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Two types of neutral axis

Xu max

1. Critical NA/maxNA/limiting NA (given in table above)

(NA for a balanced section)
2. Actual NA
Xu =( 0.87*fy*Ast)/(.36*fck* b)
1. Based on compressive forces
Mu = C*leverarm
Mu = 0.36*fck*b*Xu*(d-0.42Xu) eqn 1
2. Based on tensil forces
3. Mu = T*leverarm
Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*(d-0.42Xu)
eqn 2
Types of sections
1. Balanced section
Both C & T increase in proportion and both materials fail @ the same
time (assumption)
In practice concrete fails first by crushing (primary compression failure)
and steel yields
Xu = Xu max
MR can be calculated by eqn 1 or eqn 2 with Xu max
Practically balanced section is not possible
2. Under reinforced section
Having steel less than that of balances section
Slow and gradual failure (primary tension failure)
Final collapse is by concrete
Xu < Xu max
MR can be calculated by eqn 1 or eqn 2 with Xu (since Xu is smaller
than Xu max we use a smaller value in the equation and get a small
MR value which is favourable)
3. Over reinforced section
Reinforcement greater than that of balanced section
Concrete fails (primary compression failure)
Sudden failure
Xu > Xu max
Dont design as over reinforced
MR is limited to that of balanced section
MR is calculated by eqn 1 with Xu max
(since Xu max is smaller we use it in calculation and only 1 st
equation.2nd is not used because Ast will be very large and we get a
large value of MR which will not be the true value..)

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