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Oprah and Elie Wiesel at Auschwitz

While viewing the video, please complete the information needed to answer each question
or close reading sentence listed below.
Part 1
Describe what Oprah and Elie are wearing and what you see in the opening scene.

______ to ______ million Eastern European Jews died at _________________.

When did Elie Wiesel arrive at Auschwitz?

How many Jews died during the Holocaust?

What caused the problems in Germany prior to Holocaust?

What started WWII?

How big was Auschwitz?

Who was left after the Holocaust?

Why does Elie Wiesel speak softly while visiting Auschwitz?


What does Elie Wiesel believe is still at Auschwitz?

Auschwitz is the largest ______________ in history.

What was Elie Wiesels first impression of Auschwitz?

What does Elie Wiesel say they would have done if they would have known what Auschwitz

How many were put in the cattle cars at a time?

What did Elie Wiesel smell getting off the train at Auschwitz?

What was Mrs. Schachter?

Where was Elies family sent?

Part 2
What does Elie say as he looks back on the Holocaust?

How does Elie feel about suffering today?

The _____________ Concentration Camp is the site of the _____________ mass

______________ in the ________________ of mankind. A ______________ of
death. Those that survived selection were executed, _____________, or
_______________ to death.
Then came the ________ __________________.
________________ Hungarian Jews were deported every day.
Largest camp at Auschwitz was ___________________ and it had ___ gas chambers.
____________ ___ gas was used to ____________ them while they
______________. It took ___ minutes to die and it felt like ________________.
The SS would _______________ the gassings through ___________ ___________.
A special _________ called Sonderkommando took care of the _________ __________.
The __________ were lowered into ____________ _____________ ovens.
Where does Elie Wiesel believe his family was killed?

How and when was it destroyed?

According to Elie Wiesel, they were deprived of their ______________, their

____________________, their ________, their _____________, their
____________ and their ____________.

Part 3
The ______ of Auschwitz was the ________ of __________.
What is Elie Wiesels comment when they were at the crematoriums site?

What are Elie Wiesels favorite words?

How was it believed that the allies knew of the Nazis plans to destroy the Jews?
____% of prisoners arriving at Auschwitz were sent to the ____ _______________
while the rest were deemed fit to ____________ and worthy to ___________.
How many people were assigned to a bunk?
How many blankets did they receive?
What was the mattress made from?
What hurried death?
What was their average life span?
What was their uniform?
What were they given to eat?
Who does Elie Wiesel think of all the time?
What right did the SS have?
I dont remember myself _____________, only __________________.
Part 4 and 5
I have published ______ books, but I feel __________________________________
_____________________________________. I havent done _________________.
Where were Elie and his father moved to?

What was it referred to as being?

Arbeit Macht Frei means ____________ ___________ __________ _____________.

Where was this written?
How does Elie Wiesel describe himself as a boy?

Who did Elie Wiesel stay alive for and why?

What does Elie Wiesel say they lived inside of?

Identify some of Dr. Mengeles experiments.

Name the items protected behind glass.






What was Zyklon B used for before WWII?

In regard to #2 above, what did the owners write on them?

How many people had died at Auschwitz by the time it closed?

As Elie Wiesel and Oprah are looking at the shoes what comments are made?

How many Jews died during the Holocaust?

Why was their hair taken from them?

Part 6
Fill-in the blanks regarding the ancient legend Elie speaks about.
Whenever a just ____________ dies _________ sheds ____ tears. And when they fall
into the ____________ they are reverberated throughout the __________________.

The __________ of one ___________ makes no ____________. The ____________

of ______________ what sense could it make? Except for _____________. Now we

To Those Who Lost Their Lives

We Rememeber!

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