Reflection Wwi Paragraph

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Directions: Review your paragraph and comments, then complete this reflection.

1. Did you follow the format that was given to you? Yes No
If you answered NO, why didnt you?

2. Did you use the documents that were given to you for your arguments and
support? Yes No
If you answered NO, why didnt you?
I used information from them, but did not specify that they were used.

3. What did you do well in writing this paragraph?

I feel that I structured it well, and that I had good reasons.

4. What do you need to work on for next time?

I need to say where I got my information, and I need to turn it in on time.

5. How do you plan to make improvements on your next writing piece?

I plan to be more specific and to say what my information is from. I will also make
sure it is turned in on time.


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