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It was the day of result. There was a lot of riot admits the
students in school. Everyone was enthusiastic to acquaint
the result. There was a lot of haste in the midst of the
students. I was the one modest child in the riot, because
of the bearing of wads seniors. Everyone was awfully
excited to intimate their result. All the students
accumulate in one block for determining the result. When
my turn came and when I got the result, my face turned
from happiness to awe. I got a great jolt by seeing my
result. I was ungratified by my result. Regrettably I have
got B1 grade.
Now I have actualized my misapprehension since I got B1
grade in SA-1 in the 9th standard. I was augured about my
result as I used to play games continuously in my tab
during my exam. It was one type of habituation to mobile.
And I was very covetous with my best friend because he
stood second position in the class and I persist at the last
in my friend circle. As I have agnize my fault now I will
study arduous, work hard and will have the SA-2 result in
my hand with A1 grade written at the top.

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