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CENTS I Vol. 114 No. 15


ing Custer,The
& Dewey
Since 1902


N ew s

photo provided

oma State D epartm ent of Health Services

announces flu vaccination clinics


Tim Billy/The Thomos Tribune

omas Weather Forecast

ursday Night

y Cloudy;
chance of rain



er with clouds


Commissioners consider
new phone, internet system
C u s te r C o u n ty
com m issioners dis
cussed extensively
M onday w ith tw o
com panies about a
new telephone and
internet system for
the courthouse and
other county offic
es. They also heard
from a small opera
tor who thought the
courthouse and other
offices didnt need
new equipment and
he would like to ser
vice what they have
C om m unications
mogul, AT&T, ap
parently had been
invited but did not

M etell, who cur
rently services the
county, has evident
ly been unsatisfac
Pioneer Telephone
brought four repre
sentatives and took
up the m ost tim e.
Pioneer offered a
onetim e charge for
upfront networking
equipment purchas
es and installation
to ta lin g $ 2 5 ,0 3 7 .
In a d d itio n , th ere
would be m onthly
fees for equipm ent
and maintenance of
slightly over $ 1,060.
A second part of

P ioneers proposal
w ould be fo r 160
new phones plus a
recurring m onthly
fee o f $5,700. The
total for that would
be $11,311.
C o u n ty C le rk
Karen Fry said that
was if the phones
were leased, and that
Pioneer had another
proposal of $51,000
if th ey w ere p u r
The second com
pany at the meeting
was NewWave Solu
tions who represen
tatives presented a
More System on page 2

Charish Rainwater (center) was crowned H

Kooper Marsh last Friday before the foot
from left front row attendants Jace D rinno
and Elijah Dobrinski. Back row is Anna Co
Tanner Johnson, Rainwater, Marsh Londo

Thomas Firefighter Recognized b

omas defeated the Sayre Eagles 42-28 last

Friday during Homecoming.





Larry Schrock, of
Thomas, Okla., was
re c o g n iz e d -as the
E nable M idstream
S afe ty P a rtn e r at
the Oklahoma State
University football
g am e. T he aw ard
recognizes a local
emergency respond
er th a t e m b o d ie s
E nable M idstream
P a r t n e r s v a lu e s
o f safety , in te g ri
ty, acco u n tab ility ,
c u sto m e r se rv ic e ,
resu lts driven and
At Enable M id
stream, we work in
c lo se p a rtn e rs h ip
with local emergen
cy responders in our
areas of operation to
help keep the public
safe while protecting
our operations, said
Paul Brewer, Senior
Vice President O p
erations and EH&S.
Enable M idstream

success of the com

munities where we
livejand operate. We
are proud to recog
nize L arry for his
commitment to safe
ty and service to his
Larry Schrock is
the fire chief for the
Thom as V olunteer
F ire D e p a rtm e n t,
and a sm all b u s i
ness owner and op
e rato r in T hom as,
Oklahoma. He con
sistently makes his
com m unitys safety
and wellbeing a pri
ority. Schrock has
rem ained co m m it
ted to improving his
departm ent by up
d atin g the c re w s
personal protection
equipment, replacing
aged trucks and en
suring proper train
ing for all members
in his departm ent.
He has also helped

safer by providing
fire safety trainings
at local schools and
During power out
ages in the winter,
Schrock spends time
helping residents get
their generators run
ning to ensure they
have a warm place
to stay.
In 2013, during
the extreme summer
d ro u g h t, S c h ro c k
volunteered himself
and his departm ent
to assist other area
v o lu n teer fire d e
p artm e n ts to help
fight grass fires.
Schrock is a wellrespected member of
his com m unity and
exem plifies Enable
Midstream Partners
Schrock was hon
ored at the Oklaho
ma State November
University2, 2015 3:29 pm /
on Saturday, O cto Schrock was presented w ith a signed O

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