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Egyptians, Canaanites, and Philistines in the Period of the Emergence of Israel ITAMAR SINGER using the 150 yet from out tbe middle of the neithcenury to ee besnning of th enh centary BCE, reoluionry changes cecurred in Pakeine ie'nany spheres. One of the moat oustanding was inthe sphere of politcal Crenition Eom 2 provoc ofthe Beyptan empire, fared ato national Tere state, ‘ifereat people ook part inthe power struggle which brought about this mpeeadented transformation, The most imporunt of these wee the Fuypians rules ef the soln for hondrede ef Jers. Otbers were: the CCensanies—the erly ihablane of Palesing! who évelt primacy in the Toninds, te Fllisines and ther Sa Peoples (Sit, Shean), who Nad ved recently from the norhwer and ete! slong the eons pai; andthe Tale oa! groups, who sete! maa the highlands.” Research as, 33 rmalter of cout, fcused upon the sales, aly beaut they ha he uppet rand in the srgae Thisatay wills astral examination ofthe event of thi peti roms he nndpoint of the ote forces that partied inthe str for conc over Palestine howe peseived in the perspective of tory asthe lon Soures or recantation ofthe onsale aspects ofthe pid are meager and even tore limited than tow for the period i general. Along wth the Constants aad problematioe whieh the Bia sures pose forthe itrion thet the simple fac i hat Uy were writen by Isreies and obviously ao acne keihin of bet fr S01) oreo mere ernie cle (he 72 ona, Aan AND PHLITINGS 2 their authors had saint eos ints eteril and the vay twas presen Tndependent source rom elewberareciost noevstet Ashe ase ith irr forced to retreat from tee coloies, Egypt cid not document its fwibdraval fort Canaan, In fic, tis (rom negative evidence —the {Sseppetance of Egyptian artist in Palestine that we how ofthe Fannin even fom Caan, Melber the Catsaits ar te Pilistives or the oter peonks in Palestine ef behind «natin pie which could eve at a historia {ure analogo othe Bible, wlth ew and meager inscriptions from the pod ial of cost no lp he ioran. Is ikonithat he Cangas, ‘ho gave ning the fre appa, et behing of insexptions to document thst history, Aohsclopel eidene makes a cern contribution to Blaine the distortion which nes fom te oneadedness ofthe bis sures, helping, ties to elt confirm ofrefte «historia reconstraction which Hs been built upon fragmentary bibl iformstion alo withthe personal judgment of the investigate Trcesie dependete upon ‘historia logk', «perspective which secesuly nia etospostive view of evens, constites a hazard forth historia, Th, or example judging bythe eat f the stegale fr contol over Palen, we ‘wold expect to find Rayptis-Canaaate cooperation in an atempt to presen the ening onde agate growing late eet cis foundations. Ye the hut denetopmenn ere ue eu, The Cayptians pursed aot ih poly ot ony Gd tey not reife the Cann cityatates stat hey woah ‘haan the psu ofthe il eounry people, buchen certain asta, they tok sep to weep them, congue them, and tar down thir wall: On fever octont, the reverie nko oseureed: Canaanite cites didnot heed the inertia of the Egyptian autos and een undermined the power ofthe ‘eeme, Dept he pl of etroxpective reconstrcton, reasoning ertin the tou work tot of te historian, especialy fr thi opriely documented ptiod Final, a word onthe difeute concerning the ebronclogkal constuction of the period. Te diminishing Exyptian sources on Cansen and the isnppenmanc of Egyptian aifets in Palestine enti he concomitant abenc of fats for an abot eronology, aud even reat chronology becomes very Gifu establish, The French historian Roland de Vnox rota comment 0 thi ets inthe roa draft of the ast ehaper (Pee ofthe Judes) of is monument work on ie story ofthe lees, whi he did ot manage to ‘omplet before his ext: pons Uli ue chronloge’® We nn only fare ith that comment and ty, nvetele, 10 roughly and ceneaely fesontrct the mia cure of events rig the heenth to eleventh eetais Ace, bo in their oie of de Vs, Mle cle el La pve er age, Pa 9 8 24 rrastan sen ‘nd the tps mile ffm bere tah ‘Ths tightening ofthe Exypin rsp on Pane ding the Nineteenth ender “Twenieth Dovastes, a process already discerned by At ela entry 80 Ms been icrasngy ominaed by recent archaeologists! One of ts ‘expressions was the anexstion of lrg rgias, expel slong the sostbera ‘ote of Palestine and their japan to drt Egyptian el, Thi wat sharp “eparure rom the poey nb hd been prise 9 the Eeypanefor undress fof yeas, Although ot tered to expt in Fgyplan documentation ts reatonble to suppote tat one of Eqyptsabjectvs inthis new poey a to ‘oustrat te peut of aro bal groupe wbich hd become more active in ‘hel regions and be seset tage of Cana, i hielo te Egyptians cold not expect ach ep from he teak Canaanite sites, which mere plaged by ‘trie among themselves, Ts they wer complied oes diet control ‘over these towns, thereby gnining preter maneuverability fr thelr ores. AS tote achaselogcal dase have become avilable in onfrmation of hsp, ‘ses in the south of th county, ne can now econatuet the deret tages ff the anseraton policy Ramesses IT (12791212 BCE) ‘The new Eeptan poly is foreshadowed athe expeditions of Set £(1291-279) to orth Canaan, butt sol eryetiled dig the lng eign of Rares 1 ‘An Eaypton fortes, sbjet to the consol of the Egyptian governmental ‘cee Joppa, was bulk 3t Aphek inthe Shon on thers of the Coase palace? In xcayaoas et Ashdod adie acient ort Tel Mo, evidence as been 4A Ay ‘Kap Temp in Pon und dl Lani isa 200%, (typ pr ite Seen Gace dar Pes let Stein 1, ‘Nevin en th Coma Poid Te S Soe ei eS ys Ane elec in ‘Came’ Unas’ he Sew Ka i of toon imine S30 4 (NO, pp 3938 O. Coes Hess cp ‘ee Soin Case Tey, (hoy 9p. 73 B,C Lee ‘atl ach ate End of he Lit tte Ag Caann JX Tab ‘Pua te rote ead on Ae: age oa fg fl, London 9. Sis Coal Po tae acnfaneanie Rod SOE HOUT ops Som oe Flt! Sar of Mev VIN Tl tors GMI pe. § Por dee in Mn ay OYrTIANS, Canaan, AND TINGE us found that daving the reign of Ramer I thie terion too va8 under diet Egypita coaiol* Presunetly, the annettion process began in the suther oul zegio, inthe hinteviand of the Egyptian sdministatie satin Gaba However, dat fom excavation cari ot atthe Deanne otis entry at sie along Naga! Betor (Tal Jemmeh and Tall e-Faret do oot allow us 10 eerine the exact ime when the ‘Governor Reience were exes a these ste | “Te picture which emerees from thse dat is that during the fist stage of Egypt expansion, which agelypaaled the eign of ames, Eayptian ‘trontolds and administrate coters wee enabled chiefly fn te located Along te Vis Marit. At this tine, ABhdo, located midnay between Gaza end Soprs, Sesime an important ropply base for Faypian cxsrane on tele wy orth Asie purpose wasted bythe annexation of Apbe, wich ie int ‘erates paee betwen the course ofthe Yatkon ad the Hile f Eph, Psunuly, thr place ere also ade to the chain of Egyptian fortes, bat er siter Rave not yet been excavate” Pethps expansion ofthe sphere of