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Union College NURS 256 Maternal Newborn Nursing


Student Nurse ________________________________________________ Date __________________
Today I worked with ____________________________________________, who has _____ years of
experience as an RN, and ________ years as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
LEARNING OBJECTIVES (Address each item.)
1. Evaluate the role of the R.N. in providing care to lactating mothers as an IBCLC/LC.
2. Develop assessment skills pertinent to care of breastfeeding mothers in the community.
3. Initiate and maintain meaningful and appropriate communication with clients and the IBCLC/LC.
4. Discuss pertinent observations with the IBCLC/LC, and with the mother as appropriate.
Days Activities
How many women and infants did you care for together?
How were the IBCLC/LCs duties as you expected and how where they different?
As expected

Different then expected

Below, and on the back of this page, briefly describe the chief complaints of the mothers you and the
IBCLC/LC saw, and how the IBCLC/LC and you addressed each.

Instructor Comments




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