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Are Scions of the Prehistoric Monsters That

Once Roamed the Earth Still to Be Found
Within Little-Known Parts of the Dark Continent?
Here Are Weird Tales, Told TO Huntsmen Unknown Beasts
by the Junglemen, of Strange Beasts That Lurk of the Jungle
TS7HAT may be living in the
in the Wilds in Their Primitive State " Richtersveld? A f r i c a
does not explain.
Nor does the countryside
know what dwells in the won-
tjp;os; drous Karaoveld to the south
; ^^ of Portugal's colony, Angola.
. •o^'TH.MHr.H
NP £™-C£s
,oi A* Professional elephant hunt-

^r A" 'i . ers believe they have, far off.

and unsuccessfully, 'stalked a
creature hitherto believed to
be extinct—the quagga, some-
thing between a zebra and a
4.GASCAS. Gorillas were considered
fabulous creatures until Du
Chsf'J'j, <?'!!•'"£ t*"» iRSfls. de-

• iy
ACTUALLY FL.1 Mf livered proof of their actual
existence. In the g r e a t
The footprints of .African island of Madagascar
a dinosaur, a have been found huge addled
•,f. - prehistoric animal eggs, laid in fairly recent
*** t v
closely related to times by the original of Sind-
Iffl >

the brontosaurus bad the Sailor's "roc," that

monstrous bird which fed its
"*»' young on elephants.

/'N <. "5

'lap of Africa showing habitat

jf strange animal life, about
which little is known

Johannesburg, South Africa.

f t J~\EEP in the center of mysterious Africa, by
U the banks of a sluyyish swamp many hun-
dreds of miles across, quivering, slimy, next to reeds •_" 'ft^ , >*•? >l, >'

and fantastically- twisted- 'bushes, .that . have their v-- ^- ' «•«*••)>*>"
roots thirty feet below the matted,' dying'-greenary,- I"', / < < &'*:^
lazes the. scaly, towering body of the world's last
hrnvtnsniinis fit/* Vnin/ /l'-imi« t^n,i/*'™/in r,f° flmf inm1_
stivus beast which -crashed through Pennsylvania's
final forest* $0.000,000 years back."

