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Lesson Plan Template Guide

Understanding By Design Framework


ELA, Social, Science, Math,

Visual Art
Movements of Refugees
How have different cultures
experienced conflict?

Grade Level


Time Frame

1-2 weeks
Amanda, Dominique,

Developed by

Kelly, Megan, Jess

Stage 1 Desired Results

Content Standard(s):
Social Studies
To what extent should contemporary society respond to the legacies of historical globalization?
Students will exhibit a global consciousness with respect to the human condition
Students will assess economic, environmental and other contemporary impacts of globalization:
-Recognize and appreciate multiple perspectives that exist with respect to the relationships among politics,
economics, the environment and globalization.
-Explore multiple perspectives regarding the relationship among people, the land and globalization
(spirituality, stewardship, sustainability, resource development)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
-Determine inquiry or research requirements
-Focus on purpose and presentation form
-Plan inquiry or research, and identify information needs and sources
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to create oral, print, visual and multimedia texts, and
enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
-Develop and present a variety of print and non-print texts
-Assess text creation context
-Consider and address form, structure and medium
-Develop content
-Use production, publication and presentation strategies and technologies consistent with context

Students will be introduced to Unit D by: Climatic factors largely determine the flora and fauna found in each of the
worlds major biomes. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has stated that the
balance of evidence suggests a human influence on global climate. Scientists from various fields are
studying this relationship to determine the potential impact on biomes

Students will interpret graphs and data by:
-Develop algebraic and graphical reasoning through the study of relations
-Demonstrate an understanding of relations and functions
-Interpret and explain the relationships among data, graphs and situations, describe and represent linear
relations, using: words, ordered pairs, tables of values, graphs, equations.

Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas:

Students will understand that
Refugee crises from historical conflicts have
been handled in a variety of ways

Essential Questions:
How have different cultures experienced conflict?

Knowledge objectives (outcomes):

Students will know . . .
The treatment of refugees within their
historical crisis
The environmental impact of conflict with their
historical region

Skill objectives (outcomes):

Students will be able to . . .
analyze and interpret scientific data
write a professional news article

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s):

Students will be tasked with creating the front page of a fictional Canadian newspaper for a particular
day within their conflict. Students will be required to incorporate data and findings from their
investigation into the environment of the region as well as their journalism investigation.
G Goal
What should students
accomplish by completing
this task?
R Role
What role (perspective)
will your students be
A Audience
Who is the relevant
S Situation
The context or challenge
provided to the student.

Students will have a well rounded understanding of their historical conflict. They
will be able to recognize the decisions made by the various involved parties and
the impact these decisions had on the experience of the refugee.
Students will be adopting the role of an investigative journalist.

The audience will be the Canadian public who would be reading their news papers
Students will be assigned a historical conflict that involved a large movement of
refugees. They will be researching the news coverage of this conflict including the
impact on the local environment

P Product, Performance Students will create the front page of a news paper to communicate their findings.
product/performance will
the student create?
S Standards & Criteria
See rubric attached (in development)
for Success
Student Self-Assessments
Other Evidence (assessments)
Includes peer editing, graphic organizer
Includes pre-assessment, formative assessment, and
completion/review, formative assessment
summative assessment evidence.
review/retakes, and individual meetings with
Can be individual or group based.
Can include informal methods (such as thumbs up,
Can be individual or group based.
thumbs down, and formal assessments, such as quiz,
Can include formal written reflection, as well
answers to questions on a worksheet, written reflection,
as informal methods (such as thumbs up,
and essay.
thumbs down, and formal assessments).

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
This is the core of your lesson plan and includes a listing describing briefly (usually in bullet or numbered
form so easy to follow) what:
o the students will do during the class to prepare them for the outcomes you expect of them
o the teacher will do to guide the learning
Create learning experiences and instruction that promote student understanding through the 5E Learning
Cycle (Llewellyn, 2013, p. 83) as well as intentionally using Rigor, Relevance, and Relationship in building
the lesson plan.
Stage of

What the Student does . . .

(Include differentiated instruction)

What the Teacher does . . .



Teachers will provide students in

instruction regarding reliable
Teachers will put students into
groups and assign historical


1 hour

Students will become investigative

journalists and explore the region of
their chosen conflict. They will collect
articles from news sources globally in
order to gain a wide perspective of
their conflict.



Students will investigate the historical

region of their chosen conflict,
focusing on the type of biome,
biological diversity, ecological
diversity. Students will analyze and
interpret graphs and data throughout
the investigation.
Writer from Calgary Herald
newspaper to come in and work with
students to develop the necessary
skills to create their own front page
External environmental scientist to
help students interpret graphs and
data. This specialist will inform
students on current and historical
impacts of conflicts on the
Students taken to the Marda Loop
Justice Film Fest to view Madinas
Dream - a short documentary film
about refugees in Sudan.
Students will compare what the region
looked like before the conflict started
and after.
Students will create the front page of
a fictional Canadian newspaper for a
particular day within their conflict.
Students will be required to
incorporate data and findings from
their investigation into the
environment of the region as well as
their journalism investigation.
Students will be using Adobe
Illustrator to design their front page
Students will create two sketches on
the perspective of a refugee. These

2 days

In order to ensure all students are

familiar with the specific
vocabulary used in the
newspaper article students will
pick out words they are not
familiar with and the class will
discuss the meaning and use of
those words.

Teachers will print the

newspapers for students



2 days

2 days


sketches should take into

consideration their findings from this


Students will have a jigsaw discussion

wherein one person from each conflict
will get together to share their findings
about the decisions that were made.

Teachers will provide feedback on

the content and style of the news
paper article.

1 hour

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