Egspuan contol near the higher ches of ‘Nabal Beorabould be understoed in cancion with the routes leading 10 “Tanjoran and the Arbab copper mines. Apparent, Tell Jemmeh and Tele FFacah mee vay salon along tis route Ar noted, we donot hae scent ‘idence to determine exetly When the proces began in the ogee, a ty pos hive uarspired in one of th ater saat of Eaypian expansion “Thus domo: have dat about the poy a pened Kayan conta ter par f the country, duty anon) with developments in southers Canaan, Ics resonable fo sue that the Epypan ated simly north of he Yaron Fiver. Enytin tes fom his peed mosly report om the expedons of emesis 10 syea and Trangjotae, wth almor no mention of CSnan0 ‘Altnoue nthe Amaah repel Nab topoeapica ist bas ben peered ‘ohichlaieder the names of Rephia,Sharahen{.] Maboe, Seech, Joppa ad Cater a broken segment) Doe tad Rehab It doesnot conttateconelaie tsidence ofa spec Egyptian pretence i the lees meatoned ce 08 i.e gene ea, Va Hen ‘Dyna ren fe war ba! a he pn te a Dat tty an ao shee rato See. Dot, pest Span see Plait rae ara Siete te omen ge ite Te Land Crs as (foto, snes 1s, pe to. orth nme ee Cen one 3. 1 occas, abr eA Si been ta an Jpp. Se Sper (bee Siete 12s Br i Bet Je 15 449 oe 16 ranansnoen ‘An niet hint athe masa ofthe ety of Medd uring ti pti i foand in fragment of ler foe Dobaskdy. the document, dating fom the ‘ile ofthe shiteenth century, he ty of Meio (Malt) e mentioned ae meting place for Hite and Eaypuanemisaries on expeditions berwen thet Ferpectiv Kngcoms. If we add to ti the two rare Hite stface which were ‘iscovered in the Meyiddoexcavations—a Hite ior fom te treaee of he palace of Suatum VIIA and a baton seal ofapprouinatly the me period —it eomes car tat Mepido coup cent pce in Earp latins with the nowth during the Nineteenth Dyas. lmay be tat by thine Meso slrendy become an Egyptian cminsative sex, eventhough thre le leer ‘dence of thi procs in fads rom the period of the Twentieth Dynasty, tien al be disused Below. -Memeptoh (1212-1202 BCE) With Mergpta'sacet tothe drone new sage inthe polly of ghening aypia conl was inaugurated, Ate be ance in Egypt forsign poly Asng the st decades of Ramee eae, there wa 8 enewed need o secu the Important interoational rostes in Canaan by auteing tore terry fo crest Exyptian conto. “The mst iiportant document fr ceiving hue i the “eal Ste’ rom seit year of Metneptah's ue (1207 BCE)" The historia sane of he solitary external mention of ealy Issel was for along tine the center of iscaon, and een, there hasbeen renewed dingrcerentrtalig fr 8 "sigstion which dds ash perspective to Mernpiah'senpedon. Bu ist the ‘sl ta and main approaches prvalest in arent eich mathe reviewed ‘The ‘sal Stele ise memorial record rected by Merept fo cosmemorte Ls itry over the Libyan ties inne west Gung he th et ie The seis conceoe eh wich hs nar, anit only in th at seston «Kd of Sauvey of the stuston on the Borders of the emp thatthe well-known Aesrption ofthe surwader of Asbkelon, Gear, Yeno'm, and nel sppcis Brceueof the poet sil ofthe cesciptian, some Eeyptologite mere iene do 4 certain skeptics concerning the historia reliably of thi scion” hs Aespie the fat that he i "conqueror Ges alo appears inthe insertion ‘Nags Manone in eter om Noes, E Ne nC Rl ‘een at a ean eri rn nan ea aiminionso ro ce sak if Boece dec, ite $8, appa Forkren i wed 2. tated: Gre Whoaeen BM, peak soY7Tns,cavantoes 480 Png 2 ef Merept from Arad Other thors ave aisha pene rb to th information neuded inte atl." OF cours noone cepts the imporcane be fist appearance ofthe name sel In an extinct doeurent ‘Ares meson hasbeen aes to the debate asa res of Yurco's suggestion ‘tattle fom Kivaak,prevouly abated to Razesses I, mus ber be sseribed 10 Mernepath® The reef, oly parlly preserved, poriays the ongust of thee fortis ees and the det ofa fourth enemy 08 the open field Of the xptons accompanying the ret, only the aame of Ashcan hat een peered, According to Yure's upgtion, the othe wo cis represented sould be Gezet and Yero'm, andthe enemy inthe ope fle wo ten be Sac Following a careful serainy f the location of the reliefs and the bcripone engraved a thet she, Resford har recently rjc he Gating oposed by Yue: He alo invoked doubts about the Nstreal rly of the Canaanite itm here St’ leaving oly the possi hat i desrbes 2 limited aod unimportant Exypin expedition to Geer. ‘Winout adopting aa unogulocal sd inthe debae among Egyptalogite concerning this queson, Iconsier it wothubil to point out that f Yates ‘aggeton ie ort, iteas revolves cern dif in econrating he cores ‘events lng he southern const of Canaan, Aezording othe dons dating 1 he ale th ity of Acelon would hae beer conquered vice cing the ‘ign of Ramesses I asording tote rele?) and during the rule of Mernepah ‘according fo the ‘sae Sie’), Tis fie, which had ear Ben of concer fA I resled by Yarco's propos To thie st shouldbe added tat pace the south of Cana donot apeat in deerisons ofthe camps of Ramee 1 whereas dating th four sens on the elt othe time of Mernptah ould sel si the four zations mentioned in he nae Ste. At any rte, een i {ono conse the et, beeabie ofthe dou abou ite dng, We caaat eet 1 nformaton conveyed bythe stele concening the chmpaig to Cana, ich scarred before the fith yar of Merneptah's cig. Furtermore, an analysis of ‘he statepiesgnieance of hin cpa andi eve wl inet iscompete ensonsnce with overall Egyptian polity in Canaan ‘Ne the annewation o re portions of he southern coastal lin during he de of Baste ll, Ashton sod Gere were the at resning Canaanite ity 5A Kaen, Ramee ern, 12, Ost 18, pM. 3 Sense cumple Kee bom 21h pe 3 pal ap le. itn, Mery St Secaso LE. Stuer, ‘Merenpa, rend eu People New Light ona OM Roe, Brien 18 089, pp. Sov oo canes em of i etn :2 Bibra Me aie et Rasch nt Se D0 9p 2 Id m6 ‘Sipe tore Sm sates located inthe southern part othe ia Ma which sl taeda ceiin eget of independence Memeptah’scamsigy, nthe cous of which theses were conquered, erates complete Enypin contol ove this eucalseetion of the inerstional roue. Asbielon tecame an Eaykian songeld, and appareils, 2 tpl vas erected there tothe Egyptian god Pash” Merepah considered the congusst of Geae toe the pinnate fis uma, as evidenced by te ae “conqueror of Gear’ that he conferred apon hel may be sumed tht in Gears well an Bayan center of goverment was wet op. Ane Indeed, an impressive building, which perhape tered a8 the “Govemors Residency’, was uncovered inthe excroone of Macsate™ Geer, whch was the mot important Caseane ciate in southern Canta, dominated not only itl scton ofthe Pe Mars bu ao the man ermond sewing fom the Shephelah to te conta bilan. oy be that tae Egyptians td 10 ‘xan thei contro i his elon, thn at he begining of a etement procs, tnd its possibly inthis eonnection tat te ae aes mentioned inthe Insexpion® Indiret evidence of his canbe found i the “Boede Journ from he thi par of Memepta’s rig which reports che anil of ors sornanders from “Messepiah's wel intel, Even if thee 90 proof he emetion roposed many years sgo with the "Waters of Nopton (Jo 189,185) the Akesiaation ofthe place nthe ‘Border Jour accords wal ath ocating tithe routes well known from the tells ef Sef, which describe the Wats ct ‘Horo’ and from the new areheolial reser in noche Sn and at Dit -Balah" Teislifet to determine whether the friction ef the wate source near Jeruolem as meant as preparation for Mernepa's expedition, of as Pethaps one ofits resus The Eeypian aterm to ature cern amount of 2 Al ton, 9, p29, 3 Choate wre Rene” Gn Ae HHA ‘Accra the Aa Let (mT) Tl hor Un 5p TE in: rit i alr, ran ‘Bvnday of P's ante T2989), pp eth Me NR 20 Sager hove, 38h Bf id a ta Pe PUIG Hi (toe, pp SE tn eatin z Sab ne runner en sai ar 0 pp 728i (above, 4. 