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bse Mi cperikes iq The Trigde agin be ia mt ; ; Yoo 5 Mote (HH), favo Va) Teatain™ Wat] = 10k Your = Yoo Rn fp ( “%) = Tous Veat; mia = 2 aahen Va= Yoo Vou rin = V0o~ Ro, me 2 = Yoo L fats (HY, (26 Vas) Ban mis —Vosemia |x Af the second Tem the Space backs +1 29g fected, Thea Touts xe oo 1 + Halon CH, Coo —Yiri) 48> 13 = Lp 10010" x 4 A (18- ora) ata 0-4 2. nae Yo Yoh Mt Vout Voatymin & toot Ry = SKOL Outout low: level establishes Poo Uh = Ugg, derwiag My ints the Frade ay 2, = tH, We Pee £ Haber CL) (20a) a ~ Wetrmn] Toes, in = The — Ry ee ee i : loo 2/4 Cox} [20 Aaf ats Tess ( Ww | “Yoo = Vout, ma Lt" 2 "fps Cox [24 oo~ Yan) ot nin ~ biel ARS ~3 ( Ww 1-8— /coxig eee Eee eee eee ee Ly mia = ~3 37/3 fs ronid (20.8 a-r}ro0nd— Camio't [x Sud Yoo C8) = 24018» R=5* Via ae Mi Vout ue Vo, > Vog = 2 1 Vs=b9—> M, Sf > T= 0 x Thay = Vy = 0 @) Vas 0 —> M, opecates in the Trode eg109 BaF CE) (2g nel) Wo Vo ] Spree: fen CHL Fhe he} tor Kas (tata | “y men = Bat (a) Ro Syeeleg ON aad C2} and apkchang We Secoad onter Pern in the lorackete _ he Con (A) ), © loo Hp 1 ar +%o) four f LL “ho Vout at met Fi Cox (HH) (Yoo~ [Vy el) PoCon (4 Cn Wael) Vout Ro Yoo gp eee ae Ho Cox ( } (Yoo-f Vol} 1, ae Seo out = al Scee 2 f SOxto «(Gah a-o-5] t Vout = Voy = 1 FSV . rv Ma : if lous (%),= ou13 Vout Vo AG th ) Ff WaeVoy > He Saturated — io =? Ce) Ff Via = Vout —r Wie 2 @) ty=L F eC ( (Toe! iy (Eh (Ws sa) ( 3-05) , Note thet Vg “Vo ozs bx sone) x ( Ars 4.2 xi! A Poe poo El [20 tes-Von Tor Vs] ! “ECAH [2 Ca Toa ve] However Lp, = Ing APO Ls eoxie 3 | fog o-N/, a Ge eee OL nm Neglecting the second -order term grelds Vez 0.24 (Mes ~ Vou) = (oo - Vuln C8 =0-fet Wy, Vo, 20-27 the assomation ef My beng in Thode region is Correct We defise , Vea Vin Vayy > Vos Var ran zhoCx (He) 2 2 Ve = 204-1 eet) (Veo Vu Va) - (Noy Vey a) F feCox (4), 2 3 too, Pos %- 2(1.B-9-5)(1.8 -0-4 Va] (18-04 Ve) 50 8 i 2 SV = 2-6 (1-4-%K) — AM) 2 2 3M = 3-64 2.6%, 1.16 4 2.8% Ve 2 AV = 0.2Vy -1-65=0 2 eee 8 VneV, Vay 0-6r e044 PVnetog 1 V This Value of Vout guarantees that Mz operates in The Trode region. Now, lets inveshgate The regis of eperatica of M2 Vsp2= Voy —Vour =6B 008 Vor 26 V Vega-! Vinel = Voo~ | Vinal 2=18—os Vega Vex] 2163 As Vso2 > Vse2- 1 Vel » Mz operates in the Saluratisg regia and the inital assemphon 1's tall . (bo) As T= Vout —e My ag Saterated We assume That M2 4817 Phe Trrode. regen and check the Validity Of this assemp tas to) =p EF Con ALY (Vi, May 2 )=F FoCos (41) [20% Wel) x (Vo Fa} (oe Mal] ae Yoo Vou & ioo m¥ Mz Vous (Al = 3/o1 VW ABM Cane? lamin 2 Vin= Von My epenttes 19 The trrede regis end Ma in the Saturitsn. a tor = THe Con C4, (bsg - (Viel) = Px S0KI0% (Sz) x(18-0.5) Tor = F.041 xio1A “4 Fj =Tpy = FON KIO A oj = 4 foCon (AY) [2% tana) os Wes ] FeO4 kid = tx ioonie() [2-2-2] oe (ou | 1 Gs} = 52.16 ty min 6. He “Vo ¢ 80 mi 4 Vout CH), = 2/015 Val, Ww (elite Wa= Vo o—7 Mi operates in the triode region and Mz sn the seiturotisn to = =fho Cx CH, [¥4sVu) Vos 6s Joi = + xs00K10% (a : }*[2.0-0-4) 0.08 — oon" Loj= 12x01 “4 Joa = Ty = eaxio 4 702 = HaCox (4 Vg leu, |) thy (ania tise x16" (24 (13 - os] = 2.36 A, max =f Vn = 9—> M, operates in The Trasehe region « Sei ariinnaanat MoCox G) (0~ Va, Ayn} Rony = I 14 HoCox (FE) (Yoo—Vrn) Ro Vout 2 —Roo Ron, + PD Von —> Vout ¥ «Yoo =f Vin=Voo > Vout * Vop No, This Circuit does aot inverts (6) 4 top point Cannot be Koad for this circuit becartse Ing Ve, foe dloes not intersect the transfor Chaacterishe Of This buffer Vout % i: i (4, = ous Vin °ALy My, Rp = 2kQ NM, NMy = 2 Omall signal gan of the Carcut 6 epual to Jako aed Gn= Fax (T), (Ves~ Youn) we foCon FE], (Yeas Vayu) Po= 1s Vgse Va [oe Cox CE) (Van Vou) Ro= 1 i , ees foConE, Rp 100KI0 x oa 2008 Te defermne NMy. te aote that hn drves Mi wto the Triode region +004 Ven= Vout = Yoo~ Rota Yoo Epon (4) [2¢%-o Var “Va a cy “Vout Wn ~Z face aa) [20% Vern) Meat. 2Veut Mast hy 42%, out Wout =-1 © Vex Ova ot pin BY [AC ta +h] 1 foconL) [Wa ba 4 a i ——_— = -(Vn-4 Vou PoC Re not) + Vout Nous = ——— plates huge 0-5 Vig — 0-1 foCox (Tt) Svbstihiting This 9 ©) getls Ss -6 OS Vir Oeil 2 (8 —Lxioorie x2 7 ow 120 [aC% -0A}(0-5Viq—0-l!] — 0-5 Vin 0 si] 2 O-7S Veg 0-33 Yn — 0.6117 = 8 Vine ey = AS NMy= eo tye 115 [nt 0651] VoL ul Snail signal gun of the mverler 4) epsel to —Ino aed Gn= HoCox (AE) (Vgs“Veun) HoCox ($2) (Vestn) 0-4» es Va, [Cx C4), (Yan Von) Ro =4 eva nua Severe eee HoCox (HY ym e we doable The Value FY or Ro Vy = 7 4 —-fazoa] 5° 5 (00KI0 x= —ek 2000 KL To determin WM» t0e note that Va dives M, tate The Tisch regen ~Vour = Voo—Rn Ip = too flrCox [2 Yon“ a Slorstia at pa Con (A) fF 2Yout + Vin Vy) Dour a aiecae CE Moar +2) Met — Yay oe] Wout 1 G4, oe ee I four 2HaCox( $4] A Deubsag (4 o- ® leadete [ioe osts-0155| Substiticting ia (1) qretds oe ; 0.5 Vn 0:155 = 15 pater Se 120042 [2CYane AY(0-S Vn ~0-158)— (6 sw 2 O-FS Va ~ 0. 