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Name: _______________________ Date: _______________________

Motion and Position

What is Motion?
Motion is the _____________ in position over _____________.
So What is Position?
The position is the ____________ of an object or ______________. Often, you
describe where something is by _____________ it to _________ ___________
or the _______________ of another object or place.
A change in position is ______________ that ________ _________ _________
Quick Review:
______________ is the change of position over time. When describing _______,
the answer depends on the ____________ and ____________ of the person
observing you.
____________ describes where an object is.
What is a reference point?
A ________________ (the objects or places position) to which you __________
other locations (or _______________).
What characteristics do good reference points have?
They are ___________ (they do not move themselves!)
Why are reference points important to scientists?
They help ________________ if an object is in ________________.
What is a reference direction?
A _______________ used to ___________ motion.
Relative Motion
Sometimes different people will say different things about the __________ of
the same___________. This is not because one of them is wrong, but because
they are using different __________ of ____________.

Frame of Reference:
Just as position is described by using a ____________ __________, _________
is described by using a _____________ _____ ________________.
What is a frame of reference?
You can think of a ___________ ___ ______________ as the location of the
Quick Review:
Reference point: a _________ object/place that you use to describe _________.
Frame of reference: ___________ of the observer who may or may not be

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