9 9p. HE we rina eee OYTTUNE canaanmas 80 PTE 29 entrl inthe centr il sounty nthe vicinity of Seratlem, hs far-eching Sgnicance for the following nage of the “ealieSetement” proces tn the ‘sytalznton of the tlbes of rack tray be atrmed tha this wae the Yeginaing f th nonlraee wedge between Jereaslen/ Jebus and Oever, wich ‘spared the tes in the cent highlands from thow in te south, “Appaenly, one ofthe objectives of Eeytan penetration Into the ena his 1s fo open tn alternative route nowbard via te Jordan Valley the Beth ‘Shean Valley. A sessel bearing the nane of Queen Trost found at Tell Beit “Alle may point to an Egyptian pence i te central Jordan Valley. The slermive route to the norbem valleys ltened dependence on the soade "erough the Shaton, Which were inthe suture ofa botlenesk lane the a aris, As note, dane notavallable abut what the Fgyptines dt eae the ‘ae pasiag of tne creas frm Aphcknerhvard but my Be eauned hat [nels suetch at wel Egyptian Strspuntte were erbihed" Tere iineeasing ‘evidence that the acserted aetlement of herbs ofthe Hous of Jon ph ad ‘oi piling over into the eastern Sharon di indeed creates coining nest fou ti vial artery might be locked “Te picture which emerges fom the evidence concerning Merepih's ig it ne of energie attempts to tahien the Egyptien hol on diferent pacts of| "lestine, and peehaps even further orth, olloing the apparent wetkening of contol alte end of he eign of Ramesses. According the ‘Borer Joora ‘Sepp emisanes reacheg at are te and Ara” I the seugtion is correct, thatthe 'ty of Mereprah in P3-Ara” it Damssus/Up© then, Swe ht ure the period under etestin, hs ty alsa beste en Eayptan ‘sat of goverment. At diferent place inthe Papyrot Anais I, mention ide of en Egsptenscvenor wha bests the ile ‘King's envoy [othe rules of) the foreign nods of Hore feom Sito Up Thistle, whieh hae no previous are hiss peraps at conenuation ofthe conta of lhe At dts inthe ands of single Heypeangoversor, in contrast withthe ete ered in ih Canaan bad been divided ino «number of administrative det? [isi hcn penton Der tna Sch San sar pa eed ‘ia fom tin ee ety Ara i So ye 14 MU Gini nat Bote, The Nesta Sano oe Hott of Jug ne Lea ete Sarah enti eae Sti 9p BEDS MM Ronen Te Stent Pr pal) Te Myo Ber ra Yl Te a ot ‘ie ile Por sa 1984, 9.2 Poa 8a a’, Apes, Te tty shal of Ener eA 98.8 (en) 3 Evel Be Crammed Togs imap i Be BG, 2 4 Erte le bo sr toon Ramus IP, ec nd Ae Funan cy fi dese ae oan BE Dc ‘0. Segen ately sedge Tuo Gores be Of eter om Te Ape’ frat oo Ahn Ramesses TH (1182-1181 BCE) For about two decades ater the segn of Mernepiah, Eypt wat beset with Interna ditcuties and power sugges, and hae a ou ipo! simoH Information about is re over Cancan during that period, However, the ‘dscovery of 1 lied amber of atlact bearing the names of comtempocery Pharoahs® i evidence of + eeriin amount of coninvlng Egyptian presence in ‘Under the enevgete ral of Ramses IT Egypt recovered, and the efor to ‘ontelidat its cone! ia Paetine reached thee peak One of the snpertaay ‘evelopment ln Egypt at this ine was the unpeedesed icra in the wealth and power ofthe royal emples and pity sppratin "Ths phenome, wich ‘ontibuted ignifeacy oth evetaal weakening td integration of the New Kingdom, made its apetrance inthe Egyptian peovaes in Asia aswel, From Papyrus Haris Tele f a tere being ult to the pod Amon in “PS. Canaan’, is, Gaz to which the local population brought ofeigs? In adtloe, sine cies in Canaan end Nubia were dedicated to Amon ‘As in Egypt, the temples in Cannan served as admiaiaative centers for collecting tse (chi gala frat he oe! population, Inset tsar 8 {o he functioning of to Exypiaa edie centers in southern Canaan hat been uncovered seen is excavation at Tel Serv ad Lacs At tet fo sles Eaypten offering bowl mith erate iscrptons were found, voting he Amounts of grin when had bean rida ones na fo ntact year of tule of the governing Pharaoh has ato been preserved ear 2" in Tel Se aad te year € and "ear 10+ xin Lacishapparaiy relate to Ramesses TI ‘Te incision of Tl Sera and Lachish win dee Epypanadmiittion signifies «new phase in the Egyptian poly of ansevaton, Their cont was 0 longer ited 6 the replons long the Ve Marin bot intend extended dee nto the Judean Min and Shephlah The posit that the important ciy-xate of ‘Gath Tell eS) was acted at htm othe Egypte aint seo! is hinted bythe Enypin anaes discovered at het expel Important ea fragment ofan Egyptian see vnerted isthe til excivation conde atthe ‘Tel lParb and ic Haru in nother Sina ae 0. Galdnauer, “An Egypte Steer ieee acne irs ean sao 5,385. Serbo Spas (18117 BCE) wee ound x Grae acd Beh Shem a So tteall ein cere wocseata Ramesses Mt, CAME 1/72 (1995), pp. 2454 eee eee ovr, cANAASTES, NO LETS = ste athe beginning of the nary. thi sumption ie comet ansenton of ‘he chyssutes of Gath and Laehsh completed the proves of consliting yp conl along the soutern coastal lis, While during the Eishieth Dynasty there ha bee oly to adnate seners—Gazs a opp Egyptians now conrlled a wide are shing a fate Yarkon Rtn orn andthe Jaden His inthe eae. Contol of this vast atta, which sdoubtey ena a lege military and administrative effort, wa intended 19 fecomplsh tWefold aim: to block te tba elements which were gaining ‘eng inthe hl eons andthe deter rings and at he ae ine oreoorce ‘nd improve the apparetus of tax eaten inthe fer areas of the sosthera cast plain and the Shepheah, This esonomi spect should be sen Inthe feneral contest of the peviod of ann, which alfcted wide regions of the “Anse Near Eas a he end ofthe titeenth century ad the begining othe etn ‘The second oustanding development in Egypt's Canaanite pote i reed to te great as withthe Sea Peeples inthe eighth year of Ress ITI7S BCE) tt conieguesces We wil del ere only mith the ain aspects of tis cout The tye bates, both that on ara and tht ase, tok pa on the otter Borde ofthe Egyptian erp Asvording eden nthe els Sangin he tens? the Egyptian very na overenng However, turned ot to bes “yeh vitory’ the Hgypins were subsequently forced fo le many Sea Peoples in Cansen, «solution they found oe the lun dasdvatageous ‘under he eemetancer This Desome ser beth from the Geseiton i Papyrus ‘arse I ten during