46S Vg 0-251125 =0 Vn= O-16FV > Mpa 18 0.967 NM, ard NMa = 2 if QMout 065 instead of Ma Sat sonal Sein OF Th marten id Golfo dye” and y= fl Coy CE (Yes-Trun) fo Co CL) (Ag —Vora) to 0S / Vox = —+— + Vw = —_ aC (ft) A 2100K10 AT) Gthich 48 fess Than 0.58 obfaned in poblem 8. Te ckfermine NMy, note That M, operntes in the Tricde regian “Your = tho — Roo Ho FE foCn (E] [20 af tor Ten] RoC) DNVout mt Ha Cog (1 Wn 2f° “Ch [ho 92 Ca tl Met an he cer) a a ~0 =F fGen 4] [Ya tuy) +3 a) Rp : -3 ° Vou = ——L—— + ozo 2 -F$.33K10 +0-33 Vin SHC (Ht}®> 3 out * OF Voupe — oe tte. Subst Tetting in Ci eels ~6 LL 4 fa O22 Me KIGOKIO x ED +220[2 Meo a) (-Se+ BY - 4 4 SV 2.24 5.5420 Vine Vey = 3 NMi = 4-813 Nee = 0-57] less than 0-65°Y obtamed in problem & because Vey 44 2000 farthur >ushed up facuard Too Ao th oy aTerattion and Tro ee To coleulite “Vey, we assame That M, and Mz openite it SaTiration and Trade 2 catealite “Vay regron cospeclively. Ty-7on a) $pacon (AL), Cte Mutha pool} [2b Pinel} (tye Cu] ek CEL, [2CG0- Mel) Be] 2 ota Fel HaCon(E) Yo Vors By cubist tating Chet woth =! (7 The above relationship Po Coe}, (Yous) = L pCa 4, [206-1 Ymal)-2 too “bl Loe Cg tag | = MOSEL yao) 0 PeCox a) Soa0" & 4/0. & Voup= (4440-85 or su Fog LB. Subsite “beg in (1) by the oerivitien versus Vin Gives 3 136%, 08.8, 5-13 20 “Vo = Ves NM, = 47] To Calculate Vy, ale assone That M, and M2 operate in the Trede and Suttecitia region respocTivgly oy = Fon. 4 2 7 FfoCon (24) [20% To “tea | = phCa AY, too Mel) ©] 1 byCom (1 3 BCom GH, [2 bot + 2h) 2a Fn Fit] Nout 4 Mia F foCon (4) [2¥an -2C%n a) +2] -9 Mot. Supstitited in (2) yields ‘out Zz Vinx i “Woo Yel) +P Vine 2 —> Voap= 0-8 This “value of Vout puts Mz into the Tri in foup= O+ he Trice sumption As aot Correct region So our initial ass Now ee asseme That both Mi and Mz operite in the Trade region Fpy= Fon pnCox (AY, ( 20%) oat “tout £ poCon AE, 0-1 (ono Z — (eo ton | (3) fioCon (4H, [2 tect +l Vo) Dit — 2 Vout Dt J = pocan( AL] 4 [2% (ool )(—Beast-) — 2 loo Toe] “| Paco, [ge —2 Ya + ar] Pron HE, [20-71 Yn!) 2 (oy Toul) LoL (yy Amp ~ | nol seat ae el ical th 4 “Fe Va tf “Vout = > After substitatiag «4 GS) Tf leads ta 2 ; 21FET Vin — 4-11 Vin 40. SPE =D Nout =0-93Y —» The assimphion AM Correct Ney = PRY WMy = 1 8b PE 034 NMa The smal signal ga of The cwrcuit Aa equal 10 ~In FO and once gr fo Cox (2), (est fo Coe (F5) Ne — Vien) Fo= | Vie a w] =S ie an ee (4), oe (HE, Now we celculate the aatait of M, for Vin= Yo Vop— 80% = Vout “agp ac [2% an] or ta | Roo Vout» (1 = 5 68 —Letoaid% 5S [268-2 204) - (440 Af see (204) bln 2 ra-0251[28 (240 45) -8(3 +07) = : 2 1880 ete 8 (25 +0-48]_S (2-04) = 24045 Kw 2 (88-0254[ 56841125 —4 