2008 P3 Ans KN

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Section A
1(a) (i) Angle of incidence. 1
(ii) Angle of refraction. 1
(iii) Glass block/refractive index of the glass block/density of the glass block…. 1
1(b) (i)
i/ 0 r/ 0
20 13
30 19
40 25 2
50 30 Value of r
60 36 5 values correct ----- (2)
4 or 3 values correct ------(1)
(ii) 2 values and below -------(0)
i/ 0 r/ 0 sin i sin r
20 13 0.34 0.22
30 19 0.50 0.33
40 25 0.64 0.42
50 30 0.77 0.50
60 36 0.87 0.59

1) All quantities i, r, sin i and sin r correct --√

2) Units for all quantities correct ---- √
3) * All values of sin i correct ----- √√
* 1 value of sin i incorrect ------√
* > 1 value of sin i incorrect ------ 0 5
4) * All values of sin r correct ----- √√
* 1 value of sin r incorrect ------√
* > 1 value of sin r incorrect ------ 0
5) Consistency of decimal point for sin i --- √
6) Consistency of decimal point for sin r --- √

Score Mark
7–8 5
5–6 4
3–4 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

Hak PKPSM PHYSICS, Kelantan ®


On the graph paper.

1) Correct title on axes-----√

2) Units correct ------- √
3) Even scale -------√
4) * All points correctly plotted -------- √√
 1 point incorrectly plotted ------- √
 > 1 point incorrectly plotted ------ 0
5) Best fit straight line -------- √
6) > 50% graph paper --------√
Score Mark
6–7 5
5–4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

Total 16
1(d) Sin r is directly proportional to sin i . 1

2(a) (i) 1 1
R increases linearly with …………………………………..(1)
- Extrapolated line shown to intercept at axis---------(1)
(ii) I 2
- 0.2 A ------------------------------(1)
= 0.4r
(iii) I 2
 0.2 = 0.4r -----------------------(1)
r = 0.5  ---------------------------(1)
2(b) - Show a big  on the graph to determine the gradient------------------(1)
(i) y 2  y1
- The correct from the  drawn ------------------------(1) 3
x 2  x1
- m = 0.4 A-1-1 ------------------ Ans + unit --------------(1)
(ii) 1
m= ,
1 2
 0.4 = , ----------------(1)
E = 2.5 V --------------------(1)
2(c) 1. The connection of the wires must be tight.
2. The circuit is switched off whenever the readings were not taken from the 1
meters. This is to reduce energy loss from the cell.

3 (a) 1 Menyatakan inferens dengan betul

Hak PKPSM PHYSICS, Kelantan ®


Pressure depends on volume// Volume influences pressure 1

(b) 1 Menyatakan hipotesis dengan betul.

When the volume decrease , the pressure increase , 1
1 menyatakan tujuan dengan betul
(c) (i)
To investigate the relationship between volume and pressure

(ii) 1 menyatakan pembolehubah manipulasi dan bergerakbalas dengan betul

Manipulated : volume
Responding : pressure

1 menyatakan pembolehubahyang dimalarkan dengan betul

Fixed : mass of gas // temperature

(iii) 1 menyatakan alat radas dan bahan

Syringe, clip , thick rubber tube, bourdon gauge .

(iv) 1 menyatakan atau melukis gambar rajah susunan radas.

(v) Menyatakan kaedah mengawal pembolehubah manipulasi

The piston of the 100 cm -3 syringe is adjusted until the volume of air in the
syringe at atmospheric pressure.The other end of the rubber tube is connected to
bourdon gauge and the pressure of the air in the syringe is read on the gauge.

1 The piston of the syringe is pushed in until the enclosed volume

is 98 cm3 / V1.

1 Menyatakan kaedah mengawal pembolehubah bergerakbalas.

The pressure on the Bourdon gauge is recorded.

Hak PKPSM PHYSICS, Kelantan ®


1 Menyatakan ulangan eksperimen

The steps is repeated for an enclosed volume of
96 cm3/V2, 94 cm3/V3, 92cm3/V4, 90 cm3/V5
1 menyatakan kaedah menjadual data dengan betul
tajuk//symbol dengan unit yang betul

Tabulating data
Isipadu,V/cm3 Tekanan,P/ Nm-2 1/V , cm-3
98 /V1
96 /V2
94 /V3
92 /V4

1 menyatakan kaedah menganalisa data dengan betul

P ( Nm-2 )

V (cm3)


4(a) 1 Menyatakan inferens dengan betul 1

Magnetic field strength depends on the number of turns

1 Menyatakan hipotesis dengan betul.

(b) The magnetic field strength will increase when the number of turns 1

(i) 1 menyatakan tujuan dengan betul
To investigate the relationship between magnetic field strength and
number of turn on the coil

(ii) 1 menyatakan pembolehubah manipulasi dan begerakbalas dengan betul

manipulated : number of turns
responding : magnetic field strength //number of small iron pin

Hak PKPSM PHYSICS, Kelantan ®


1 menyatakan bembolehubahyang dimalarkan dengan betul

Fixed : size of current// type of core

(iii) 1 menyatakan alat radas dan bahan

Retort stand, soft iron core, connector wire, PVC insulated copper wire,
small iron pin, ammeter, rheostat , battery/ power supply

(iv) 1 menyatakan atau melukis gambar rajah susuan radas berlabel.

Soft iron core


small iron pins

retort stand

(v) 1 Menyatakan kaedah mengawal pembolehubah manipulasi

The soft iron core is wound with 20 turns of insulated copper wire and set
up as shown in diagram above.

1 Menyatakan kaedah mengawal pembolehubah bergerakbalas.

The switch is turned on and the rheostat adjusted until the ammeter
Reading is 1.0 A. The beaker containing small steel pin then
brought near the iron core.
Count and record the number of small iron pin attached to the soft
Iron core.

1 Menyatakan ulangan eksperimen

Repeat the experiment by winding the soft iron core with, 30 turns,
40 turns, 50 turns and 60 turns.

(vi) 1 menyatakan kaedah menjadual data dengan betul

tajuk//symbol dengan unit yang betul

Hak PKPSM PHYSICS, Kelantan ®


Number Number of pins attached, n /pieces

of turns, n,
20 / n1
30 / n2
40 / n3
50 / n4
60 / n5

(vii) 1 menyatakan kaedah menganalisa data dengan betul

number of pin
n / pieces

Number of turns/turns


Hak PKPSM PHYSICS, Kelantan ®

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