the eign of Ramesses 1. and ao from the ft hat uring the ral of Ramses there had been extensive setereat ef Piatines snd other Sen Peoples in ates under diet Fayptiancontal™ By etling Postings in fortrese alg the encour, the Egypons hoped to mobilise superior iter to dlek fre asst bysubieguent wae of invasion fom the fea orb tbs from he Blt andthe dese fing Hower, the Egotane BE Oheen, Te npc of Er Cot, Btous 1789 2 rete ce St Re einale Reset Sas Shon Be Se a ie te ‘ey inthe German rh ee ere cedoSaperahve 8 9 1 {ii fen ia, Nock tRo Sette Sen ee hayes Ru 4 (It, pp. 1348, However, ts ew cafe SA te Solan digit Stn eh ad ako fasta a Se fect omni pswoe s 3. Miele bce (ow 0° yop. eee eae cotta ie aoe m Pilsine conection dis got tet lng, and as Eaypt beeame weaker afer ‘Ramesses I, the Phitines eps take an active arn pase the Exypins ut ofthe county. This hbtrcaleconstrichon, which vat ke mtn propoed by ALL lane mostly on an analysis of the Sistory of Pili in the wel ‘enary. There so documentton hich ca throw dirt ight onthe sequence of evens inthe ae. Sill, ths historia reconstostion le peters to eter thich have been sugested" apd cali conient ith the archaeological from the eeavations yhich have been snderaken fn and aound Pit, ‘Along with moves otghten thc hld inthe southern pat ofthe cout the Exypias serieuy telforeed their control inthe northern valley wl Sratum Via Beth-Shen, @ new tapi, 4 “Govemors Resgeney' and other ‘smiistativebulleags were erected The Epypininscritons even ge the ‘ame and tiles ofthe fortess commander in Beth-Shean during the ule of Rameses I: Rameses-Weserhepesh—'Commnde of oops the Lord of the Two Lands’ (pl nb tp), Royal sre" a now) ad “Oversee ofthe ‘eat Hous" Gyr pr wr)" Thiet nppelation was aecerced fo thove ling lssporant positon inthe Exypinn adalaistation as managers ofthe royal stats. Thus, in adion to hs miter di, the commande of Bek Shean ‘ss alio responsible forthe ndminsuaion of re tats of and extending a fet 1 the Jenel Valley According tothe insspions, hi father Tutors held ven ere eae ts: his military rake wat “Capen of Troops hy pd ‘hadnt ae ae ‘Overanrof the Prcan Counts ny er) ‘Ward has suggested that he should be erties with he Thutmos who sae sppareny insrbed beside he cartoubes of Ramenes II on» mode pen cast from the ory reasae uncovered Mesiddo The pence one alia carr the te “Captain of Troops’, and hit admininmtve tile as "Royal Commissioner to Every Foreign Country’ (spaynow? Asstt) comparable the tide of Thutmose from BethShean, Te eter tile excly parle the ‘Akkadian appelaion sian ma, bore by the Egyptian governors of Canad. ‘Thi has far reaching inplestions in rand to the pli sts of Negi Asring tis prid Renewed study ofthe finds from Stet VILA, and ‘spavily te ioxyphinsrptions, revels th dusing the Twentieth Dyoasty $6 a cnore a6 Sh ener tebe tear are Pasi Gok. a Bronse Age M- Heli and E Lips (es. Saiety ond Eonony i ae Fare eo, bs BE ceo he Cat a 6 eS ry ek Til Seton i ee bom i 1B Super bor, 6h pp oan, eT 2 1888. Prag CANAAN AMD RLTINES ~ (and posblysreay a ay a the end of the Ninwenth) Mego Bese an ayia admuseatve center, peraps the most import in the northern pat of Palestine. This concsion is ho based onthe bronze pede of ate of Rarewes Vi, which was found inthis strum, This i te ony iifeant Egyptian arictpoidaing Ramesses which has ben found ie Canaan, and it hints at the extent of Eayptin rule dung the fas! years of Prnoni foverament ithe country!" The reign of Ramesses sting apronimaely tre decade, was the ‘ena song’ of the Egyptian empire in Canaan. This Part, the ast ofthe song foversiqs, was mont fo deommte monumental walle with tous Miser Aeecrpions of mach evens a the conguest of ls la Hatt and Syn, which he pled toc te reels of the much ated Ramesses 2" Many soles th tended to quton ll ofthe aceonplitment imputed to Ramesses I abd some ‘yen net so fara to lim tha fe the Date against the Sen People, Eeypt Iovate Asia promnee and was forced to fit fori ie ate esters Dela? Yet, the evidence that ha acrumulated fom the excavations ia sae! provides comply siferentpstre, Hi reign wat makes by energetic bag in the hing adoinitratve centers and tense annexation of teritory ¢ dest Egyptian management Tlie ofthe above cochsion ato the completion of the anneuain of the nti southern coat plas asin i of th ange the vats of Mido, It wekd west the ore eye ly Etnies ol sve to bring all he Lowlands of Canan,ebough which the important rade Totes psd, onder thir rec ont nce elon, sacha he coridor landing upto leratlem, he een persrated into the lo bill. Whi we de not dave dats about Egpption invtveren: in broa sections ofthe county, uch as the Soaron Phin nd the Jordan Vale, it would nt be surprig i, i future, Egypian Siuaponke were 10 bv Gacovered there to0, since these longitieal sips conoeced the Exyptian adinsicve centers along. the southern coat wth tho in the nriern vale, The expaaicn of Eeypan eauol at this Une had ipotant ramiations forthe erysallzaion ofthe terior wie nhich emecpee after #he Eaypan reteat trom Canaan "The ls days of Eaypio lla Cacuon ae shcoued ln mystery. The Timna nines comin to operate until theme of Ramer V nd hoe at Seri ele (65 solar temple nd ne Tae Dyn bv en doves Elon B For aad B. Men Tporeple!Bstgry, Wk Oxon 8p. 3 lrg hae ats pc tcp yp oye a sat {ey toga govern yond nul pom From he Extn potest ‘Suen Kia ane soak bance eyo esther et an umes, Hamann ear ver awk fabri forage ens tn ti mg at xp ese oy resean soe Kader uni he tin of Rarteses VL In Palestine tel eseptfor spades of the satus of Ramesses VI fom Megido,® ony minor arias have Been found There Isa tendeney act to atach mich importa to the Negi pedestal sine it may have been brought there after the ayptan ft Bit at noted above, this artic! to my mine, proof that the Egyptians sl ejojed tome inflsence a fara the neste valeys? Pethapy they no loner sete Complete conta oer tat are, but nthe elaned shold ona nll user of tnrtsons, suchas Beth-Stean, sido, Geer, and Joys. The eral akever of the azets surrounding tase. postons by other elements would bave increasingly ited the mobility ofthe remaining Egyptian forces. Severing ofthe vita tare roues, which had been te ll ofthe Egypan perl seem? tan end co Egyptian rl in Canaan that ha endured for abut fbr centri ‘The Ble repors noting tal ofthe Egyptian reine in Cannas, een though lurve selement bad begun and continued soncirenly wih te Egyptian preteen he country for at east centur. According othe Bible, head was ‘nese ffom its Cansei, Amore, apd other statist. Tie doesnot nectar indice ignorance ofgeo-polical reales ia Caan at the beginning Df the Seterent pid, since the Bible presenta quite scare pista ofthe siruiure of the Canaanite ctysutes, Biba bivion to Fayptan rle in Cena stems chief fom desloge and pole! conieratons, which esas: be deat ith Bere Mae pa esto tor 7, #4 A a fa Athy ebch wnat Ramee ‘lrg tee taht Opa ver A Kien “Rane XP Levon epg Yl WAN Wataten 0k pT2) SI