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Contact: Dana Snow � 416-588-SHOC(7462) �

Nicole Wharton-Ayer’s Short Surveys

Inspired by our often-anxious relationships with nature, the work featured in Short
Surveys stands as a testament to our innate desires to examine and catalogue our
natural environments. Large paper-based works tap into fragmented encounters with a
space and our effort to set up shelter against its insistent presence. Utilizing print-based
mediums, layers are constructed, taken apart and reconstituted, reflecting the equally
mutable process of recollection, the final lens through which we see the world.

An artist specializing in the areas of print media and drawing, Noelle Wharton-Ayer
focuses on ways in which non-traditional techniques such as hand and machine sewing,
paper and fabric manipulation can be combined with traditional printmaking techniques.
Short Surveys is a continuation of her exploration of themes regarding space and
memory; in particular, the ways we experience specific locations and areas of transition.

Opening Reception: Thursday April 1st, 2010, 7:00pm-11:00pm

Runs: April 1st, 2010 to April 28th, 2010
Location: culturshoc � 1205 queen street west, toronto, ontario, M6K 1L2

1205 queen street west, unit 2A, toronto, ontario, M6K 1L2


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