4-168 —-01ES = 2404S 0245-04541 29 ALL (8. Vout Vout yp} inverter A ” ae Joe - 7 in vias : Vout Your vi DD hin Ron << Ra —e Vout, nin © ca] “Ya tT) + (ey Van] (1-29 EE ] v Note that “Vour(6l = » out (e} “Yo “Vas (tl “lo (1 -ep te) tre 2-15 op =thox (1 exp a x) CL) Vout (t= Vout CO) + [Vout 2)— Vout all a (-ep -t rol + out (+) =teor[o = ya) (era) “Vout (+1 “Yop epae Toes RG 0.05 yy = Yoo ah FF Racca. inverter exhibits epaal we and fal Time (Or low-to-hgh and high-fe-low delay) at the output: oa G=50fF { Voo a Th = los bo or oi 7% Te 3 Sut ae Rosmax=2 Tr= 3®oG. e100 ps Moon S 3K SopF Ro § 666.67 2 | 16. Yoo G, Caen ae “oar CH= Vout (51+ [Vout corto] (egal pe Vout (t| = Pour min + [Yoo euros (I-29 ia a Tout (t]= “Too (1p a) t>o 0.0 Io =o (1 ee et. od ie Tay = © #05 RoC 9-1 op = “too (1- eh ee. | Tag? BRC. a5 Tie, = 2-NF Roy = 211% [8X10 K 100X00 8. hp aa rE ote i; ( a } “O16 a lout Ly (H- eB t= Ton and Mz operate in The Salaroion At the Trip 2007 “n= Vout + therefor, both My Peon » 2 $poCox (AL) Ce von] Coc AE, (“ho ere ‘aCon (MA) too Tl YF” Foon Mel HoCon Mi) y el jsn05+(Siee}0 HL eres case oO ence 14 (toen2. ie Sox3 Tener = 0-827 | 2 y= Ton= fx teene Ss] (6 520.4) + Vin = Xp)= Toa = ap] = Ave ot Neto ys Replacig Mand Ma coith their onatl-Sigoal model in the Tn Vi 3l. 24 (Yoon tVonal) “Yoo — ain [Vol (44) J 14 3a on mal, Ve = Yoo I Ynnal Om NM a= “Vo9— To ten = toy 4 xf a ah bg if imphes That PMos Transfer 43 much CCM) Stronger Than NMOS. Therefor, ab Vin rocreases fron OV, the cxtout of raverTer remains *t Yes unt! input reaches hoo ~ Vtmal. At That romt, PMOS 44 Cor off and Tout Sheroly dropst OF. Kat t Yio M0 raf ey Sat da att ty» NMOS 13 premuhag and once maT Voltage hifs the Threshold Uotege of NMOS, ontoet Voltage Falls Sharaly Fo OT. Vout Nok That the exparaTion beTaeen Yin and V. cdepends on the slope Of VIC 19 The transition region Of &" approaches esther O° or mfrty. VIE exhibits ifirte gain in ts ThanarThon region Frerfore Wand Vy Comneide . Yoo Pps 2k NM, NMy=? Ma i * (CL), = Slo TS calculi NMi, My and Ma are assumed to be in the saturation and Triode region respecTively. a= By 4 Met hn a t+ Rp ) $e (, [thax = Chel f= 1 i ; FHC), (Ya—"how) + Meat cr) Wout =, gee Min ate Ww a ZpeCox (*E], [-2 Vow Vout} 2 Vantin -1 ena!) ea +2 Yoo Vout} Ay MoCo EY (Ta“Iu) 4 4 eae Coe (HY) (Hy : PH EO. in] pe FOC, [20 eal a] aa) Vy 40.73 plactir Rep 29 Vout 1 Cry exith its pveteal versus Vi cbfuned fram (2) gields 2 ZpeCon HE), [2a Yoal) Too toy 0.73) — Coy hy 0 ri] Spon (4 (Yi Ven) 4 LEM 2-83 2 