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Task: bunyips
Students are to design and create their
own original BUNYIP wrapped sculpture.

Date due:
Week 5

Date completed:

Achievement standards:

Experiment with visual arts conventions and techniques, including

exploration of techniques used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
artists, to represent a theme, concept or idea in their artwork
Learning intention: students will experiment and document their ideas and
artistic techniques and processes as they create their own original BUNYIP
wrapped sculpture.

Create a cover page for the assessment

Bunyips with the bunyip definition: a bunyip is a
large mythical creature from Australian aboriginal
mythology, said to lurk in swamps, billabongs,
creeks river beds and waterholes.

Brain storms a list of 20 different types of


Draw 3 a4 sized Australian animals.

Design your own original bunyip a4 in colour,

by morphing/ combining at least 2 of the Australian
animals from your list.

Watch Teacher demonstrations on how to construct

the bunyip using wire

Bend and shape wire to create the skeleton/ frame of your bunyip.
Watch Teacher demonstrations on how to cover bunyip in fabric

Rips strips of old fabric and wrap around your bunyip to create its body.

Watch Teacher
demonstrations on how to
wrap your bunyip with

Following your design cover your

bunyip by wrapping wool and
yarn around its body, cover all
areas. You might need to wrap
your bunyip with a few layers.

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