Greran need ay ith be 14 Ha tot Hh pce Een hv, a 7 p14 43 reo oad inh Ning ped of Aan enon de pte non a ieeg soln he mat nes Aa: Sew Pca emai rata sbet Srey Sre vu Feith, nee fp Scien wed mn Ran hei rane tine haan hea Seidel te arpa apace re ‘ovrrans eananvoas Asp rns 5 1 have day there ao ng Da? PREPARATIONS FOR THE STRUGGLE FOR CONTROL IN PALESTINE (CA 118 ‘The Baylin ste fom Cansan ef pol yacsum, unprecedented for tree The upheavals whish ook pls nthe Ancient Newt East at che end of he ‘hieenh and being of he teh cess BCE crated station tein the armas ef he eon, in which act fhe great powers was tong eBouph 10 Impose iis autnonty, to tat contol remained inthe bands of the are’ ithabitants fr several hundred yer, ‘Beng the st pase of aypian ro, Pletine experienced extensive socio cinic transformations, Alongie atorhhonie Canam groups of he onion ‘ezine, whish ware Tf expoces wth the sappenranse of Egyptian protectin, Clement ofthe new oder" Inacio ribal groups and oer clements which had {evry sre fom the north—egaato ne shape.” Inthe varled scioethae fay wich enn pew center of power didnot este immediatly upon yaptea wihdeawal, tater arov praca, over a period of several dead, “Tis then, ws the age of eoalesene and pepnation for he deve tugle far ooo of th count, "ih he appearance gyn rfc and te Inport rom [primarily upon an analysis of biblical soarees, and their juxtaposition withthe {tchaeoogiea dt ‘Mt computa the ethnic aphees of Infuence which emerged in the county fetowig the Egyptisn withraval toa ovble bol of foreigners inthelowands, withthe leach tbs ensconced Between the “bol in the Mghlands and Aer age The cons phn forte th binge’ the sting of aorthen ays, the upper bol nd the foreign connor of Geae-Ajlonfersaem the Tose bots Ac wit be sggsted below earch Under Canaanite re shoud inlade tron pats ofthe Jordan Ville, which adds aseond ‘ine forthe double bok Fling is 4 description of he web of lations which emerged betwen ferent population groupe atthe peripheries of thee areas ‘The Sika n the Sharon Plain Aer the igh yea of Ramses I (117) «number of group of Sen Peoples tho had cone from fhe elsern Aigeantepion stded along the cous of Paltstne” The tori cumvances of hit wave of etemeat have been Te AMe'Be Laeahne der cen Basin eareonrnran der erst ‘aja pe 5 ence. Ey eso ry an eo, Or 80, isk leap.) 16 awn worn exc show, nl pe, al pap ele one rie Te couse ae a paca ‘he Mec oe Mae Wh cape demu ee ae the const, and who undoubtedly constituted the dominant element ne the Sea Peoples in Cansan. According to Egypt oe fae ee ‘neha oleae lw ton et ena ‘who settled aorh of Phitistia® sane Pel creenar ae elo a lf pho ceed cud te Tooth yay oot 9 BCD toes eee Sie hr” Ain ikea Cee a ce frown c Se tere Shr tS ade Se terval sth eneat De an ye ieee (round ISACE—ee Werner ats nist eset pis nay who ay un ae ae cen beimly «erry decane, histo dou tte seca ee ‘ini don fe opt sce we een cae of eps pus cent I a es ‘ey On sr, Wa men wees i el fore bye nonce ae Tory ea Sarees ‘Novotel cana rs bee ese fe tne nue ol bee Wh totigin te nema oer dee pepe es br ec coma tr aouey Gant naam Deri pena twisted cen det ee ae ithe ee of Shh rasan Nah eee, ‘hepa of th tenet on he Shey cons as Coes a bao Psa tenn hPa te ee ee 'welh century BCE. I may be hatin Do, hin the pina chSeed Finn, tapi et mene oe or hare carey et me Oa yoane fhe Cree tl a Hafo, 188 Lewes 158 ig Sonne arena eee waren 3 Tn a nt ee mast 2 RSRSe a geen ts Si A aaa inti omntnoy BCBG tn Raat en See tdcate pumas ee ldence wl be fund of an Eappinn presence nthe end af the Ni Ueponing of the Twensth Dananon™ A fronine forse of th iki was apparent eves in Tel Zero tthe auacent cemetery, cit graves were uncovered bul of stone sibs, and te tists found inside peoved to reeled frm Cypeu ad fom Pl, We do not have the dat oecesary to determine the exeat of the Sila setlemeat™ whether i inelied the entire Saron coast down tothe Yaron River or rater ws listed only to Se northern pat. Tn this epard he intersting picture which we obtain fom Tel Apbek should be noted" Subsequent tthe destruction ofthe Reyptan ‘Governors Residency (Girt X12}, perhape afer sella lapse of time, a number of eguare Dulngs were constructed (X11). Tse rsimble Boliigs wncovere Meskee/Erar on the Mile Euphrates, at well as hove at Tell Aba Ham st ‘ne mouth of Naha Kshon The sal amount of pottery found ia these bullies doesnot seem to fer uch from iat of the very end ofthe Lae Bronze Age” Inthe ext eat (X10, Pisce pts were fund, The ete ty of the inhabitants ofthe enabling of Sat XI is known, but pera te setiement was merely a souher ffhoot ofthe Ska fa te Sharon. The Pine presence inte mest stratum probybly represents the sage ‘of Philoise aparion to the Yarkon bass ‘The Sherdan in the Plain of Asco North of de Carmel Range atid group of Seu Peoples sted, apparent he Sherdan Ti ateurption of Alt» based upon the presence ofthe name he ‘Onomascon of Amenope, has reeied cafematon ftom nds dung he ‘excavations t Aso! A group of Sea Peoples, ho praéece Monorbrome Ware resembling tht ef Pit, sted on the sae of the Canaanite ty. A sone ject alto fund atthe ie on whic bots wee engraved, reeling those of ‘he Sea Peoples inte rl from Medinet Haby.® A Monochrome ype vetie ‘eau found at Tell Kean inthe southeast pat ofthe Aso Pin a el 5 Fore appara of Dor tit om Amar in Nab abr, mI BBLS a Er 1, ty a a 5 Kata atowe. 2 3) 1 po em, iow. 8, 31 J. Hans, Re Bas 27 (8) ph 3 Renn een! eatin EAA syn Pan Onemaon de Ameope eels Pb se Si (i nage Khia py $5 MA om ous at Pepi E4SOR 265 (4), po. 18. 4 These natn ends ong ote ge INC enue Ba ‘stn, ria apprise ec en Goth pp 1 Hwee er ieee ht en erat om the er Donosese poner (eI hee hen cota wh ve ae rata sen small aunt of Bichrome War, sil to Piistine pottery? “The situation In the Import ste of Tell ABU Tswim is problemat Previously the fat that no Philitine potery had been found wasted a proot of ‘ne hits in setlement subsequent oe destrcton ef th ity at hee ef the Lat Bronze Age Hower, a aurber of sherds hav een ben ened 5 lace ‘Philistine! tn any event, eatly. Sea Peoples” ceramiy such at the Monochrome Ware uncovered in Acco and Tell Kein, hve not tbe ound at Tel Abu Heya?” The son forth abeense maybe elated tthe pea ‘sats ofthe ety. Maca ls suggested that this pore por te mth of the Kian River served as am Egyptian naval bre during the, Nineteenth Dynasty Ii reasonable to ansime tat the Egyptians clang for as tog 2b ossile otis st out othe sa, through whic they evacuated the remaats tr fores om the Beth-Shea ap Jere Valley, and tat fo the soo, he Sea ops didnot sete hee a hs early tage mayb that he ituaon as simlarat the ‘Southern ol’ where te Egyptians ey have conned to hold on tothe port of Joppa asa sen outlet for Geaer and is enon, Tis ropes, however, only conjectural ‘The Sherdan and the Sk didnot manage to uke roti hi stems focany length of tne. The Ska aes tre to aa serious ee power in tbe story of WencAmen, which dates from