning intentions, teachers ensure that students are exposed to learning which makes those higher demands as well as demands of a lesser nature. understand the causes of an historical event understand the effects of diet on health understand how persuasive language can position the reader to agree with the author understand how the internet can be used for research purposes itp aww assessmetorlearing edu aulprofesslonal_learringlearing_Intertons/earring_examples_inlerions hil 1 Learning Intention By the end of the session each teacher will be able to write clear learning intentions and success criteria. ‘Success Criteria Lean: * Write in clear language at least 3 learning intentions for my students in classes | am teaching this month ‘* Write learning intentions which tell my students what they need to know, understand and be able to do + Write success criteria that are clearly linked to the learning goal * Write success criteria which describes in language that students understand what successful performance look like Generally Learning Intentions are written in terms of outcomes. A three step process can help: * Create a stem — eg, After completing the lesson/unit, the student will have/be able to/ will * After you create the stem, add a verb — eg, analyse, recognise, compare, provide, list, ete. * Once you have a stem and verb, determine the actual product, process or outcome Remember, learning intentions are not activities. eae ka eat Learning Intention: What are we ee) Write a description about a best —_To write an effective friend characterisation Give a speech for or against To present a point of view ina smoking persuasive way Draw a bar chart to show how To present information graphically || students in our class come to school design a leaflet to promote healthy group i Work effectively in a group to To be able to work effectively in a eating

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