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Ethereal Crystals 10-11-12

Founder: Ole Gabrielsen

It is now possible to give a powerful crystal healing, WITHOUT

crystals. Through attunement you gain access to a specific crystal's
energy and can channel it by intention.
These ethereal crystals are much stronger than those found in
earth. You can place them on the body, just by pointing at a certain
area of the body, and by thinking the stones name. The stone will
disappear when the energy is no longer needed.
Furthermore, you can create powerful gem elixirs in seconds and
increase the strength in certain gemstones by 400 %! An Ethereal
Crystal healing can stand-alone or be combined with other healing
methods, such as Reiki. You are also taught distance healing and
how to pass on Ethereal Crystals 10-11-12

Ethereal Crystals 10-11-12

You are attuned to the following stones:

Stone Properties Levels 10-11-12

ABUNDANCE CRYSTAL is used to bring Abundance and


ISIS CRYSTAL helps one to cope with grief or loss.

CHANNELING CRYSTAL aids in communication with spirit


WARRIOR CRYSTAL enhances personal truths, integrity, and

helps one to live a "right-minded life and to know the warrior

LASER CRYSTAL helps communication with other worlds.

NEEDLE CRYSTAL helps to "balance scattered energy patterns.

GENERATOR CRYSTAL helps to stimulate telepathic

communication, especially in groups of healers and teachers

KEY CRYSTAL is used unlock the doors to healing or psychic

awareness. Helps you to access missing information

E.T. CRYSTAL facilitates communication with extra-terrestrial


PHANTOM CRYSTAL is used to facilitate access to past lives

and spirit guidance.

CRYSTAL CLUSTER enhances peace and harmony within a

group, family, social or business environment.

MASTER MATRIX CRYSTAL is used as a master programmer

of all record keeper crystals and communication with guides,
teachers or Higher Self.

DOLPHIN CRYSTAL helps us learn to receive abundance and to

nurture ourselvesas well as others. Assists in working with all
traumas, including abuse.

RECORD KEEPER CRYSTAL is used to learn ancient

knowledge and gather information. Also for for meditation, they
often can take you back to ancient times

TWIN FLAME CRYSTAL is used to attract like minded,

spiritual companions.

TIME LINK CRYSTAL teachespatience and reminds you to give

yourself time assist in managing one's time can aid tremendously
in telepathic commutation can assist one in past and parallel life

How to pass on Ethereal Crystals 10-11-12

1. Imagine/visualize that you are surrounded by the energy of all
the stones in Ethereal Crystals IV, that is slowly becoming
stronger and strongerthe force field is becoming brighter and
Do this for 2-5 minutes.
2. Say mentally or loud: (to your higher self):
I ask that (name) may be attuned for the Ethereal Crystals
IV Empowerment the strongest possible the person can
Or if you are preparing the attunement in advance:
I ask that (name) may be attuned at (time) on (date) in
his/her time zone for the Ethereal Crystals IV Empowerment
the strongest possible the person can handle.

3. The attunement will then start and after around 10 minutes, it

will stop.

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