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Alone Without You

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

You used to wake me up,

Every morning,
With smiles and kisses,
You gave me reasons for getting up,
Going out into this cruel world;
I used conquer it,
With passions from my heart,
For you,

You used to shower me,

With rains of love,
A love that calmed,
My restless soul;
Giving me an inner peace,
Reigned in our humble abode,
And in my life,

You used to talk with me,

For endless hours,
Just listening to you,
Holding your hands,
Was my happiness;
Not knowing the answers,
To our worries,
Did not matter,
For we were together,
We had each other,
And things would work out…

Alone Without You © 2010 by Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

I find myself,
Betrayed by Fate;
Missing you,
An eternity,
Every single moment of my being,

Alone without you,

No music in my soul,
Where are you my sweet love?
I feel that I can not go on,
Without you,
This pain is overwhelming,
A burden upon my soul,
Unbearable and brutal,
Hurting my heart,
Every waking moment,

I know that I can not go on,

Like this,
Living in fear and hurt,
Least my mind becomes unstable,
I must find a great strength,
From within me,
As I have always done,
In the past,
When I was left,

And alone without you…

Alone Without You © 2010 by Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

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