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Assignment ac vs dc

By: Justin Herridge, Marcus Douglas

1. Alternating Current (AC) is a type of electrical current, in which the
direction of the flow of electrons switches back and forth at regular
intervals or cycles. Current flowing in power lines and normal household
electricity that comes from a wall outlet is alternating current.

DC is the unidirectional flow of electric charge. Direct current is produced

by sources such as batteries, power supplies, thermocouples, solar cells,
or dynamos. Direct current may flow in a conductor such as a wire, but
can also flow through semiconductors, insulators, or even through a
vacuum as in electron or ion beams. The electric current flows in a
constant direction, distinguishing it from alternating current AC. A term
formerly used for this type of current was galvanic current.

Alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) are notable for inspiring the name of an
iconic metal band, but they also happen to sit right at the center of the modern world as we
know it. AC and DC are different types of voltage or current used for the conduction and
transmission of electrical energy. Quickthink of five things you do or touch in a day that do
not involve electricity in any way, were not produced using electricity, and are not related to
your own body's internal uses of electricity Nice try, but no way, you cant do it. (Or send
us a list if you think you can; well check it.)
Electrical current is the flow of charged particles, or specifically in the case of AC and DC,
the flow of electrons. According to Karl K. Berggren, professor of electrical engineering at
MIT, the fundamental difference between AC and DC is the direction of flow. DC is constant
and moves in one direction. A simple way to visualize the difference is that, when graphed,
a DC current looks like a flat line, whereas the flow of AC on a graph makes a sinusoid or
wave-like pattern, says Berggren. This is because AC changes over time in an oscillating
repetitionthe up curve indicates the current flowing in a positive direction and the down
curve signifies the alternate cycle where the current moves in a negative direction. This
back and forth is what gives AC its name.

4. Pros of ac current?
Ac much more efficient.
Can be sent long distances.
Can send voltages cross country.
Cons of ac current?
Loses half its voltage of long distances.

Pros of dc current?
Easier to make and work with.
Its much safer than ac current.

Cons of dc current?
Travels shorter distance.
Not effiecnt in transporting power because it
Fads out over high reissuance.

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