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Known for a nice personality, possessing an intense

voice, fast decision-making skills and strong
leadership qualities, Shri. Ajay Chandrakar lives his
life to the fullest.

Shri. Chandrakar is a man who is extremely fond of

simple rural life and prefers to spend most of his time
in the constituency, amidst the village folks. He is a
strong leader of Kurud and has taken a number of
steps for the improvement of the place.

Shri. Chandrakar is very down-to-earth personality

and interacts freely with the people in every kind of
environment. From the very beginning he is a proud
organizer of the All India Poetry Conferences and
various cultural programs.

According to Shri. Ajay Chandrakar, the

passing of rules and regulations for three
universities in a single day was the biggest
achievement for him.

The amendment of the Panchayati Raj Act that

brought about a path-breaking transformation in
fields like literacy, giving them a legal backing is also
one of the greatest achievement. Along with this,
women acquired 50% reservation in the Panchayat
after the acceptance of Panchayat Raj Act.

He has taken a number of efforts in developing his

constituency with sparkling concrete roads, and
establishment of new schools. Through the up-gradation
of education and setting up of new schools, he
successfully addressed various problems of the state.

He has undertaken the Tourism Board to promote tourism

in a sustainable manner. It is also trying to incorporate
carrying capacity analysis to the resource utilization.

He has given complete respect to his

community and has given equal respect to the
rights of other communities with equality.

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