frson1on = [pe 8 Wie 0.5) (1-8 11-073) — (8 1AVj—0 73)|- =—6 = 4 xtooxio x2 (Vy gw), LM 4 OF3 3 op (Me + 2008 ~3 TS2SX10 Wn 0 6HSW no 221875 =0 Vi= WML = ose] XV Not Acceptable ! This (3 fess thas threshold Voltage oF My > There por This answer 3 2oT acceptable « “means Phot My is ff ed shoald be lef tout in This Calewletion Lo,=05 cond (Cox (AL), [204 - 6 Tonio x ay [2 4-%e- ° o-40] [Towser = 06 wc) é x xSOxID x Ss [208% ~0 S}U8-0-Svy 0 FG oa OSV tod? 2000 2 ONBFS Vin — 0.6225 Ye +0-/726F S20 Vins NM = 0.3454 To delermne NMy , My and Mz are assumed to operate in the trode and Setturation region respectonly Foam toys Tet hae} ate ZieCox (HY (Too “aol = fon [2 C0 ral Yous “}e ; 1) Vout Vo Hour “ % - We PoCox(E], ho Ua Val) = paCon 2) [Your #20 on) Be Yous DMout Vout 4 eMout oe “Bia foyat ® ~Hocax(H, (eta Mal HaCan($ [Yate § Toe J + S001 Sx (15 ~tn-0-5) toonidn 2 opt (Zou Sy 4) L Yor in O~ — rd cs} Combining epas A) and (S) yields: a 2 dasoniox = (15+, snes — Vin - 9-3] = Mie 2 sal 0 ) ome 3 [20 0-4 oNntosy_ fat 242000 2 (O-Min+0 “yh 0:1 + 0°S4 2 ~ O24 Ta 41.3182 Vin —0. FSS31 20 Win =Vaq = 0-€F3-Y —> | NMy= Vo —Vq 2FY 33. re - “Vout (t=0) =9 o “Ly 7 Mh Yous li t Ge Soff O< Vout LI Vral 2 My in the Saturation z ae 7 Ce St os = L ppCon( HL) “oon= [Mall = asend' &- (18-05) -3 = 1-4KI0 AL “Wee t= Phat ie 1 1s -3 (href= 2.1,» Tan GEN oul Soxion (4400 )Kos SoG nd cen [etal < “Your < Toog » My in Tirde orm he +702 = J HCox (HE], [215-Pma ) Prous oo) — Cota] ! Bene aceeeedetpi - zh, ot 2h (aout (Fog Vo) fl 7 ianmuinnaa [ —!Frnal) Toa] [ 2M) ~ ol] 2CTop=lInal) re "2 C%>o— Vinal) (holou)Yoo~hat L [ lout te Cou(H PCbe-Linal] > lay—F ral) ogous) “Too Vout zee Too! tral ~ Too Ve. Ly 20M trust] = Choo“ Voot) LoCo), (Too tnt) t+ C ao “loo Pup 2 (Voom! rea} (Von —Yout) _ ig [ Co a olay yee EA ho [Tonal] t Time origin 43 assumed Tobe et Fal aIF PSPS “Vout (420) = [ral —— K=1 2 (Yoo = Yona!) (Toy —“bour) — Woo ~Vour PeCos EL, (Too Maal ft oe 4a (3-41 Vaal © ours Non T= c fol ° [Se 4, (To-tnal) o La (3-VKO-S/i. 2h Soxio&—! 5% = x(15- 0S) Soo 018 Toy, = Tt Ta = (FPS pA OF 94 Hal thar CO-45 Thy Ma in Tore Ko (LY) hom nal) t 2 (Too—W Init) (Thy Foutl _ a ca Yoo ~ Vout Ln (31-40! Tmal/-y,) (SLY oP) @ bot = 0-1Syp Then 4 Sonia _. x-& Sonss® O48 je r66x6"| Th=(?-7S #8 fom prenots problem Tom 09S Yop = Tt Te IF PS 4 FEB Te —> 04S y= 14-55 5 / Tow 0.450 If To—=Foep} =3 yp Vour (t20)= Yoo C= Sofr Ns Yo Yo _ . aT Yat (= Yous ye ton, 8 — My T* (4 = Not recessay Ve = tod Yoo/2 @) at WoW £ Tout

