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World War I: The Homefront (Chapter 6, Section 2)

What did the Selective Service Act of 1917 do?

What did women do for the first time in World War I?

What did the War Industries Board do? Who was in charge of it?

Who was in charge of the Food Administration? What did it do?

What were Americans encouraged to go without on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays?

What was a Victory Garden?

The bonds that were sold to pay for the war were called:
What effect did the war have on the following groups? 2-3 details each
2. Describe the Great Migration3.
Mexican and Mexican-Americans:

Read the subsection called Selling the War (p. 379 TB) or Ensuring Public Support ( p. 115
h/o). What are 3 or 4 important facts to know about the Committee on Public
Information or CPI?

What was the Espionage Act 1917?

What was the Sedition Act 1918? How does it affect freedom of speech?

What were some examples of Anti-German feelings in the United States during the war?

What did the Supreme Court decide in the court case Schenck v. the United States?

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