Opdrachten en Oefeningen Les 1

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Oefening 15, Les 1

Opdracht 1
1. Quickly
2. slowerly
3. absent
4. raise your finger/ hand
5. repeat
6. update absence list register
7. correct wrong answers some off the mistakes
8. late
Opdracht 2

Welcome to the first English lesson

I want to teach you an English lesson you
Im going to speak English for most of this lesson
I will speak English the whole lesson
We havent got much time left, could you work more quickly?
A bit different than from other lesson
Where have you learned English
Id like to start and speak English as much as possible

Oefening 17

pdracht 1
1. What about
2. wright down
3. on in
4. what
5. at , any
6. tell name
7. Which
Opdracht 2 (niet gemaakt, overgenomen)
1. Look at the blackboard and see how many words we have found
2. Have you heard about the days of the week before ?
3. What did we do during the last lesson
4. We are going to talk about colours today
5. I will start the lesson with those pictures
6. Who can remember what we hace done during last weeks lesson?
7. Who knows an English word for fruit?
8. Do you know what this picture storybook is about?

Oefening 19, les 2

Opdracht 1
1. Open spaches in the blanks
2. Meaning
3. Exercise
4. Understand
5. The bottom of
6. Clear
7. Whole entire
8. Anyone anybody , exercise assignment
Opdracht 2
1. What does turn right means?
2. What does straight on means?
3. Can you all follow me or am i too fast?
4. Im going to learn you how to ask the time and to tell what time you are
doing things every day
5. On top of the page you will see pictures of fruit
6. We end the lesson with a puzzle we are going to finish the lesson with
a puzzle.
7. Did have i taught you any new words from the list today
8. Youre going to learn to tell at what time you stand get up

Oefening 23

Oefening 1
1. Show take out
2. Overwrite of copy from
3. Make circle , middle
4. By
5. Past trough pass on
6. Of five
7. Help give me a hand and hand out the sheets of paper
8. Exercise , make assignment , do
Oefening 2
1. Open your books
2. So, now i want you to make pairs couples of two
3. you can respond by its frosty
4. Can give it to me can hand them in
5. Boys and girls, open your books on at page 50
6. We will look at the questions in your excercisebook
7. Begin by start start at the beginning
8. I will divide the class into two teams
Opdracht 3
1. Would you like to come up to in front of the class, Micheal?
2. Would you like to handout the papers for me , please? Would you bes o
kind as to hand out the sheets of paper?

Opdracht 71 oefening 1

Opdrachten: aant. les; bvengels blz. 31 ex. 1 en 2; blz. 33 ex. 1 en

2; blz. 89 ass. 2
Opdracht 31

Oefening 1 en 2
1. Each others
2. Quietly
3. unhelpful
4. Headmasters anyone whoever
5. Are nice kind
6. On time
7. Reward
8. Conform to keep
Oefening 2
2. quietly

3. be on time
4. whoever
5. hard

Opdracht 33

Oefening 1
1. As much many as
2. Which what
3. Over up
4. On at
5. At the top
6. Do have
7. Dictionary
8. Shouldnt
Oefening 2
2. once more
3. of this word
4. is there anything you dont understand
5. how are you getting on with this exercise

6. copy
7. with a loud voice say it loud
8. these

Oefening 89, oefening 2


What have you ate

I drank an cup of tea this morning

He doesnt like
Breakfast served
I always drink a half glass of grapefruit juice

Assm. 2
I always have (a/an) for breakfast. Rembemer what your classmaates have for
breakfast and add another product (food/drink)
This way a chain of words is created and your memory it trained
In the same way:
- I go tot he market
- I open my fridge and see
Les 5 oefening 35 ex 1 en 2


Good wonderful
Improve correct
Repeat try
Less messy
Messy sloppy
6. easiest
7. mark
8. signle
Oef 2
1. Check
2. Let me see
3. Did have we learned
4. Like
5. correct
6. by doing these exercises youll improve your pronunciation
7. A very good job , you did very well
8. Youd better loop up the word in the word list

Oefening 37 ex 1 en 2

1. Corridor
2. Scissors
3. Put off turn of
4. Sweep
5. Windowsill
6. Wisely sensibly
7. Let down lower
8. Fountain pen
Oefening 2
1. Sun is shining
2. Found weg
3. Take your
4. You have tob e at school at 9
5. Hang your
6. Could you wipe the sentences off the board with the duster
Oefening 91 ass 2

There are / there is a / an .. in my lunchbox

For lunch i have a sandwich, some fruit, yoghurt, coockie,

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