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SPAHE Highlights {Spring 2015}

Alumni Updates
SPARK 2015
ACPA Conference in Tampa
NASPA Conference in New Orleans
New Faculty Member Spotlight
Spring 2015 Commencement



SPARK 2015
SPARK 2015 was a huge success!
The SPAHE program set a new record with over 80 applications submitted for
consideration. We brought an impressive group of over 40 students to UNCG on March
We had students from around the country participate in SPARK, reaching all the way
from Arizona to New Jersey to Florida! With the participation from employers from
Wake Forest University, Elon University, Guilford College, Greensboro College, UNC
School of the Arts, Salem College, and UNCG over 25 students have been placed with
top tier assistantships.
SPARK 2015 has instituted a new level of success, and the SPAHE program is continuing
to grow each year!

2015 SPARK Committee: Austin McKim,

Brad Johnson, Michael Croal, Rachel
Adams, Brandy Propst, Symphony
Oxendine, Morgan Ridgell, Courtney
LaGanke, Deb Taub



Alumni Updates
Josh Green (11) has a new position with Housing and Residence Life at UNCG as the
Coordinator for Technology.
Antron Mahoney (07) will enter the University of Louisville's Ph.D. program in PanAfrican Studies in the fall.
Brandy S. Propst (12) has received the William Leftwich Award for Outstanding New
Professional for Region III of the National Association of Student Personnel
Administrators (NASPA). The Leftwich
Award recognizes a new professional from each
[Article Author]
region within the first 3 years of their position for performing all aspects of their job
in an exemplary manner and for their contributions to NASPA as well as their
employer institution within the field of student affairs.
Carrie Brunt Whiteside (08) and husband Joel are expecting a baby in September
2015. We hear that Reid is going to have a little brother!

ACPA 2015
Three SPAHE students represented UNCG at ACPA as recipients of the
Pay It Forward scholarship. These students have shared their experiences
with us below!

Austin McKim, My Experience at #ACPA15:

I was fortunate to attend #ACPA15 as PIF thanks to Dr. Johnson & Dr. Taub and it
was an incredible experience! I attended many educational sessions, the Idea
Generator, Pecha Kuchas, and got to connect with my mentors from my alma mater,
Christopher Newport University. One of my biggest learning experiences from the
conference was navigating a huge conference as an Introvert. I challenged myself to
make sure I introduced myself and exchanged business cards with all the presenters
of the educational sessions I attended as well as exchanged business cards with
another peer who was also attending the session. Even as an Introvert you can
expand your professional network and be social, one small goal at a time!



Michael Croal, My Experience at #ACPA15:

Going to a conference for the first time can be intimidating. What can help you get
through it is a conference buddy. Make sure you have one close friend that you are
going with to do some major portions of the conference with but don't do everything
together! Make sure you are meeting new people and getting outside of your
comfort zone. Don't forget to take a little bit of time to connect with old mentors and
advisors from your past institutions.

Cara Arena, My Experience at #ACPA15:

Attending ACPA as a first-year graduate student was one of the best things I could
have done for my professional development: I attended a mix of sessions that would
help me professionally in terms of my functional area and sessions that would help
me more personally. The hardest part about the conference was networking with
other student affairs professionals and graduate students; almost every session
involved talking to other conference attendees and/or sharing something about
ourselves in the session. If posed with the question of whether or not to attend a
national conference, I encourage you to attend one, if you can. I heard over and
over again at the conference that you are the best (and only) person who can invest
in your professional development, and to me, attending the conference was worth
every penny.



NASPA 2015
We are very pleased to share that a team of three SPAHE students
won the NASPA Case Study Competition for graduate students at the
recent conference in New Orleans. The winning team was made up of
Courtney Brehm, Shakinah Simeona-Lee, and Olivia Vernon.
Congratulations to these students!



New Faculty Member Spotlight

Dr. Brian McGowan is joining the SPAHE program as an assistant

professor this fall. He currently serves as an assistant professor in
the Student Affairs and Higher Education program at Indiana State
University. Prior to joining the faculty at Indiana State University, he
has worked in multiple functional areas in student affairs including
residence life and housing, orientation, and career services. He also
served as a project associate for the Center for Postsecondary
Research working primarily with the National Survey of Student
Engagement (NSSE) and the Project on Academic Success (PAS) at
Indiana University. He earned a bachelors degree in Music
Education from Old Dominion University, a masters degree in
Higher Education and Student Affairs from The Ohio State
University, and a Ph.D. in Higher Education and Student Affairs from
Indiana University.
Dr. McGowans research cuts across three broad areas: student
development and engagement, race and higher education, and
college men and masculinities. He has disseminated his work through
refereed conference proceedings, workshops, and keynote
addresses across the country. Furthermore, his work has been
published in national referred journals and other academic
publications including the Journal of College Student
Development, National Association of Student Affairs Professionals
Journal, and the Urban Education Research and Policy Annuals. His
scholarship and professional practice have been praised through
awards and honors including the ACPA Annuit Coeptis Emerging
Professional Award (2015), and the National Association of Student
Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Melvene D. Hardee Dissertation
of the Year (2014).



Congratulations Class of 2015!


Congratulations and happy graduation to:

Brandy Hall
Christina Jordan
Courtney LaGanke
Angie Loggains
Livni Mendez
Natalie OConnor
Nikki Paganelli
Mary Lesa Pegg
Morgan Ridgell
Denisha Ross
Logan Schuerman
Justin Shreve
Sarah Stanfield
Torri Staton
Heather Whedbee
Symphony Oxendine
Torry Reynolds
We are so proud of you all that you have learned and all that you have accomplished! We look
forward to the great things that you will do on behalf of your students.
In the words of the great student development theorist, Bob Dylan (1973):
May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
May your song always be sung
May you stay forever young.
Get out there and challenge and support!



Do you have anything to share?

Send any updates and suggestions to Rachel Adams,

Stay connected to SPAHE



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