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Best Friends!

Child: Ebado and Aasma

Date: October 2015
Written by: T. Bushra
This last fortnight all of your teachers have noticed the beginning of your friendship
with Asma. Your mutual interest in books and art saw you both spending more time
together, followed by you saving seats for each other at the table to ensure you could
sit next to each other. This morning you asked me where Asma was, I told you she
was outside in the sunshine. When we went outside to find her your face lit up as
you ran towards her, grabbing her hand to walk around the playground. You spent a
large majority of the day together, running around , playing in the play house and
creating with the play dough inside, sharing a piece of paper to construct a shared
art work.
Review of learning
Ebado I am so happy to see your friendship with Asma strengthen through your
mutual interests. Hearing you talk together, I can hear your English vocabulary
extending through conversational language with a peer. This friendship has
strengthened your confidence, resulting in you verbally expressing your wishes
clearly. While creating, innovating and imagining, I can see you using all five senses
to gather data, finding humour as you respond with wonderment and awe.
Where to next

It is great to see you have developed a strong friendship with a peer you do not know
well outside of school, supporting your language, social and emotional development.
We will continue to carefully observe you and take on your familys feedback when
you return before implementing next steps for you.

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