around 1075 BCE. Peesumably. not ong sftervands, during the Pili expansion northward icy were salloned ‘among thi mote dyinantNnoien and among the focal pope, 19 It thee me does nt appear inthe Bbe. The ae ofthe Shera i even more unser, The Pin of Aro, wher hey wed o gin a foothold runt it itiet Cnazaite earacer gs 131-2), and was cron tramered wo the Jusstiton of he ity of Tye (Kg 9:10-13) Presumably thi elon the Sen Peoples ssmiited among the Canasrits even sooner than thee rete athe ssaroa Pin ee reg eee Allie a ee ee n Seen A ane Le nae ny of te Pines Os 1985, p16, ‘ ae ea gM au ee oer Tpmeams a fries 2; Reto 2 ae amteesayane nrmmmene SRSA chanics Tien eiowine mare erin 17 Bt ct ets od aL em ar a tts Spee ereite oem ormuas, axaanins, sso rmiTNee 299 ‘he Priiinor in Pitta “The ost widespread setement of Sen Peoples in Plsie wae that of the Philistines ta the souters coastal pun. Despite thei strong tendeney 0 simiate among the inhobtants ofthe county, the Plies rine tei pleat and aatinal deny nl the end of the ron Aes. “The oatre ofthe Pike stenet and is ferent sages have become tere flowing the excavations reenly conduct in Phin and 8 femigons™ Ths excavations were cared ot primary the ng itt Coal Ses" inthe words of 1 Sm 278) of Phlleia— Ashdod, kroe, and ‘Ashkelon—but ls in mean aod smallszd cies County tovay'—1 Sa. 213), such ap Zag (Tel Sera, Tia (Tel Base) apd Tel Qasile The eel fru cement usnaled vilage— 1 Sm 618 thu far known ci rom Surveys conducted along Natal Shigrah and Nal Beso” ‘With the exception of Jerald Surin cece ofthe Pasting eles ‘vee the lrgst a rien Plein ring the Iron Age. Meri comparing them tothe aa, por latte stent the Eaty fom Agel ge a curate pits ofthe balance of fone Inthe couse dating te period wader scion. Sr, thre are only few data boat he ayo of these, te ‘ntl ple bldigs xested ia hem, Ax bas eal been roel the cies ofthe Philistine Petapois, icing Fron, are lected atts of previous Canatste ies, During the Nineteenth and Twenteth Dynatis, the tree coastal cies— Gaon, Ashielon, and Ashdod—were Egyptian ceate of {government it woul appear that hs asp bold trefor Gat and Een." ‘This awnpton wupporte the hovel tesonsrcton herby te Piling setdenent degan at rev of Egypt inte, Te woud appecr that all those eta which wer ater to bezome the seat of ‘overnment of Piitne aren had eon ested at sce point ing the tras com te Late Bronze Age tote Iron Ags. We donot be enough ‘ata wo place an ettet de onthe te ofthe destiton oe Uak the doa ofthese eis with ny particular histor event. Aeorinaly t mould be remus fo conelide ta thelr destruction was connected wih the aon of the Sea Peoples! and other possibile shoul ot be led ot. or example, Ist possible tha the destrcton lee fosnd by Phytian-Adame in Asbo sould be ntributed to Mesnepab's conquest, We nl acquire an accurate etre fof the stander —not scearily uniform throughout. Paitin only at the ‘xcaatlons contin, OF argue aye Dotan, The Pies Reon) Ami) Bal sy ie eg eel Coa el re o» dopa "ton ge |g Sete Pais’ aga, 2 (966 op SL ten Stain, Gp td Sg ten Age Sima ie Wao two Tecan Ta Ran Pa er a he snes Ren Ea an te Se at Te tte ote Bary Wom ge 30H pp SE 101 Sa ve a Sipe Phiitne Material Oulere Archacolopcl and bistrcl research facet iit poblom in the atenpt 12 dein the ate ofPilitine caltere: Undoubtedly, te rove of asiton of the Pistnes among the ndignous population vas que rapid and witha few ‘sneation the etlbates of hl orginal ater ele sapere. Thin een years it bas Become elt tat in over to late the erga cuts ‘emets ofhe Phisines, porto tse iteration do he Cansanit-Fayan? ‘ature of southern Taba, i aacnary, it ad foremest,t examine the Ina stage of ther setement, Tit see Ist for about ons pneiton end found palpable exesion in te large lita of Phila, The exovations at ‘Add hve prose imporant san, and ite Hkely hat hoe now vader way in Ehron and Aelo vill make an een grstercomribtion. Aa we a forthe shay from the begining of Pristine seenent abe from the heartand of Friliia elf, ne encounter increasing diiculty in Isolating the Pilisine ‘lemen, as 6 even fm the Heed debt on thi subject. The stored Information on the Piliines, anther Irom te bibles, the Asin, ‘Gasset sours naturally tet ner sages ip Phiitine itor, siiempt to we i to reconstruct the orignal caracter of Plitiae clue Is Infinitely more problema Rigorous sifting has this (ar yielded ooly 4 limited number of cer ‘nil evenly ead the eelone whence te Phineas Dats fom ‘he materi eultare hie been wily staid ia een! years a fersummary comment wil sie here ‘The ost saint cleweet of the catent Philtne setlement is the “Morechrome Wae’, om which the Biron’ Politi ptey developed ae local cen vadtons ere adopted. In Ashdod and in Ekon coniderble quater of there ceramics ave been found inl ae othe excavations where (he cat layers ave ben eached Conimatin ofthese it inontons fom the continuing excavation at Ekson and Aste wl ave ret significance tstinatig the seope and nature of Politic setement? Curent opinion olde ‘hat te Philistines consisted a anall military ete, who gained cone in v0 da oem iu pe ac a ny (ghon 9534 A, Mazi, The Ensen of Pile Cle’ 3(983 pp. 9807 vs Ardea center four 2 wy sy 1S ep Le art An. pose Dr ta rovrmans,canaayras at raring oo iti, wile sow he popalstion thought o hav been indigenous." New ‘dca from the exavtins would seem o incl chat che extent of Pine Setlment a pester than had fir ben gine. This consinion may be {uilifed by the hypothesis hat when the ely Phin por tok rot i Pils, i teare the property ofthe entire population and ths is preseace dogs 20 fet upon thereof the Philitinesemen! inthe population.” Sti it Scere more ely thet the adden appeatane of anew materi ele on quite Inve sznle does en a anor demopaphi shite stil 190 x90 1 make a ‘eine dechon about his, and atonal tise data fom te excavations "we hve at hand very le data concerning oa Pistne architect. n ‘Ashdod (ares H) an ‘spsda? erste, which appareny served 363 publi ‘ring, has teen purty uncovered. However, thse dat published ofr! tr ot sulilnt to recostoct ie plan and determine its Cention, More ‘complete dita are svalabe fom e lige publ srcture which has rcety ‘een uneovered in the excavation at Eros eat upd tone of oom it ‘spell interes Data whoae sources ste oeted ouside Pisa mua be Crete ith eat caution, ance they potdate the begining of Pilitie ‘element by at lest one generation, ar representa period when the process of ‘sialon wa already well underway Tis isthe case inal hee age ofthe ‘Tl Qusile temple, whlch war at it ened asa “ailstne.