npHUS run the astouncii'ng'stofiea which have furtively

••• and despite scornful Inujrhter been drifting to the
Southern Continent's cities out of the jungles which
surround the Equator. '
When certain sun-hclmetecl white settlers first attempts, and then its eternal search loi
hacked their path between thorn ami baobab trees gold, diamonds, copper and other miner-
toward the lands north of Rhodesia, two decades ago, the als caused men to. neglect the mystery
pitch-black, naked, grinning savages carried the pioneers' Railroads traverse Rhodesia, the Vic-
self-sufficient luggage, the special tents fortified against toria Palls are crossed by a spray-bathed
five-inch-in-half-an-hour rains, the elephant guns, the bridge, great mines clatter machinery in
path of. crushed reeds, twenty feet wide, the bush, but Barotseland is almost as
quinine or other medicines for tropical ailments and the leading to the inner mystery region of before the white man's coming, and far,
creaking ammunition in a long, striding procession the Kafue.' far upriver gleam those strange white
through the inch-wide Kaffir paths winding down the "1 swear I saw a brontosaurus trail," swamps with their unhealthy climate and
spoke the American, and far out of the inaccessible approaches, hot and steamy
crocodile valleys. These natives started singing eerie walked past the huts on the open space
with reeds. They look as they did be-
of dried anthill soil. forest came the chatter of agitated Ba-
songs in the melodious deep tongue of the kraals. "I greet the white men," murmured the rotses as they drew back from thc Great fore history started, perhaps before man
"He Is coming, the Great One," chanted chief. "What do they want?" Ones' territory. . existed, as in the days when the bronto-
the grizzled head currier, who peered ir; "We seek the Great Ones," spoke the The pioneers never got farther. > So ter- saurus or his fellow monsters came, with
front ol the explorers (or gaps left In the The fabled "roc's rified did the natives feel, so unhealthy fearful teeth and horny skin, to terrorize
old hunter.
Jungle by passing elephants, where many cgg:l in the "Ara- "Up the Kafue River, far up, they are was the reek of- the green swamps the coal-field forests of 50,000,000 yeara
men could walk with ease. "He Is com- bian Nights" story found. My iuduna (counselor) will.take and so ill'.equlppe<; the expedition after ago.
ing," repeated the young savages behind. of Sindbad the you near the land." all thc long weeks, that the tramp was
"The beast that makes the ground rock." Into narrow, shaky canoes the travelers discontinued. Back to the far-off towns, rnHE brontosaurus is not' by any means
The sun-reddened Europeans, who per-
Sailor climbed, and as the singing, naked black down-country, trekked the expedition. -*• the only prehistoric creature whosa
spired as they strode on the track throtiBl) oarsmen punted along the swirling, wide Joyously sang the bearers as the dreadful presence has been surmised in little-
the bush grass, looked at each other's waters where the snout of an occasional Kafue swamps grew distant and the ca- known parts of Africa.
uttuutu visages,
viaubi-j, unshaven
uijDimvi:ii for
lur many
"You may take
many M lnl .,,u n iii
tins tram me. «>*...
Even wool of their topknots carved Into shapes crocodile peered unpleasantly'above the noes sped down thc river current;. Thc fat At this very moment the white settler"
has seen Ule Bn| waves, the Europeans could not refrain chief still sat under. his palm tree as If In. Kenya Colony, & British possession
weeks. "Of what are they talking?" ques- ' , ,, ,, nal v,'""" - like•.••I'l"--,.
•>•"•- clippedt.....>..,
«. u«thei»>-
es s ei
tloned a young man who had left America ZLL! , ,, ' ' P * of them and eels from faithful Mashona bearers who from staring into the rustling, echoing he had not moved since the expedition lying across the Equator, are piecing to-
definitely believe that they exist. had sung of the Great Ones and who bush on either side in the hope of be- came. "I knew you would never meet the gether the timidly disclosed Information
now walked home with the jingling of holding a long scaly neck and the glassy Great Ones. But you have seen their scraps winch their black servants, the
precious silver coins In their blfick hands eyes ot the 50,000,000-year-old monster. footprints. Now the white men will be- Masai, Swahilis and other tribesmen,
(the Kafflr has no pockets In his beads) "I will go no farther," shouted the lieve.7' give about the famous "Nandl bear." This
on a little hike to their home kraal GOO brave whom the chief had commanded to weird creature Is named after the unex-
> J miles down cuiuury. out evening the T>T.T tS; -r/!!c ~?r. i'.i r.?t .-.!) l-oHcrc.
was slowly trampling down a glade ot .„„„„,',,.„" '','',.'„ •• ""•"= -",-t" "-' •*-* Scornfully many Afrikanders made & Uves. A huge hairy monster with &
nrchlrt, wnrth
orchids worth . IJ,nn™nHdollars
a thousand rioll»r. »,rhin(n L°""rd th ?. "•"'"own regions n
each American stood up by the marimba fire. "rrrrrrp," boats crashed on stone-filled
Equator which Stanley and Livingstone "Boys," he spoke, "that creature's a good mud while the black bearers leaped ashore Joke of the tale, "They saw a mud hole shaggy fur and long, tearing claws, with
I'hiladelphla. terrible teeth and very prominent ears—
"Youlou nave
have seen
seen lots
lota ol
ol those d raversi;d but OI to march hastily on to the slimy but se- and called it a spoor," thus went their
Oiose queer am TOc ,ast rtlte 6ct.,clncnte loy bcl]!nd thc Mgti<s ^^ brontosaurus,
ouecr am- ™" ' * sketchlly described, old-fashioned ^ survlvj! ^ the last pre-
tm ^_ cure jungle soil, away from the croco- explanation of the adventurers' account. such is the description given by the blacks

^nto^c=^,r^h: ^r^^s^irssr —- -™*l-^•:

