Chief Complain and History of Present Illness

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Chief complain and history of present illness:

Mzayyan Abdallah Abo- Hashash, a 64 y/o female from Al-Fawwar

Camp, admitted to the Al Ahli Hospital on Sep 13 th 2015 through
ER, with severe epigastric pain of several hours duration. The
History was taken the day after directly from the patient herself.
She was in her usual state of health until, when she experienced a
severe compressive pain of sudden onset, progressive in course
associated with S.O.B, the pain is not radiating to anywhere else,
not exacerbated or alleviated by anything.
She has occasional dizziness (( , orthopnea (she uses 3
pillows when she sleeps).
She also has a stomach burning pain long before the last episode,
the pain exacerbate with eating and nothing alleviate it but
No swelling or edema, no palpitation.
- She has hypertension for 6 years, controlled (134/78), and takes
her medications regularly.
- has diabetes for 3 years, follows up with UNRWA clinic on regular
basis, last readings are not recalled by the patient.
- has hyperlipidemia for around 2 years, takes medication

No major surgeries has preformed to this patient.

Drugs history:

1-Metformin 500 mg
2-Glibenclamide (Glyburide) 5mg
3 Furosemide 40 mg
4- Enapril 10 mg
5- Amlodipine 50 mg
6- Atorvastatin 20 mg
7- Calcium Carbonate 100 mg
8- Famotidine 40 mg
9- Atenolol 50 mg
10- Aspirin 100 mg
11- Ibuprofen 400 mg
12- Paracetamol 500 mg

Past Social History :

Systems Review:
Respiratory: exertional S.O.B, orthopnea, No cough .
GI: chronic constipation for around 2 years, No diarrhea, nausea,
vomiting or stool color changes.
Musculoskeletal: bilateral knee joint pain with no swelling.
Urinary: irrelevant.
CNS: irrelevant.

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