Ting ~log, = Sxio = 50.86 pS Vow) Vout oo, Ven Stout L yg My in Saturechon : “toy, teat Yoo My in Sabiralion ? ue z ea So nob fy Cox GH (ory Vou) = fewoncke tL (oa-o 4) = 6.94440 Tot hg Bet A a _ (bn. 2 Ce hap tooy, ) too Vooy, | Ei Totem 85510" Woet (012 Vp0 TooToo, I ig - fos 0 W 7 Tut fo ma PS C, = 30fF =? Fisg —e 2.95 Toa 8 @) Y= Von Toot X Wout £ “oo M, in Saturation 0.05 ho Vout Loon My in Trede a a ae aay niooxio X= (1-8-0 Goee fe floCon C4) (Yoo You) = sono kay 7 -4 = S.A44xI0 A Vout (ff «Wyo — 2x a Bd <4 hen KC OAK30O 22 241g S ae lias tae coats Chto, aE pon 4 (2 (tot) Tue tea] 1 Shout oat | 2 Ceol (3a) eo . i bout (b= 0] = Vay Vy Note That Time origin 1s assumed te be 2.2K10'S PE (AY) Coo tou)t Tout es 2. Ctae—Tou) — Tour Vout = 9: 9S Typ Cox Ww Eee (Fo) ey, —208tey EE], Mote “ehetonlr cosa 2 (hoo teu) 0.05 "tos . | 4434-40 Feu tpg) Tee Vr} 0-25 Too f° SY (oo "Ynu) 4n (31-4ox0-4/ 13) (00113 —L x+— (18-0 4) Soxto on TC Vr} —= o- OS Ty = 131.33 25S Te A re ooo 05 %p] Foo tno You) b0-“try 2-95 Voy } <4 Eee = 221o 4 1.5/3300 = (33.3378 Tetyp-~0-05%0) (6} Y= “boos, “em, tou out L toy M, in Sataciion 0.08 'too < Tour < “toy, “teu Min Wiode oo, pace ~6 ; ee = 6.44410 A By “hout (t= Yoo EMT Sea eee (ge toy, Ten) Chop, #01 ) aC. Foy 10 "CIty Ton, ton) = S-6IG KIO 5r 0.05 k four LUooy,— Ven for 0.08 Tout & Tho~ batt CL pte tor pron CY [209 te) Yor Sv] Con : | “out ‘ a Ee (E), (Yonge) # 2 Ton, —Yrra) — “Tou ~2 we pine S HY Cte) x7 2:05 Too ee Vout = 9: 9S Yop 2¢ ton —Yn) 0-05 Too Ln (M-40%%on/ 45) Voy, hy (aC Cen La (A -Aoxo-4 {1.8] 204 suse OF i "Cappy —e-05Ton | = (00X10. 10 =2-Sxie Tey, 0S Vp "ho 0-05) gig tea)” "toys ro 25 Fo 0 0 Ga Sni0 = OM. SPS | T Nog —e 0-05 Vp0) = S-E1GU0 ¢ 2+ SK10 By decreasieg “tn from Too to oof,» the Time it takes The outnut To reach 9.08~tp will be +3 time lager! T Cts9—-0-0 5 Yop) CH Se) bUS# 0 5 3 Thon 0-05 Too] = Vou) — /53° 338 (“),- ows ft Ma M, Cy i 2 Tom. + Tay ™ 8 saturation Te Cakculete Toot Ok eat Ctra] Ma in Ontee’ (haat & Tout £ Von, My in Trade 2 pal = peCox (AE, (Yoo-| Tol] Pout (t= ele HS (CEL, (loom Malt out (Toati} = Mal (tna 6Ce EheCon (2) (Tool taal) Teta = tor My operating in Tode region Bt po con (24), [20 PYnal hat} - (pte | tout a fee Lx ( ean ott 2 Tyo — Vs!) (Yoo-Tout) — ( tea)? Defy Yay Tout= land astiog Thal i peat au ats ane -t Ly loo Tour | Tout Tony, Cox 7 Ww 2p =m!) Ton — 21 V4] Heap et fe, me “bout = 1 Vea! Tuya = ——e a, 3-4. ‘el MeCox (24, (Too! Val) fo G 21 Tal ice lata eat eee ae jE mal 1 5 Taal Boing OA] aS =. es +h£a (3-425 | Sox) 3 pl 8> ~o-5) Vg-0s