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Bring In the Art and Creativity

Andrew Widener - 2015

Introduction: It would be beneficial to bring some form of (optional) artistic measures to Valley
Academy. As it stands, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math all help further our
academic abilities, but the options and emotions given via personal expression help develop
peoples inner abilities and passions. Many people, students especially, do not partake in
anything artistic because they seldom have the opportunities or resources to create items or
Problem or task: This type of community refers specifically to the community of Valley
Academy, which is still quite large (and will expand over the years). As stated above, students
have very fews form of emotional release; which is something that can be achieved through art
and music. Many of my peers dislike coming to school on a daily basis (sometimes for reasons
unknown). So theoretically, if you were to implement something to make them excited to come
to school, its likely that academic performance and dedication would increase.
Course of Action: It would be necessary to convert (or create) a space within the school to
perform these activities. Converting an extra room (such as on the top floor) wouldnt be difficult.
Additionally, the supplies would need to be purchased, which will be discussed in the next
section. One or two staff members would need to be available for potential supervision. Due to
the nature of some equipment (such as instruments) some liability contracts may need to be
issued to students in order to permit use.
Feasibility: Combining the time it takes to convert the room and purchase the items: would
probably take no more than two weeks (assuming the funds have already been provided). Some
budgeting information is provided as follows.
Musical instruments:
- 3 Fender Squier electric guitars (@ $114 per item, total of $342)
Amps and Speakers:
- 10 watt Rogue Amps are available for $34 on Amazon, $102 for 3 amps).
- 5 foot quarter inch cables available for $10 or less ($30 total).
- Guitar picks are dirt cheap.
- Jambox speakers - which the school already owns - can also be used as simple amplifiers for
both guitars and keyboards (if needed).
- Casio 61 Key Electric Portable Keyboard, includes headphones, power supply, and stand
available for $129 from Amazon ($387 for 3 keyboards)
- Acrylic paint sets can be purchased for $10 or less.

- Canvas and Paper: 6 pack of medium canvas available for $15 from Amazon. ($30 for two
sets, equalling 12 - to start with)
Various Art: Supplies can be brought in or donated, since colored pencils, markers, and other
items are quite cheap.
Potential Room Conversion: Max of $100 for room changes.
Total: All above items totals to a potential $1,001.

Goals: I hope to expand the scope of this school beyond the standard STEM means of learning.
All aspects of learning, both creative and direct instruction, are needed for proper personal
development. While initial student participation may be limited, the purchased items can always
be stored away and brought back out when desired. Art doesnt really have an expiration date.
The materials bought for such an endeavor would never go obsolete. Im aware of several very
skilled artists in Valley Academy already, and I hope that creating a method for people to act
creatively will bring out the unseen genius in students.
Conclusion: By no means is this request/proposition far fetched or unreasonable. This idea is
fairly easy to implement at a sub-$1000 level, and will likely reach a wide range of students. The
time and effort to implement such an idea is quite minimal. To provide money or services to
aspects outside of the school causes the potential for misuse of funds. Such an example may
be giving money and help to the homeless. Its very likely that they would use the given funds
for bad behaviours, such as drug use, alcohol use, and violence.
Putting emotion and creativity in a place of steady work brings about a mental change in many
people. By using various outlets to express themselves, they boost their own self-confidence
and find their true passions in their work and studies.

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