Serving Others, November 2015

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Serving Others

See Special Events pages for more (Holiday Bureau, Traveling Christmas Party, Operation Christmas Child,
Wreaths Across America.
Celebration Chorus - Practice on Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. at St. Paul please join the fun!
Community Garden - Direct questions for 2016 to Emily Glynn 314-517-2402 or Betsy Deer 419-310-4406.
Council Nights Thursday, Nov. 19th at St. Paul, 5:30 Joint Parish Board,; 6:15 St. Paul; 7:00 St. John
Danbury Food Pantry - November 21st; St. John brings spaghetti sauce, St. Paul brings canned vegetables
Noisy Offering for November 8th is Lutheran Indian Ministries. They provide our Advent and Lenten devotional
booklets each year. Thank you for your generosity.
Prayer Chain St. Paul contact Joan Harris at 419.734.3971 or 419.341.6373 or
St. John contact Myra Prokop at 419.798.5101 or God promises that our prayers are heard!
Prayer Shawl Plus Ministry - Prayer shawl group meets Wednesdays at 10 am.We are in need of white baby
blankets. Contact Janice Beachy with questions.

SNAP Ministries Update

(Supporting Native African Pastors) For current ministry information go to (Welcome. to
The $3,000 from St. John has been wired to Pastor Claude. He writes :
The Lord is great, what a great news! One week ago, Prince (Pastor at Lomie) and I were talking about the situation of the Lomie's church
(destroyed by strong winds) and I told him that we will keep praying The Lord will provide. By His grace,and He provides. God's time is always the
best. This is one of the urgent need, Lomie's church and Messamena. Please we will not wait , if it's possible, would you send it as soon as possible,
I can buy zinc and nails here in Younde and travel to Lomie this week. We will buy wood in Lomie because they have lumber company there. I will
take pictures and send it. Please tell Chris and the people of St. John how we are so grateful and excited.
May The Lord be glorified!

Home Run ParentingSession 3Line-Drive

Our next session meets at St. Paul, November 16th, 6-8 p.m.
Family meal, Dug-Out activities for kids, Learning/Sharing time for parents, family interactive activity.

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