Lesson Plan: Curriculum Connections

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Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: ___Reading Comprehension_______Grade: __2_____ Date: __October 13,

Subject/Strand: __Language Arts/Readings__Unit: 45 minutes_______ Location: __OH 0004__
Time: (length in minutes): _______
Lesson Plan Description

(What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of the unit? What are the big
ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)

We will be teaching reading comprehension strategies to students through working on making

predictions about the story. The big ideas/understandings that we want students to gain, is that details
in text can help students be able to understand what they have read in order to make connections and
show that understood what they have read. By completing this activity students will also learn that
details within text can give them clues about what could happen in the book or what will happen next.
In order to do this we will be showing a story book to the class and analyzing the title page as well a
few pages in the book. First students will discuss and predict what they think the book is about based
on the pictures on the title page. After reading a few pages of the book, we will make observations
about how the title page and the text content relate to each other. Next we will have an activity where
we place students into table groups, and give each group a passage from a book. All the different
books will be displayed at the front of the class. Each group will read the passage they were given and
discuss what they think the passage is about in order to decide as a group which book they think their
passage is from.

Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations

(numbers from documents and details)

1. Read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational

texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations

(numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont.
Curriculum, refined when necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to
3), have expectations that match assessment

1.3 Identify several reading comprehension strategies and use them before, during, and after reading
to understand texts (e.g., activate prior knowledge to ask questions or make predictions about the
topic or story; use visualization to help clarify the sights and sounds referred to in the text; identify
important ideas to remember.
1.5 Use stated and implied information and ideas in texts to make simple inferences and reasonable
predictions about them.
Learning Goals

Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (clearly identify what students are expected to
know and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand.)

Today I will learn

I will learn how to make predictions for a storybook.
I will learn how to identify important ideas from a piece of text.

I will learn to make connections between parts of a story; title, pictures, and text.


Success Criteria Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (Clearly identify the
criteria to assess students learning, as well as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge,
skills and thinking, in language that students can readily understand).
I can: Read short passages of a story with my group members.
I can: Find important ideas in a story and make predictions about the story from this information.
I can: Use information and ideas from a page of a story and attach them to the correct story title based
on connections I find, and on my own experiences and knowledge.

How will I know students have learned what I intended?

Achievement Chart Categories (highlight/circle the ones that apply):

Knowledge and Understanding;


Assessment For, As, Of Learning (Circle One)



(Describe way(s) you and/or your students will assess.)

Assessment Mode
Written, Oral, Performance
(Write, Say, Do)

Task for
s- What
are the
doing to
show their
e.g. turn
and talk,
e, etc.

Oral- Listen to students ideas and thought processes for deciding

which book their passage comes from. Also if they have picked the
correct book.

tive- In
will work
to decide

Tool Instrument used
to assess task
and record
learning e.g.,
rubric, checklist,
observation sheet,
turn/talk, role play etc.

ation Sheet - a
checklist would
be used as a way
to note whether
students picked
the correct book
or not. But an
observation sheet
would be helpful
to see their
reasoning behind
their choice, this

will give more

insight on where
skills are in


Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have

Students will already have practice and experience in making predictions

about stories.
Students will already be able to read short passages individually.
Students will have some practice in making connections between parts of story
books - i.e. text matches pictures, or text matches words from the title.

Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment,

Assessment/Accommodations, Modifications

Depending on the variety of student knowledge and abilities within our classroom
we may decide to break the students into groups based on their reading level. We
would then choose to give certain reading passages to certain groups. For
example, groups of students who are lower level readers would be given passages
filled with many clues to which book it came from, whereas groups filled with strong
readers may be given a passage that is more difficult to predict which book it came
Depending on availability we may do this in a large room such as the library or
gym where students could spread out if they needed to read aloud. This way the
small classroom does not seem noisey for students who need a quiet space to
concentrate. I

Learning Skills/Work Habits

Highlight/circle ones that are assessed: responsibility,

independent work, collaboration, initiative, self-regulation

Vocabulary (for word wall and/or to develop schema)

Predict, Title, Passage, Connections, Clues, Themes
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration

List ALL items necessary for delivery

of the lesson. Include any attachments of student worksheets used and teacher support material that
will support communication of instruction. Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your
lesson plan where appropriate.

Document Camera - for beginning example of making predictions and

showing connections. Teacher can place book under camera so that all
students can see clearly.
Story Books - The following books will be needed: Wake Me In The Spring,
Game Time!, All Around The Seasons, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie,
Giggle Giggle Quack, More Spaghetti I Say, Little Chick And Mom And Cat.

