Grammar Sample

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LTTC - English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5

A. Short Comprehension
The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to understand the passage
(around 110 words) and answer the questions.
B. Usage
The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to understand and use the
following grammar areas:

Past participle of regular & irregular verbs go, went, gone


Present perfect simple (positive & negative form) I have lost my keys; We havent
been to Spain.


Interrogative form of present perfect simple Have you had lunch?


Present perfect simple or past simple I have had lunch already; I had dinner at 7


Present perfect simple with since, for, ever, never, already.


Subordinating conjunctions although, because, unless, until


Future form will vs. going to (spontaneous and planned action)

Ill answer the phone; I am going to London in August.


Adverbs of manner happily, slowly, lazily, bravely, softly, heavily, etc.


Reflexive pronouns myself, yourselves, herself, themselves, etc.

10. Comparatives & Superlatives good, better, best / bad, worse, worst / much, more,
11. Modal verbs may, might, should, would
12. Usage of be able to I have been able to draw since I was three.
C. Lexis
The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to understand and use the
vocabulary related to:

Cooking verbs add, beat, cut, heat, mix, peel, stir, spread, etc.


In the kitchen blender, frying pan, tin opener, mixer, toaster, etc.


Places fitness centre, museum, theatre, community centre, etc.


On the road convenient, expensive, comfortable, accident, footbridge, pedestrian,

pavement, traffic congestion, etc.


Transportation cruise ship, helicopter, rickshaw, coach, etc.


Travel & Holiday adventure, beach, camping, package tour, theme park, safari,
sightseeing tour, etc.


Entertainment comedy, drama, fantasy, romantic, etc.


Special occasions Carnival, St. Valentines Day, wedding reception, etc.


Natural disasters landslide, snowstorm, typhoon, earthquake, flood, volcanic

eruption, tsunami, etc.

10. Phrasal verbs queue up, in a hurry, spill on, in two hours, etc.
Total Marks: 100
Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes
Attainment Bands:
Excellent (100 - 90), Distinction (89 - 80), Merit (79 - 70), Pass (69 - 50), Unsuccessful (49)
LTTC English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5

English Grammar Proficiency Test

Grade Five

Students name:



Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes

Total 100 marks
Attainment Bands:
Excellent (100 - 90), Distinction (89 - 80), Merit (79 - 70), Pass (69 - 50), Unsuccessful (49)
LTTC English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5 Sample Paper


1. Reading Comprehension
Here is some information on tourist attractions in Hong Kong.

A. Hong Kong Museum of Art It is open to anyone who wants to

take a glimpse at Hong Kong culture and history through its large collection of over
14,000 items ranging from calligraphy and paintings to art
objects and antiques.
B. Hong Kong Disneyland - The newly opened theme park offers
total fun and excitement for the whole family.
C. Victoria Peak Take the tram to the top and enjoy the best
views of the city and the harbour. While the night-time views
are spectacular, the restaurants and entertainment attractions on the Peak will keep
your attention for a longer time.
D. Lantau Island Take a boat trip around the waters of Lantau Island and watch the
endangered pink dolphins that only live in these waters.
E. Ocean Park It is a unique combination of marine centre and
amusement park, with the most popular attractions where you and
your kids will have great fun. You can visit the four giant pandas,
view the worlds largest reef aquarium, walk amongst the sea jellies,
and watch the dolphins and sea lions perform. Rides on the cable cars and roller
coasters are unforgettable.
F. Stanley Market It is famous for shopping for "authentic" Hong Kong souvenirs.
Stanley also has good beaches and a number of great restaurants.

LTTC English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5 Sample Paper


Your friend from Canada is coming to visit Hong Kong. Give your friend the
best advice in complete sentences (10%)
1. My elder sister is very interested in arts. Where can she visit?

2. Where can we buy some souvenirs?


3. Where can we get the best view of the Hong Kong skyline?

4. Name two things we can do at Ocean Park.


5. If we want to take a cruise, where can we go and what can we see?


LTTC English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5 Sample Paper


2. Write the correct answers on the lines (5%)

Example: We should not run in the classroom.
a. should
b. might
c. would
1. The waitress asked us what we __________ like to have.
a. should
b. might
c. would
2. We __________ help your friends when they are in trouble.
a. may
b. should
c. could
3. __________ I borrow your calculator? I promise to return it tomorrow.
a. might

b. should

c. may

4. Judy __________ not come to the party tonight. She is very tired.
a. could
b. should
c. might
5. __________ I go now? I have been waiting for 5 hours already.
a. may
b. would
c. might

