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1. What are FIVE concepts that Yeats wrote about?

Nature, landscape
Growing old; life of contemplation
Myths, fantasy
Unrequited love
Politics, traditional lifestyle

2. What are FIVE events which significantly influenced Yeats' poetry?

After William's birth the family relocated to the Pollexfen home at Merville, Yeats
thought of this area as his childhood and spiritual home. Its landscape was both
literally and symbolically the country of the heart.
The 1880s saw the rise of Parnell and the home rule movement; the 1890s saw
the momentum of nationalism, while the Catholics became prominent around the
turn of the century. These developments had a profound effect on his poetry
Yeats met Maud Gonne and developed an obsessive infatuation with her beauty,
she has a significant and long-lasting effect on his poetry
He held back his poetry inspired by events related to intense politics and core
political activism in the midst of the Easter Rising
Yeats had a life-long interest in mysticism, spiritualism, occultism and astrology.
By becoming a member of the Ghost Club, it inspired him to write about his
mystical interest
3. What are FIVE stylistic features of Yeats' poetry?
He was a Symbolist poet who used allusive imagery and symbolic structures
throughout his poetry
Master of traditional forms
The impact of modernism on his work can be seen in the increasing
abandonment of more conventionally poetic diction of his early work in favour
of austere (strict) language and more direct approach to his themes
His later poetry are written in a more personal vein, mentioning his son and
daughter as well as meditations on growing old
Some find it supple and muscular in its rhythms and sometimes harshly
modernist whilst others find it barren and weak in imaginative power
The early poems are lushly pre-Raphaelite in tone, self-consciously ornate, and, at
times, according to unsympathetic critics, stilted. His other early poems are lyrics
on the themes of love or mystical and esoteric subjects. Yeats's middle period
saw him abandon the pre-Raphaelite character of his early work and attempt to
turn himself into a Landor-style social ironist.

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