™ Yet, asthe row Mowe noe, lon snl vata his erp are not sentially “ieee rom what is ound ln Cansan cing te euler period" Been awe 1 fs cl A ls De Sng ear un’, Apa if sz bores hp 6 rom hee a ‘elec tn ac en ac are FSi ons 0 are cui ar wi ‘lees fn tr ret Brin alae Pos re {Sy Snene uy mt tt fo tid eer ‘ier, Ther Mery nd Cntavion London (21 eps Chicago 1963) ph 1p Daim tbe, 18, 1 RS ey 11s Batt tow, $19 Dotan abr, m1, 9p. 2 13 Baan one; 1) pp 208 HY AN onion Bt Qe Put Om, Te Pune Sear: dec ad (obec (tem 1h Jr ry sean of ol une, eos Te Fine Sorry Veer ny, Pe Pony, Cncon, dpe Geen 11g See DM Te oe eS pest Cpa Du Te LC Pe. ‘caplet 1 Mesh Cp ot he a fe ate oa Neon the Mai ae on Pliers se Bag 06, saa ean soe ‘his temple was undoubtedly also use by the Palitine population in Tl Qos ‘ie contans nothing hich cin eich oor understanding of oiginl Pltine schtecture. On the eter ind, the “Howse of the Hert unsovereé at the tite undoubtedly peers a Pine ache ation originating inthe "We do not have diet informition canersing. the basin customs ofthe ilies. Ely eterno the Inge Filling cles have not yet Deen uncovered, and the senticton ofthe Tele Fur'sh gravest Pili i ery oubifl Ges below), A large cemetery, which inlues, among otkr tint, ct [ves and cremation burials, hasbeen excavated at Azor nor of Piste Proge iemay he astm that in he cemetery, Pines eres Duis, But we wil only have an aecurte pctre of original Philistine burial eaoms when the cemeteries of Heron and” Aselon at reales, [AS for suallsined arti, special mention should te made ofthe enacted and pyramidal sess (on one of which sae of wsing appear; ee below), td ‘ofthe ‘Ashdoda'ype figurines found a Ashdod and Tell Gas, which pia to fan Argon are tation. The Boundaries of Pulse We can reconatrt he boundasie of Pall during the st pan of Pine eam accor to bial ence ad te tap othe dition ot ety Palatine powers. According to the bibl description, Pht ented tthe south as ar as te ‘Shit, which seas yp’. Naal Bene Wed aot have at hard eer dit sto how the Borer vas setberween Egypt and Phisin batt ie ely eat the Egptsns continued to contol the Sis cons as fat a4 Naal Beto even after thoy Tet Catan. 1s fie to evaluate the srclatologeal dita from this relon not only because of te paucity of Information but also Beaute the Sex Peoples contined to vrei he Espn rumy eve fer te bales of Ramesses 1," Kay even beta the Sea Peo 19, 4; mainte aor ag, 28.216. Majo,“ rp tei Piss te Gone, 0, vs AS ain ele, 80 Pay Ret ie For sop ea Siw, 028, Sex Dotan hove 816) 3 wih ar, ‘Se bag aor, ©) 9 EA 118 Deh oven. 10) 2837 Ye ove, 15, 9p 2 OF Fe Fae Se, Touran hd agente Ot fe Pinca Tit SBD) oS ey er et ats Be sat Gk Lae "BS eee eaten andr Ler’, HM (eh ele i iT. duns») Gi reser eBay fr Sere ee ni a0 thn pn OvPTANs CANAAN, ano mee a served inthe Exyptinn army aar the Pilistne border andthe appearance of ‘rain aroun o Pile serds south of Nabal Beso does not ees inate that hes places fl whi th boundaries of Phi. Much importance [accorded fo the proesing of dts fom te Deiel-Baa escavationsbetreen ‘Gaz and Rap This an Fayptin ste, ae ofthe ations along the "Ways of Hon’, ‘mhere public buldiage and 2 cemetery fom the Amara and Ramer periods wore uncovered, Above these remuans wore found pits {Suatum UI) whish conitied oth Pine sed Fgyptan poder.” A Pelminay sastical analysis of the fins from four pit indcate that the proportion of crams defined a Pilato abou ten percent This sl fpeveniage compared wih what wis fund at Ashdod, Ebon, and even at Tell ‘Guile, butt neces o wal fr the fins results of processing heater. {ew Pals sheds have lo teen fod urbe roth Shek ee-Zoned zed avvi would seem, therefore, et under Egy el there wae cerca hilt presence south of Nabal Beso. iis dial to determine the plc sacsof theses oented log the Bee uvog the Phin selesien period Tellel~Ajoat the mouth ofthe Bor, there wae apply anal vetlemert a hat time, Piste vss have bees ud i sever ofthe graves Tole-Farah har been a ey ste inal session ‘ot Piling ceramic, becuse ofthe ne searabs dicoverd in cemeteries fom, this period, which provided chronolgkal data for dating the pot." The omplzated geste surrounding tre day Ley the sope of the post te, bt general sunny ofthe tani willbe given ee cemetery 90, Ivhere scarabe of Ramemet Il and Ramestes 1V- were reveled, Bicone ile potery wax not fou, on the other handy this cemetery yielded Mycenaean Simple Style vets” Fine Blenome Ware was found in ‘ntery 500, This would sem tos the chronologies! framework sugested foe According to MeCiclans static analy, the rai. of Pile eter ele ta ten percent Brag aces his igure nega to raves, bat testa the pesentage of Pisin poy atthe Wl as somewhat higher (abou 15%)" TES Duan bbe i 9 35; Oren, tna emanation [3s Tattcn \ionlny of he hie Bait Tel Fh Ju of ed ‘ary S3.on 37H Daan tbo pp. HB on Fh tan Qeutycot yt ding eV. Hak, A Strate Sing Slo Lae ‘Sbvenc ib any eet So hen Ae Si rR I a Iota er, 399, er 98 pH. ay Seba ove 109. 7.58 1h bed ore 12, (BT Bap abo 3h 97 se Dotan one 9 soe resuan soe We do not yet have sit! dat from Tel Jemmeh, bu ffm the tes ‘xcaatons, ther are reports ofa coasieable Pilate presence an even of loca prodoston of Pili porter. The mater from Quburs- Walaa, fon the eastern bank of Nail Bec Between Tel mae snd Tell e-Panh has ‘ot ae Been published. According to peinacy reports, Paste pote hat Been found in three atta of the semen From thes put data its ficult to gain clear pita ofthe pot satus ofthe regio athe begining ofthe Pine setement were these etemertt 4a the southern bounary of Pita or wee they perp on he other ideo the bones, ander Exypin ule Un either cae ticle that thet ses, lcated om the periphery of Pils, were ope to inluene from bot ies he border nd, therefore cannot be considered tpi! Philitne ses, Thi sa epartare from the traditional view whic, ientying the Brook of Egypt with Wad “Ai, pts these sitesi th esr of Pita and ence asord them (xpesielly ‘el el.Fursh «prominent pac inal he discussions about Phistie eat ‘The descripon of the land that yt remain in Jor 13:26 dlnates the southern borer of Phila ike Sikor,whih saxo 4ypr)and the nother fone (northward 10 the boundary of kro’, bat it eaten boundary i not indisted. The autor purposely avoids defining thi Doody, ice It woud ‘oblige him to linit the extent of Judth in ike wert, The noble tendency 1 ‘asi the pory and the dominion ofthe be of ada! even brought abou Josius, According co the descrpion of te Tand tha ermal’ (133), Phila 's Jocated outde Judes; whereas inthe description of Judas alone in Joshua 1524, Philsta Is ncided within ie domi, The same desire of the !uthor o deny any flr of Jud lv apparent explains the absence ofthe ord af neaton (which i foun ia te LX) in Judges 118 “dah lo fook Gaza with its terttory, and Ashicton wih is terry, and ton wih te testy’ The nest vere gives aay the original eonteat of the Maori ex ‘cabut Be could not dite out the inhabitants ofthe pi, because hey had caries of ion “The boundary in he southeastern comer Pla can bs determined through ‘reconstruction ofthe history ofthe ces of Gerard Zila A ihe ead the ‘éeventh cena, while David ma nthe servis of Aci, King of Guth, Zilog tye Alo ola Ee ch ee oat ag Ser ag Nae ne 8. et ‘xpdton by Judah he Paar cout etree missy mean of the Poa ‘Ruts byt ttmana The Rn of Te Lando I 9 De ek Boton abe 2 30 9. ovens, eqtaasres, ato ttre 10s