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1. What do you feel about the company are you aware of its future plans?


2. Quantum Tag says “Where people matter” do you think so as an Employee?


3. How satisfied are you with your Job?


4. How is your relationship with your superior? Is it Professional?


5. Do you think your Views and Participation is valued in the company?


6. Does your work give you a feeling of Personal Accomplishment?


7. Do you receive appropriate Praise and Recognition for your contributions?


8. How do you Rate the Promotion system? Do you feel its fair and based on your

9. How is your work Responsibilities in terms with your Qualification and Experience?

10. Does Company offer the necessary Training to do the job?


11. Would you Prefer more Training and Development Opportunities at the company?

12. How do your rate the Work Culture is it Professional?


13. Would you like it if it’s Made more Professional?


14. Are you satisfied with the Benefits and Compensation Offer in the company?

15. How Do you rate the Work Environment (office set up, working conditions) Does it
motivate you to come to work?

16. How do you like the shift System is it convenient or would you prefer a fixed Timing
to work?

17. How do you Rate the other Benefits provided by the company (apart from salary)?

18. What all benefits would you prefer?


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