Philosophy of Education

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Philosophy of Education
Written by: Jenna Criner
I believe that education shapes students knowledge about the world around them, and it
hones individual skills that they can use in the real world. Reflecting on my own experiences as
a student, education has helped me discover my artistic talent, as well as my desire to help other
people. As an educator, I want to share my knowledge about how art can bring attention to
global issues such as poverty, racism, global warming, etc., and it can influence viewers to take
action against these issues.
Since I am teaching art, I will largely incorporate project-based learning into the
curriculum because students need to make art regularly in order to improve their skills as artists.
I will also have the students work with different mediums besides just pencil or just paint
because working with a variety of different mediums helps students become well-rounded artists,
and some students like working with different mediums than other students do, so this will pique
different learners interests and motivate them to participate in class projects. My projects will
encompass many different subjects and themes, such as animals, landscapes, portraits, world
issues, and art as a response to a book or film. I will also show films about different artists and
quiz the class about what theyve learned about the artists techniques and influences. Before
giving the students big projects to work on, I will have them practice their skills first using
guided practice. In addition to grading in-class projects based on a rubric, I will question
students about art techniques, artists, art movements, etc. to assess their knowledge. Not all
learners have the same skill level or motivation for working on art projects, so it is important to
assess them in different ways and teach them the material in the way that is easiest for them to

I think that it is important to support a positive learning environment. Pupils will sit in
groups of at least four because this makes it easier to distribute supplies needed for projects,
which cuts down on time needed to hand out supplies, and students can learn more from
interacting with their peers while they work because they can see things from different points of
view. I believe that its also important to give students responsibilities in the classroom, such as
handing out supplies, and cleaning up. I will give them positive reinforcement to influence
behavior. For younger students, a point system works well, and for older students, giving and
taking away privileges, such as letting them listen to music as they work are effective. Bulletin
boards will illustrate what the unit is, as well as seasons and holidays. I will also make sure that
enough natural sunlight is coming into the classroom. These things will invite the class into a
warm, friendly environment.
In addition to the role that pupils and educators play in the educational system, parents
also play a crucial part. Communication with parents is important for a variety of reasons, such
as planning field trips, telling parents how well their child is doing academically, socially, and
behaviorally, and also explaining the content that their child will be learning. I think that a good
way to do this is to send letters home, make phone calls, send emails, and have parent/teacher
conferences. When a student is having difficulties, I would contact the parent first to see if there
are circumstances influencing the students performance, and I would recommend to the parent
that they work with their child at home so that the student can improve their performance. I also
believe that it is important as an educator and a professional to always speak positively about a
student when discussing him or her to a parent, and to politely explain what that student needs to
improve on so that both the teacher and the parent can work together on improving the childs

I believe that students have diverse learning needs, and this is important to take into
consideration when planning and teaching lessons. There are different types of learners, such as
visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, and there are also students with attention and motivation
differences who need to be taken into consideration. Students with disabilities often need oneon-one assistance during and/or after class time. I promote equity in my classroom, and if a
student needs accommodations/modifications made, then I will do so to support that student.
There must be cultural awareness within the classroom, and I think that one good way to do that
is to introduce the students to artists who come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and teach
them about how culture influences artwork, either directly or indirectly.
My philosophy has changed from the beginning of my professional education courses in
that I am more specific about what I will teach, as well as how and why I will teach it. My new
philosophy also reflects classroom management skills that I learned, as well as communication
with parents. It follows the conceptual framework for teaching because it addresses student
learning, diversity, classroom management, standards-based learning, and the use of technology
in the classroom.

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