mals?" The senior of the travelers pointed Others, however, felt -less skeptical. The of this terror o' the forest. Dun glades
long trail that the bearers were trampling tury. And just fancy the sensation if we diles. The men had come upon the great,
mysterious Kafue swamps. maps were lifted out of cupboards In the In an endless jungle, amid a region whose
Shiny and green the stagnant marshes African survey offices and with rulers the soil Is never touched by direct sunlight
shape rather like a locomotive, a horn by huge ccatury-old trees; Kaffir kraals ot (fTTAVE you heard about bU: beasts up with the reeds stretched to the north. unmapped boundaries of the Kafue because of the thickness of overhead foli-
above one's no.-e, a two-Inch skin, cer- 5traw hotlscSi mountci t n chalns nonuntcd Floating water plants matted on the sur- swamps were measured. Thousands, of age—this is said to be the brute's home-
talniy was cunous. "Well, my friend," ^th bgbooBSi pra,ri(a on w,.0,c ... A'-l there?" asked the yr.-mr stranger,
with a finger directed'tows rd thc low line face. Snakes lolled Sctrreen fetid-smelling unexamined square, miles. Water, slime land.
"^.I'Tf eaa th S lapC! S m M h d!y bc tropic plants. Rotting grass lay packed and plants which may have originated 1= No less a celebrity than the game war-
rhinos, all the tapir^, tu'?£"*'„ ",f and
all the whales 'JS = ' °' "°" ' " of outlying'tangTrd'bu.Vn'^Mrhl.^'ca'ra:
secn-a, the endless African Continent van was nearing. The .w.'.or Kafflr tight as felt in Ions floating rafts. In the ages when coal fields were still for- den of Kenya Colony, probably one of
armadillos in the wide world are as ordi- showed Its everlasting facets. alleyways between the bushes the hippos ests. An eminent American geologist the world's half-dozen great experts on
nary as the old row on. the home farm grinned with sharp-filed tcrih and dan-
A thunder through the quivering palm Sled the great copper rinss !:i his ears as dozed comfortably as their leathery skin voiced his opinion while all Africa re- African wild life, has openly declared: "I
when compared with the creature about forests, a great white cloud rising a thou- he excitedly answered: "3;g blasts—yes, gleamed In the sun. sounded with the brontosaurus dispute. believe the Nandl bear exists."
which the Mashouay are singing." sand feet into the blue tropic heaven, and sreat animals like— like no o:!icr animal. "Look out," a venturesome American "It is perfectly possible that the country Stanley had heard rumors about th9
the marchers reached the falling wall o! Body like elephant, little it'.v, like croco- nearly ended In the softly poisonous quick- contains prehistoric monsters. We know "okapl" thirty years before It was actu-
fVHE sudden dusk caused the the tents toto mtfTi one Mlt. across on[1 450 !cM hlRn dile, neck like giraffe, rnoiiih -- " Two sands of the Kafue. For weeks thc ex- they lived in swamps. Why not in the auy found. He trekked through the fa-
J- be
ho erected
fnrlffl in a
in R palm-shaded
™l m .«h«rt»rt glade.
olr,rt» the knowl] (0 al, th(, wor,d eycu
black arms stretched to thr d?.:np air In plorers toiled along the edge ot the swamp, Kafue ?" mous Congo forest In which It lives but
The natives cooked their maize around in those savaye times, as the Victoria token of Hoping immensity. hacking thc lianas that twisted onto dead Then a queer thing occurred. never beheld, a single specimen.
t.» St!;c ba'.sflrc, 2:ci to scsrc asaj lloc: Falli V,1ulc- liiujuuoluuiiu ,-,v,J aw.imilc i'h
' :u. iiisnt, liie Baroi;e m. ircrs once stumps, dropping superiiuous luggage In An extinct animal, known to cclence Another prehistoric brute, the Kafora
irom the improvised thorn fence that lounged on every muddy bank, thc huge again were chanting the tr-rnrs of thc thc mud, and lighting great flames to only from fossils, was actually found alive and the Hottentots affirm, lives on the
Jungle travelers put around their camp Zambesi Iliver was harrying nnst. its pnlm Groat Ones. Into the u::rrrno'« clearings' scare away the animals with gleaming by the German Duke of Mecklenburg In banks of the Orange River where that
during thc darkne-ss. Dropping the antl- islets into the that led toward the of the jungle traveled tho pioneers till eyes that stared uncannily out of the the Central Congo. great torrent flows through the unexam-
quated English and American magazines, distant sea. they saw the steep roofs o; t;:e kraal ruled dark at night. One morning the head "Okapl" Is the name of the curious ined canons of the .treasure-hiding Rich-
the wanderers talked about the song. The expedition ncared the lands of the by a Barotse chief possiT.;ir.j an unre- bearer went out to fetch an edible nut. He beast, half horse, half zebra, that has tersveld.
"What on earth are the Great Ones?" Groat Ones. A tiny white jungle set- memberable name. never came back. On the outer edge of actually been taken to overseas zoos. So Fred Cornell, well known throughout
queried the young fellows as they oiled tlement by the falls, where lonely sur- Under a palm tree sat th? fat, greasy, the swamp lay blood upon the grass, while our friend the brontosaurus, of whom the Southern Africa as an explorer and min-
their mins. "Goodnew *now«" The veyors were propsrir:!; for the Caps-ta- Slac!: Kir.; r!:h t.;a: .-„-„: •„.;,,.. j^ngilng on tiie set mud some yards Iran the Kaffirs speak, i£ not so eery impossible. eral seeker, tried hard to track &a«n tho
hunter who claimed to have walked fur- Calro Railroad, now under construction, from his thick neck and a favorite wife shore was a footprint- -five feet ior.o. "Did people go to examine the Kafue "groot slan?." as the hunters of the des-
ther north than any other European, did cot keep back the explorers long. waving a fly swatter of monkeys' tails In "No mistake-," said the "old hunter, swamps?" you may inquire. Africa 1» ert lands call the beast.
shrugged his khaH-shirted shoulders. Fuzzy-haired Barotee braves, with the his perspiring flabby face. The explorers "claws, and scaly padded feet, and a great rather a forgetful neighborhood. A few c*nirie*t *r PoJHs Lttotr


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