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4th semester-B.E/B.TECH
First Internal Assessment Test February 2013
Sub. Title : Control Systems
Sub. Code : EC2255
: 1.30 hour

: 02.02.2013
Max. Marks: 50
Answer all questions
Part A (5 x 2 = 10): 10 Marks

1. What are the three basic elements in electrical and mechanical systems?

2. Write down Masons Gain formula and expand the terms in the formula.
3. State the block diagram simplification rules for eliminating the feedback loops.
4. What are the advantages of signal flow graph method?

5. Define Transient Response and Steady state response of a system.

Part B (2 x 16 = 32 & 1 x 8 = 8): 40 Marks

6. a) Write the differential equation governing the behavior of the mechanical system
shown in the figure. Draw the force voltage and force current electrical analogous circuits
and verify by writing mesh and node equations.

b)(i) Draw the torque-voltage and torque- current electrical analogous circuit for the
following mechanical system shown and verify the mesh and node equation. (10)

(ii) Compare the advantages and disadvantages open loop and closed loop control systems.(6)

7. a) For the block diagram shown below, find the output C due to R and disturbance D.(16)

b) Find the overall gain of the system whose signal flow graph is shown in fig.

8 (a)Convert the given block diagram into a signal flow graph and obtain C(s)/R(s)



(b) Find the impulse response and step response of the first order system.


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