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Monday, November 2, 2015.

Ms. Boveys Grade 7/8 News

We had a very busy month. Students have been working hard in
all areas of the curriculum while also building their leadership skills within the school. This
month we began reading buddies with the 2/3 students, students within our classroom have
been volunteering to do morning announcements, and many students have been offering to
assist with various jobs around the school. I am very proud of their efforts!

Home-School Connection:
If, at any time, you have any
questions or concerns, please,
do not hesitate to contact me at
the school or to email me at
Math Homework Help:
Homework Help is a FREE
online math help resource for
students in Grades 7-10.

For the last two weeks students have been given the
same two homework assignments to be completed
weekly. This routine will
Each Monday a Math
review will be assigned as
well as a weekly entry in
students Writers Notebooks. Both of these assignments will be due each Friday.
Any additional homework
(ie., work that was not completed in class, assignments
for Language, History, Geography, Science, Religion)

in a variety of ways including through technology and

group and partner assignments. The culminating
assessment from this strand
has gone home today for
you to review and sign. We
have begun our Measurement strand for the month
of November with a focus on
finding the area of a trapezoid in grade 7 and finding
the area of a circle in grade
8 as well as the relationships
among units of measure in
both grades. We have welcomed Mrs. Crystal Lake,
our CDSBEO Math Consultant, into our classroom
twice and she will continue
to visit as we work through

the outline and pertinent

due dates on the class website. This project is to be
completed as homework this
month with the due date for
the culminating activities
being Monday, November
30th. The first portion of the
assignment is due this Friday, November 6.
I have marked all submitted
History assignments and
they have gone home today,
with the rubric, for you to
review and sign.
In Science, we continue to
learn about various ecosystems and our impact, as humans, on them. We will tie
the unit up this month with

the next few strands before

some in class activities.

throughout the week.


Father DiRoco has been vis-

All students should also be

In Language we are begin-

iting us weekly and has been

may still be assigned

reading nightly.
In Math, students have been
extremely engaged in the
use of iPads as a way of
demonstrating their learning. We recently completed
the Patterning and Algebra
strand and I was able to assess students understanding

ning the Historical fiction

novel, Blood Brothers in
Lousibourg as a way of connecting our learning in History to present day. We will
also be working on descriptive writing and look at advertising in Media Literacy.
Please note that a novel
study project will be going
home this week. I will post

teaching the students about

the sacraments. In our Religion and Family Life classes,
we have been looking at
how our environment, the
media, and our genetics
shape who we are. We have
also been reflecting on the
concept of the whole person
and the importance of our
relationships with others.

Please visit my website at

Homework Help provides FREE,

live one-on-one tutoring from
Ontario teachers. Students can
ask their math questions during the chat room hours, Sunday-Thursday 5:30pm9:30pm. Please go to the following website:

home- Your child

will need their Ontario Education Number which you will
find on their last report card.
Homework Club:
Mrs. Dodge runs homework
club nightly after school from
3pm-3:45pm. If you find that
your child is struggling with a
particular concept and you
would like me to review it with
them, I am happy to attend
homework club with them to
review/assist with homework.
Nov. 5 Gr. 7/8 Flag Football
Nov. 11 Remembrance Day
Nov. 13 Photo retakes
Nov. 18 Mrs. Lake (Math consultant) in to visit.
Nov. 18 Turkey Bingo Grade 8
Fundraiser at 7pm, school gym
Nov. 20 School Mass, 1:30pm
Nov. 24 Confessions, 10 am
Nov. 30 Gr. 7/8s lead morning
Nov. 30 Progress Reports go

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