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Teacher: Victoria Castner
Group Size: 20

Date: Day 6
Allotted Time: 50 minutes

Grade Level: 2

Subject or Topic: Temperate Forest Biome Unit Test

STANDARD: (PA Common Core):
4.5.2.C: Identify how people can reduce pollution.
4.1.2.D: Identify differences in living things (color, shape, size, ect.) and describe how
adaptations are important for survival.

Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

The 2nd grade students will show their knowledge of the temperate forest biome
by completing a summative unit test as a final assessment.


Instructional Materials
A. 20 copies of the unit test
B. Table dividers for test taking (to avoid cheating)
C. 20 pencils


Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, new
A. Prerequisite Skills:
1. The students know that we live in the temperate forest.
2. The students know the conditions of the temperate forest
3. The students know about plants and seeds in the temperate forest.
4. The students know about animals in the temperate forest.
5. The students know about bird beaks.
6. The students know how to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
B. Key Vocabulary:
1. (Vocabulary from all prior lessons in this unit)
C. Big Idea:
1. The temperate forest biome is our home. There are seasons and
conditions that animals and plants that live here must adapt to. We
must recycle to keep the temperate forest clean.

D. New Content:
There will be no new content presented today. Students will be tested
only on content learned already throughout the unit.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. The morning of the test, students morning work will be to come in and
study/review for the test.
2. She will say we are getting ready to take our unit test. Students should use
time wisely and ask teacher if they have any questions.
B. Development
1. The teacher will write a bulleted list on the board of topics.
2. This list will include
a. Conditions or seasons
b. Migrate
c. Hibernate
d. Animals in the temperate forest
e. Plants in the temperate forest
f. Seeds spreading
g. Bird beak types/examples
h. Three Rs of recycling
3. Students can get their science journals from the front table. They will have
twenty minutes to review and ask questions.
4. After twenty minutes the teacher will have students put away their
supplies and it will switch from morning to science period.
5. The students will put up dividers for testing on their tables.
6. The teacher will distribute the test.
7. Students will turn in their tests and read when they are finished.
C. Closure
1. When all students are finished the teacher will instruct the class to put
away their testing dividers.
2. The teacher will move into the next subject of the day.
D. Accommodations / Differentiation
1. To accommodate a student with Autism, the teacher will make that child a
checklist/schedule for the lesson. It will read:
a. Review
b. Test
c. Read
d. Clean up

E. Assessment/Evaluation plan
1. Formativea. There is no formative assessment today
2. Summativea. This Unit Test will serve as the summative assessment for this series of
b. The test is out of 20 points. Students who score 90% or higher will be
considered advanced, 80-89% considered proficient, below 79% will be
considered below basic and will need review or extra practice.
V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of States Objectives (Reflection on
students performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who failed to meet acceptable level of achievement)
1. Report of Student Performance:

2. Remediation Plan:
B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught.)(Reflective
answers to questions recorded after lesson is taught.)
1. Was I able to keep students quiet during the test?

2. Was I able to answer any questions the students had while they were
VI. Resources

Name ___________________________


Unit Test
True or False: ( 1 point each)
1. Pinecones open when it is dry outside. True
2. A bird with a probing beak most commonly eats
small fish and snails. False
3. The temperate forest experiences all four
seasons. True
Multiple Choice: (1 point each)
4. Which biome do we live in?
a. Tundra
b. Temperate Forest
c. Desert
d. Rain Forest
5. Which of the following is an example of a bird with
a scooping beak?
a. Cardinal
b. Hummingbird
c. Brown Pelican
d. Sparrow

6. Which of the following terms describes a long

sleeplike state during the winter?
a. Migration
b. Napping
c. Moving
d. Hibernation
7. Which of the following terms describes moving
south for the winter?
a. Migration
b. Napping
c. Moving
d. Hibernation
8. Which is NOT a category of recycling?
a. Glass
b. Cotton
c. Metal
d. Plastic
9. Which is one of the three Rs we talked about in
a. Reduce
b. Reuse
c. Radius
d. Recycle
10. Which seasons are experienced in the temperate
forest biome?
a. Fall and Spring
b. Summer and Winter
c. All of the above

11. Which of the following cannot be recycled?

a. Soda can
b. Tin foil
c. An apple
d. Soup can
Short Answer:
11. Name three real animals that live in the
temperate forest. (3 points)
c.________________ (answers will vary, examples:
deer, birds, bears, squirrels, ect)
12. Name three ways seeds can spread in nature. (3
c.________________(answers will vary, examples:
wind, other animals, trees shaking, ect.)
13. What are three items you can recycle? Be
specific! (3 points)
c.________________(answers will vary, examples:
water bottle, cardboard box, soda cans, ect.)

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