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REGIMEN SANI-_ tatis Salerni. This Booke teachingall people to: theminheihisusfatelcucfieLe. coco Ei a e tlebed ake eneladgade ‘genb ipa . LONDON Princed by Thomas Creede. Tyg mle TO THE RIGHT EXCELLENT and honorable, William Pauletjof the Garter Knight, LordS.lohn, Earle of 7 rilire, “Marguesof VV incheflersand Lord ‘Tresfurerof England, Tho- ‘mas Paynell fondesh greg, Eading of Sidauthorsand tories, mymofthonorable Lord , finde that men intime paft wereoflon- Berle 1 andof mere profperous ealth thenthey arenow adayes. <4| Whichthingas it greeued me, fo inmanneritforced me ,tofeckethe caufe ofthis fodaine and frangealteration. For why? itiswritten, that 4 demliued 930.yeare. Thy Sibls (of Cumnarelived joo, winters » Neff joo. winters: “Areasten King, of Tarefssoo. yeares : AndGalew thar famousdottour,a i40.,eares, butnowadaies, alas, ifa manaproch to 40. or 60.yeares menrepute him happy S forsinar.But yethow many comther- 10? To fearchand gine the veryetruercafon hereof palfeth my fal capacity:withosst may fay itbebe- Carve we fulfil nocthe commandements of almighty Codyesbicico wel willing pertSsare very lightand osnabarden. or ove Lord ith: My vokeis (weer, acdin, bunhenligheto beborne, Saith northe pro~ 3 het ~ THE PREFACE. set Davidthat who (ofeareth God , and walketh in Riswaies and precepts thal ehischildréschildre? pad Sdomonkith «Om children, forget nt my ppreceptsand aves, forchey hal keep you and pro; Tong your dayes & yeares. And Lwil,aith our Lord God by Danid,lengthen his days. Thenmaynotthis bearea(onable caule ofthis our fhortand wretched fife? Truly lfuppoleit beby curmifliving and{ilthy finnelwhich being (o abhominableand{o horrible, isarfometimethe very cauleof corporal infirmitie, and of thorelife.Said not ourlord the phifitian of ll phifitias,vnto the fick man-now Thatehealedthee, depart thou from hence’ & lookethou finnomore, Icafta worleharm happen vpé thee? Or whither thal Tay,thatitchaiaceth by our miffe diet, & toomuch furfeting?truliethe proverb faith thatthere diema~ ny moby furfer, then byé ford. According wher- to the wile man faith, Susfe leaeth many one: and temperanceprolongeth the life.Surfer S diverfities of ineeae drinks, letting &: omupsinghe. dige- Rion, feeblech man,& very oft caulethisthortnes of fife, Wharother thing but mifedietcauled Ptolome. 11 Philadepbusto be fomiferably and painfully vexed withthe goute, and foas itiswritten , that nothin; couldreleatehis paine » fauing death ? what caufe “Antpacer & thenoble man Merenss,tobe cotinvally ‘vexed with fener butildiet ? what: other thing in- feéted Ariftarcuswith the: dropfie butill diev?itdiet (asmethinketh)ischief canfeofaldigerousgimol- Ierabledifeates,& ofthe fhortnes of mans life. Then jramaft needsfollow, that atemperatandamoderat diet protongeth mans life, andfaueth him fom fue THE PREFACE. fuch painfull difeafes. Andtherfore Aflpiader no- ble philitia, profelled. There are v.necellariethings toconferueand prolég mis profperitic, and health: that is,abftinence from ineat,abftinence from wine, rubbing ofthebody,exercife,and digeftion.O how holfomeisitthento vfegood dietsto ive temperate Iyxoelchew exceffe of meatsand drinks. Yea , how gent areweEngliimenboundso themaiflersof 1 vniuerfitie of Salerme(Salerneisintherealmeof Naples) which vouchfafed in ourbehalfeto compile this fo neceffaie , & foholefomea booke!but what auaileth it cohaue gold or aboundance of riches , if ‘onecannot vieittwhat helpeth coftly medicines, if onereceiuethem not?So what profiteth vsabooke, beit neuer foexpedientand fruitful ,ifwe vnderftac itnortwherefore I,confidering,the fruit that might come ofthis booke, ifit weretraflated intof englith tongue (for why, exerie man vnderftandeth notthe Jatin) Ithoughtitwere very expedient atfomtimes, forthewelthof vnlerned perfons, to bufiemy felfe therein Forleamed perfons, 8 fachas haue greatex- perience,need no inflrudtidtodietthemfeltes, nor toconferuetheit health. Yeviffuch otherwife& di crete perlons,asis yourlord chaunce rea thisbooke , theymay peraduenture findethat (hall plealethem, & that belidestheir owndiet & cuftom. of living thal beefortheir corporal welfare & good health. ] wilnot,nor it becometh me not, to exhort your lordthippe,with let of your great bufineffes ro, read this my poore tranflation: butifperchanceat yourleyfure yereadit,I humbly defire & pray your fordthiproreaditwith forginenes:androacceptthe fameas itis worthie,

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