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SME Instrument latest results: 142 highly innovative SMEs funded by...

The EU Framework Programme for Research and


Published by newsroom editor (/programmes/horizon2020/en/users/newsroom-editor) on

Wednesday, 29/07/2015
Last modified by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 06/08/2015 - 16:24

142 SMEs from 23 countries have been selected in the latest round of Horizon 2020 SME
Instrument Phase 1. For each project, the participants will receive 50,000 to finance
feasibility studies. They can also request up to three days of business coaching.
The European Commission received 2,029 proposals under Phase 1 by the second cut-off date of
2015 on 17 June. 342 received an evaluation score above the application threshold and 128 or 37,4
% have been selected for funding.
Italian SMEs have been particularly successful with 35 beneficiaries accepted for funding, followed
by firms from Spain (29) and the UK (22). Since the launch of the programme on 1st January
2014, 958 SMEs have been selected under Phase 1 of the SME Instrument.

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06.08.2015 18:32

SME Instrument latest results: 142 highly innovative SMEs funded by...

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06.08.2015 18:32

SME Instrument latest results: 142 highly innovative SMEs funded by...

For more information

Lists of beneficiaries in Phase 1 (
SME Instrument (


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SME Instrument latest results: 142 highly innovative SMEs funded by...


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