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The education system in Sri Lanka is made up of multiple phases in the school system.

Children begin with primary school followed by middle. In these phases of the school system,
children are allowed little to no choice on what they study. After these phases are completed, the
school children continue to secondary schooling. During secondary schooling students who wish
to attempt their GCE O Levels may do so in order to go onto additional schooling at a university
or tertiary school.
The status of education in Sri Lanka has steadily improved. Schools strive to reach
standards established by UN global education initiative. Three of these standards include: putting
every child in school, improving the quality of learning, and fostering global citizenship.
According to, Sri Lanka currently has a 98% enrollment rate in their
primary school systems. The percentage stays steady into the secondary and tertiary enrollment
rates as well. Below is a chart showing the enrollment ratio in the secondary schooling systems
beginning in 1980 and ending shortly after 2010.
Enrollment in Secondary Schooling

As I briefly explained in the previous paragraph, Sri Lanka has a steadily increasing rate of enrollment
which is only one of the three priorities laid out by the UN. This chart clearly shows the positive incline.

Sri Lankas status of education continues to impress going into the second standard set
out by the UN global education initiative. Improving the quality of learning is a limitless
worldwide goal. So long as everyone is working on improving, the education systems will
continue to increase the quality of learning. In the graph below, countries are listed and rated.
The scale at the top indicates a number closer to 1 is far behind other countries while a number
closer to 7 is among the best in the world.
Education Quality

The chart above shows a clear comparison of the quality of education in Sri Lanka and other
countries around the globe.

Lastly, we will look at fostering global citizenship within schools. The graph below
shows Sri Lanka in comparison with other countries around the globe. In this graph we are
looking at school completion among women in lower secondary.
School Completion Among Females

The graph above shows the amount of females in each country that complete secondary

Works Cited
Education System in Sri Lanka. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2015.
Priority #3: Foster Global Citizenship. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2015.
Sri Lanka. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2015.

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