ae They = oe. Te Calculate Tout Too=Tou tout Lon My in eSaterition “hoy x “Tout Nope My in Triede. ~Abutx Ce Wr x Co Taree 2 Fo Epon tn Tort = ofter This point in time dh c,h. CA, [20 ar Ya] “Vout (t= 6) = Too —Tny “hate, i Vous eal ink ¢ Tea cheep nian St a tl “bout =“yy tems w Ge *4o (3-4 Ta] Mn? a a Hoon (I) (Tootou) te %, To Ta A ‘Fee ieee eee te te Pra = Prey + Tay 2 fo Wa a stm) loo th Sono ‘f ee aac Toy = SOMO toa c loon cl (18-944 -10 Tha (3563 x10 38. Np =I B pl BK Ol ANI 21 Vonl real Coes ears Gea MC) Too imal) | To / Yaa as ; S0K10. ee +4o( 346 fi seep eee eae erred s aise yf gsigs 1 18— 0: Sexo nS ail I They = 8-546 x16" al 10 Were a Tur=// 8 BAG KIO ~/. 23fzau0 x100 LO3F FHI = 14. as/ eee eee 2¥mi yy, sata Eee ae (0a ee. “tg —tog 05-4] “s 2 0x10 tn(3.4.2 1o0Knto x Ly (8-0-4) ae a O15 775! 10 Ten = 16 (F6F x10 ~0 ~10 Decks in Tom = |_t:1F6E KID 3563x109 ee Seager 13563 x10? S aay, 34. Wo =0-9-F : Sep e E HCH EY, (tonal Atour Ce (Ha) ace Tee ERC I. tu 1 Maall™ a 0:45 BoxIo nae 3 ~é fx sons 3 x (0-4-0. fi sens 304-05] TRL = SARIS 2 S4ODS o. [2s “Vn ] Te tha (34m PO PoE) ttn) br Ca : a 2804 4 da (s_pt loonio% pte 4-0-4] oT-o4 | -10 Thy. = TS NSEKIO = S16 pS Increase in Toy S-Ano. ° LosPeu6" pw (03FFKIO = 420035 i Iherense i Tene = / S.b6 KIO! So io” (356316? =252.36/ 40+ Toy = Toy, = 80S = 50g y 4 Ch (802 gq 21 Ven2f Tay = e a +Ln(3- Lip PeCon CE], (Yoo l Yael] LYoo-nal ( ) oe : Boxio = Ss ee t Soxidrn (8 o-Sfa(A], L825 tae SRST Teena aed cre fon C4, (Too~ tans) Ce a 2 nt BOxI9 = ———-__Soxio_ sg iemcasraaerereg ae od hooxa Ww 1-0-4 16 O° (180-4) Al. Cy 2 a = 7 at tn (34 tw) foCox CH, (Yoo=Veu) Fon — Vn “hoo Min =O-4 at tn (3-4 2 “to0- Yon “hoo Las tu} “os Van = 0-4 —> [Vo = SF Zhe oct ely (8-4 Vou | +t, 20 — ooh oe Lal to “he es et bo (3 4 CE ee Ter cea ag] ee faces CH, (Yoo—Vony Tou, 2 (ODS Ca= 80fF “Too= 2 ae IRIE EM domberIEIet 2004 a (s-42 fooxio = = & loorion Bae (%p~ & a) Vyp= 244 I a a0 =a qt (se ry Vop-0-4 0 Tein= 120 $s (A), =2 Gas = IO fF Any = 2 fog = 1-8 ~ Fe allelic fara la “a Ton.= 1606S poco f amy (no oto bys bSY C= fF as E 24a dono _ ae (20410 38 oni (68 Vent) 2% 160n0' = neon wien 2 ta 100K18. A | (= “i | 1S —Vay Dining Epucttions CU) and (2) guelds: Amt 4 bn (3~ ale) S—Tru £3 —%ou . “a 1.6 - Vw 4 TH Ln (3-4 re 13 Ty at da( 5-4 tt) ny = 1-8 (a). 1-8 — Tn ale ieee WL (3-4-4) 1ST oe This cpuation docsat kad fa arcal Valie far by 5? We tiie another derwaTion 2% Sig 1S 8M Vins = 0- ass [5 -e AA, G Phe bn ( 3-4 Hew. 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