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History I.

Chapter 7

1. Oral tradition-the legends and history of a culture preserved by word of mouth

2. Plateau-a relatively flat region of land higher than the surrounding area
3. Savanna- a flat grassland, with few trees, in tropical or subtropical regions
4. matrilineal-tracing family descent through the mother and her ancestors
5. age set-in traditional Africa, a group of males or females of similar age who learn skills
and go through life stages together.
6. monotheism-belief in one god
7. Ghana-title of the ruler of a region in ancient Africa, later applied to the kingdom
8. mosque-a Muslim house of worship
9. monopoly-control of all or almost all trade or production of a given good

Chapter 10

1. Clergy-persons, such as priests, given authority to perform religious services

2. laity-church members who are not clergy
3. icon-a Christian religious image or picture
4. iconoclast-an opponent of the use of icons in Byzantine churches
5. schism-the division of the Christian church in 1054 that separated the Roman Catholic
Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church
6. theology-study of religious questions
7. regent-person who acts as a temporary ruler
8. mosaic-picture made up of tiny pieces of colored glass, tile, or stone set in mortar
9. illuminated manuscript-book page decorated by hand with elaborate designs,
beautiful lettering, or miniature paintings
10. monastery-a community of men who have taken religious vows
11. missionary-person who carries the ideas of a religion to others
12. steppe-wide, grassy, semiarid plains of Eurasia, from the Black Sea to the Altai
13. principality-territory ruled by a prince
14. boyar-a land owning noble of early Russia
15. czar-title taken by rulers of Russia in the late 1400s
Chapter 11
1. sheikh-chief of a Bedouin tribe
2. revelation-a vision of divine truth, such as those attributed to Muhammad
3. shari’ah-Islamic code of law that includes rules of all aspects

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