These books will be the books the students are trying to guess and will be
placed at the front of the classroom during the activity.
Passages: The following passages from the above books will be handed
out to each group:
o Giggle, Giggle, Quack
Wednesday is bath day for the pigs.
Wash them with my favourite bubble bath and dry them off with my good towels.
Remember, They have very sensitive skin.
Giggle, giggle, Oink.

o More Spaghetti I say

I love it on pancakes
with ice cream and ham.
With pickles and cookies,
bananas and jam.
I love it with mustard and marshmallow stuff.
I eat it all day and I cant get enough.
o Little Chick and Mommy and Cat
Mommys always watching out in case I end up in the mouth of some greedy cat, But Im
getting stronger and Ive learned to defend myself.
Especially since I learned how to fly!
o Wake me in the Spring
Bear yawned and said,
I'm so sleepy. I don't care.
Mouse waved his arms.
You will miss sleigh rides in the snow! said mouse
o Game Time!
Maria did her best to block the goal, but it was too late.
The Falcons scored the first goal.
Jake blew his whistle, and the first period was over.
Already 15 minutes had gone by.
o All Around the Seasons
Rainbows and bunnies scribbled in chalk,
Skateboards and wagons on the sidewalk.
Long picnic lunches,
Climbing up trees,
Unfolding flowers,
Fresh grass-stained knees.
o If You give a mouse a Cookie.
Hes going to ask for a glass of milk.
When you give him the milk,
Hell probably ask you for a straw,
When hes finished, hell ask for a napkin,
Then hell want to look in a mirror to make sure he doesnt have a milk moustache.

Learning Environment

(grouping; transitions; physical set up)

We will have students sit at the front of the classroom where they can see the
screen while we work together making connections and predictions about a story
book. This way everyone can see what is being shown on the document camera
Students will then move to the tables and into their groups for the activity. The

transition between the learning section of the class and the activity will allow our
young grade twos to stretch and move around in order to regain their focus.
If students do not seem fidgety in these groupings then we will have them stay
at their seats while we take up their answers and listen to their reasonings as a
class. This way it would be simple for the students to move on to the final part of
the lesson and read the story their group had together. If time was available the
students could then come back to the front on the floor and we could read the story
from the example at the beginning of class.
Cross Curricular Links
This lesson does not have a specific cross curricular link but it does connect to
work on oral communication because students will present their ideas on the
passages they were given. This activity is necessary for other subject areas
though because comprehension is important for all learning.
Three Part Lesson
Identify what the students are expected to think about or do. Write the lesson
description with enough detail that another teacher could replicate the
lesson without a personal discussion.
What Teachers Do:


Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)

Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, predetermine key questions to guide lesson.
Time: _10 Minutes______ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)

Teacher will invite students to sit on carpet

Teacher will introduce Roar! by Robert Munsch and Michael
Teacher will place book under document camera so the
whole class can see it
Teachers will ask students to predict what will happen in the
story based on cover page - title and cover picture.
Next Teacher will read a page and with students point out
connections between what was read on that page and the
o Pg. 8 - For Breakfast, Isaac and Elena each had a
massive, monstrous, meaty bone.Whats this? said
Elena. Lion food, said her mom. Massive, monstrous,
meaty bones make good food for lions. Right, said
Isaac, and when their mom and dad were not looking,
Isaac and Elena gave their bones to the dog.

Point out how lions are mentioned on the page and

the title of the book is Roar!. This is a connection
because lions roar. There are also lions on the

will join
teacher on
carpet and
will observe
the cover of
the book on
-They will
based on
cover page
and some
pages within
the book.
They will
share these

ideas with
the class by
raising their
will then
observe the
page the
teacher has
turned to
inside the
book. They
will follow
reading with
the teacher.
will help
teach make
what was
read and
what is on
the cover of
the book.
will see how
what they
read can
mean things
and relate
to other
Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40
Introduce new learning or extend/reinforce prior learning, provide opportunities for practice &
application of learning.
Time: 20 mins (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)

Teacher will send students to sit in their table groups.

Teacher will then distribute one page of text from a story
book to each student so that the student can read this
passage easily (not having to share). Each table group will
be given a passage from a different story book.
The teacher will ask students to read their page.
Then working in their groups they will be asked to predict
what their passage is about and then identify which story
their passage is from.

will move to
their table
-They will
then read the
they are

Teacher will walk around class to ensure students

understand what they are reading and hear their thinking
The teacher will gather the classes attention by clapping her
hands and having them answer the claps.
Once attention is gained the teacher will pick one of the
books from the front and ask the class who thinks their
page is from this book?
Teacher will have each group that thinks their passage
belongs to that book share the reasoning and have the
class help to decide which group is correct. Teacher will
provide help and feedback to student ideas.
Teacher will continue until the class has figured out all

will work with
their group to
predict ideas
about what
passage is
about and
what book
that page
may be from.
-They will
explain their
with the
other group
will working
with their
groups and
turn attention
to the
-They will
raise their
hand when
the teacher
holds up the
book they
think their
passage is
teacher calls
on them they
will answer
as a group
and tell the
class why
they picked
this book.
will decide
what group
was correct
from the

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and
Time:15 mins(Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)

Teacher will provide each group with their correct book.

Give instructions for the groups to read the book together
sharing the reading - each student read a page and move in
a circle.

will read in
sharing the
reading so
has a
chance to

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

The next activity could also focus on comprehension and details in stories by
having students retell stories. This way there is a progression in difficulty while
building on reading skills.
Personal Reflection (what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next
lesson for this subject/topic)

The Lesson: Were the students interested in the activity. Was it challenging
enough for my grade two students? Did all group members get involved and share
their ideas? Would I change how I organized my groupings of children for another
lesson? Did the students understand what I was asking them to do?
The Teacher:I will have to consider what the students learned today. Did they
comprehend what they were reading and were able to apply this understanding? if
so i can move on to the next lesson and increase the difficulty.Or did they struggle
with this assignment? if this is the case i need to re-teach this idea in another
format and focus more heavily on comprehension in the upcoming lessons.

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