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Total No of Questions : 06

Total No of Pages : 01

B. Tech. (EE, Semester- 3rd)
Circuit Theory (BTEE-301)

Maximum Marks : 30

Time: 1 Hour
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section A is compulsory.
2) Attempt Two questions from Section B
3) Attempt One question from Section C

(5 x 2 = 10)

Section -A

Q1) a) Define time constant for driven RL circuit.

b) Explain the behavior of charge on a capacitor for undriven RC circuit.
c) What is a necessity of laplace transform?
d) Find the characteristic impedance of symmetrical T- network
whose total series impedance is 400 ohms and total shunt arm
impedance is 800 ohms.
e) Design a prototype low pass filter having cut-off frequency is 11KHz and

impedance is 400ohms.

(2 x 5 = 10)

Section -B

Q2) An electric circuit consist of resistance 4 ohms in parallel with capacitor of 3F. The
circuit is excited by current source i(t) as input and voltage across capacitor is v(t) as output.
Find the net response. Assume V(0) =0Volts.
Q3 Design a constant K - section high pass filter to have cut-off frequency of
5KHz and design impedance of 600ohm. Calculate attenuation in dB at frequency of
4.5KHz and phase angle in degree at frequency at 5.5KHz.
Q4) Find Laplace of given function
f ( t )=sinh at

Section -C
Q5 Show that the inverse laplace of


F ( s )=

(1 x 10 = 10)

( s +a 2)

by convolution integral

( sin atat cos at )

Q6) Derive the expression of voltage and current for both driven and undriven
series RL circuit during transient conditions.

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