3. Write the correct answers on the lines (5%)

1. Marie was very pleased __________ the presents she received for her birthday.
a. about
b. by
c. with
2. I am so excited. The new school term will start __________ three days.
a. with
b. in
c. for
3. My cousins stayed __________ at my house last weekend.
a. over
b. in
c. around
4. The principal was unhappy __________ the exam results.
a. for
b. with
c. by
5. The students were worried __________ their public examination.
a. for

b. about

c. from

LTTC English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5 Sample Paper


4. Fill in blanks with the correct words (5%)

Example: Dont run so quickly (quick / quickly). I cant catch up with you!
1. I have seen this __________ (beautiful / beautifully) painting at a gallery in


2. Stop eating __________ (heavy / heavily) meals at night and start eating

__________ (healthy / healthily).

3. My grandmother is a very __________ (calm / calmly) lady. She never raises her

voice. She always speaks __________ (soft / softly).

5. Fill in the blanks with only ONE word (5%)

1. Michaels married. __________ wife is a dancer.

2. The children did the exercise __________ without any help.

3. What a nice family photo. Which one is __________ sister?

4. My grandparents live on the other side of the street. Thats __________ house,

the blue one.

5. Kelly and I made a website all by __________.

LTTC English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5 Sample Paper


6. Answer the following questions using the words given in brackets (10%)
Example: Where is the headquarter of 7-Eleven? (Japan)
The headquarter of 7-Eleven is in Japan.

1. When did the first 7-Eleven start operating in Texas, USA? (1927)

2. How many years has 7-Eleven been in Hong Kong? (nearly 30 years)

3. How long has 7-Eleven been in Hong Kong? (1981)

4. How many 7-Eleven convenience stores are there in Hong Kong? (more than 950

5. Has 7-Eleven got an outlet in France? (yet)


LTTC English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5 Sample Paper



7. Complete the following letter using the appropriate tense (30%)

Dear Vicky,

Im sorry I

havent written (not write) for a long time. I (1)__________ (receive)

your last letter in May. A lot of things (2)__________ (happen) since then. In July
we (3)__________ (go) on holiday to Mexico. It was great! I
(4)__________ (never have) such a good time on holiday before. I
(5)__________ (even learn) a few words of Portuguese.
Only two terrible things (6)__________ (happen) there. I (7)__________ (lose) my
brand new camera, and my sister (8)__________ (fall) off our hotel balcony and
(9)___________ (land) in a palm tree. She almost (10)_____________ (destroy) the
tree, luckily she (11)_____________ (not hurt) herself. I (12)_____________
(send) you a postcard from Guanajuato. (13)__________ (you get) it?


September I (14)__________ (start) at my new school.

You should (15)__________ (come) and visit me before the school term starts.

Best regards

LTTC English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5 Sample Paper


8. Fill in the blanks using an appropriate future form (10%)

1. My mother has bought some ingredients; she __________ bake a cake tomorrow.
2. A: I told you to tidy up your room.
B: Sorry, Mum. I forgot. I __________ do it after lunch.
3. Are you going to Karens party tonight?
No, I __________ go to the cinema with my cousin; she bought the tickets
4. I think I __________ take the dog out for a walk after I have breakfast.
5. Sally has three days off next week. She __________ visit us.
6. The clouds are very dark. It __________ rain soon.
7. I __________ see the dentist on Friday morning. I made the appointment two
weeks ago.
8. Dont get up. I __________ answer the door.
9. Theres no milk left! Oh. I __________ get some from the shop.
10. The population of China __________ reach 1.4 billion by the year 2020.

LTTC English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5 Sample Paper


9. Complete the following passage using the words provided (10%)

taxi, airport, passport, suitcase, check-in counter, ticket,

seat, ferry, holiday, passenger, planes, boarding pass,
Airport Express, X-ray machine, transport

Matthew enjoys travelling.


are the only form of transport in the sky. Today

he is going to Hong Kong for a (1)__________ by this type of transport. He has to

arrive at the (2)__________ two hours ahead so he plans to leave home very early.
He takes the (3)__________. First he goes to the (4)__________ to check in his
luggage. He has a (5)__________ and a rucksack.
The airline staff asks for his (6)__________ and air (7)__________. Then he gets a
(8)__________. It shows his (9)__________ is 25A. After the immigration desk he
puts his rucksack through an (10)__________ and he walks through a metal detector.
Now Matthew is ready to board the plane and fly to Hong Kong.

LTTC English Grammar Proficiency Test Grade 5 Sample Paper


10. Answer the following questions using the pictures provided (10%)
Example: What can we use to open a tin?
We can use a tin opener to open a tin.

1. What can we use to make toast?


2. What can we use to open a bottle of wine?


3. What can we use to mix food?


4. Where can we go to watch musicals?


5. Where can we go to play badminton?


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