suas the mont southeasterly bord town of hilt, Zk sould apparently be ‘ened with Tel Ser" oe Nabal Gear Philine seta fom the eh a9 flevoth centres have been dicovered atthe site”? However, inthe lst ‘Cannasie-Egyptian city (Stator IX), dae 1 the time of Ramee I, hee 0 Philistine preene. In contrat, a Tel Hacor#™ wich thou pepe be ‘Hened with ancient Gera, there i endees for carly Philistine veto, Iciding Moncebroms porter." Ths it woul sem thatthe bounds of the fit Philistine emer posed between Tel Hara othe wes a Tel Sein "Two chet of Phe sro Cath (Tet op.S86) an lon (Kh. sl Moconni')—were lated inthe northeast corer of Pailin. The dite tet them if no more than ten Klontets, whic ase questions about he ay in hic tects which sre ax Philitiepricipaities were chosen. For the very renin, any schol have ate eacep te entifeation of Gath wih elt $1 wosld sem that on ofthe eons for he oncentrton of Platine setement in this rpan Bd t do with strategie considerations Gath ‘and Biron dominated to Fouts whic ed Up Co the cena Misia Nal lth and Nabil Sorek, We have already metioned the growing deste of the gypias at the end of thee rein Canna fora cord conaecting te cna pinin with the Jeroen repon. It would scm at the ime statepc ‘onldraions were beind the sreaton of niler of Piistnsetdementin the ‘te main bated inthe history ofthe stage Betwovn the Pitas aad the Iasi, ‘As noted, we oan ature that, He str ein the oul plan, Gath too ‘asa yptian tase a the en of Paracas Carag. The sas of Eon athe eed of the Canaanite period har not yet claried, but i woald aot be ‘supe Thee too eiece Were found ofan enhanced Bayan prevece, Ti rule, however, does aot work the ter nay around, i, ot all he fonner aypina governmental centers were seed bythe Phin, For example it Lachish, which was unde diet Exypin ule at theend a the Cann perod, Pasties di ot see daring the dayt of Ramses TI or even afer the ‘Canamnite-Egypian cy had been desioyed."> Apparent, asia station ‘sted at Tall Hei, os of Lai, Esept for few ser, these too har Erypae yam Dan eit fatness ee ‘Shiny toe S15 Heyer tea ean pei ire a he pag of Pi stn ad ay es ha the tethers (rm ea cman. tat Be te ers Pa etn 72095) py. eb oe Tak Harr Sh Saas Gamay, 4 CP pp. 219 ss, ent A Ra, 'The Merton Pine a Et ae, 206 rear soe settement bats from the end ofthe Late Bronze Age unl the tenth century BCE. The absense of Pili potery st Lashish apd Tell el-et sts tp Douncary of Pasa west ofthe sis, ‘An archacclogial suriey conducted along the lover course of Nabil Shiga hs led toa simi conclusion, The ses osted inthe easter pat af this region, whove cena setdement is Tell ees, belong sully Yo tie polis nity tothe ast —ie cate of Lacish ding the Lat Bronte Age ‘ad o Judah in on Age, Beene his eon a he tsi the ierand a the Plitn ies of Asbeon and Gaza there isan intermediate rei wth sources of water, waich was almost uninhabited, The ethic and poled ‘boundary apparealy passed trough this ssp (extending from Kibbutz Eres t> Kibbutz Beror- Hay) daring the Philiineetlenent pec aswel ‘The idenity ofthe force which at some point daring he mi-ena entry esroyes Lacie, Tell e-Hesi, and probably other Camanie cle in te stun Shep is uknowa.© Ita the Philistines, the question aise as {0 why they didnot consinse 0 o:c4py this rexion, aod wy thy refined from ‘subising center of government here, sto Gath and Eko inthe 20h {ttl elation may perhaps be derived fom te dcunion About tp location of these Iter two eis. At they begin to expan, the Filings ‘oncenimted most of their ores na trust oorthnard towed the cistate Gener nnd northeast tonard the cords going upto Jerse, Ts th cena Skephlah would have ten f scsoary prance i te Hive as 9% Joh been fully resolved, and it ot at al certain tat it was the Piste hp esroed Lachsh and its ensirons To the norieas of the Lacish region, cts with Caazcite population sppacenily continued to exist durieg tron Age 1. Ths emerges rom he stor) of Sodan nd Tamarin Gontis 38, While the sory isncuded amon the Palate natives, iis, nevertheless zlleton of if low othe Begining of Iasi monrshy OF particular interest i the derpion of good ner ‘sation and inermariages between people of Ja and the Cansei ident, ‘of Adslam and Ashsib—a siuaion contrary to that destbed in he congue} Sos in the Book of Joshi, “To summa: th eastern boundary of Phi at the Rgiaing of Philistng seulement resemoled an are turning westnard, The Philatine borer, encompased an ares whose eat from noth osauth was approwimatel 0 ‘nd whote wth varied rom 25 km a he broadest point the noch about 14 ka the‘anrow waist inthe center, Afra the entice are of Piso was tot ote than about 1,000 square Klomctes, but it vas fat and fei elon) whos: potential for setlement wat among the bet in all of Paes 142 Gosins aon . 99 1) Gr ove 3h, 0236 evra, caNaahes, ano Pinca 27 The Geser Enclave In the noch, Pita bordered ona Cansats/Amosteensive a whos center ‘was the city of Geze'Mt Widh it conquest by Mera, this sree ity been an Efypiin base Gezee was aotably one ofthe Ist ies i he ountry to be evacuted by the Egypins as attested bythe Eeypvinn arias {oom the Tweateh Dyna. After the Egyptian withdeeal, Geter teed ‘Canaanite character fr along tne, even en the Philines brought acer ‘bei control, Tis we lar from the azchaeologielFings ut epeialy rom (he biblical teinony gs 13435; 1 Kes 3:10, “This aulochthoois enclave, Loeied secoring to the bibles view ouside Pilati," exended fom NabalSorek in he south oth isn of Naka Alon inthe noth, try conforming othe territory of Dan (Jos 10-46) In the casi stretched wo the western teacher of the fothils and ince the es ‘Ailes, haan, and Ga (Gita) Is 138 | Cin 7.2, Tothe est of ie rave Iny Gibecn and the other Ht sir sting as far ae Jebus Jerstem, This non-sralte stp "ihe southern bolt in Als terilogy— Tange fom Joppa in the west to Junin in the ett rating portion beeneen the Brace seements on ier se ‘Tis demographic situation exphins the alt of the ee of Dan to rei ontzl ofits eta iertacce ia the replon of Zoreh and Esha foray length Foshan 1940466 uopin,neer beng the eae In tal et Most of te tbe ‘sas forced 1 abandon its origin! damn and earch for new sin the north gs 18) Many atempts neve been mace to dst thie migtion."™ ifthe fvexration of Tel Dan yields relsble date for determining the date and éleunstaress ofthe Danie migraten it wil provide a benshack forthe sora rconstrustion of the period of Serlement and Tad (On the west, the kingdom of Gezer bordered onthe naow coastal stp in whose centr stood the ety of Joppa Te tus of th port ty during es is uncles. From the beginning of Egyptian rule in Canasn, Joppa vat at lnportant goverment center and we may asuae tht the Egyptians cominoed| ‘0 contol cunt teywitharew rom he county. ote dicsion on Tell Ab 424 Sie ore, 9.2, gp ELI ‘Seton on he Resor youe ssa omni wi he Am nan Staaten te laters ahne, 399 p78 ger ate 829) bak Gh Lando Sn, robie Bah yp i Geer) 19 eet enue le on rb te A Mala a The ete 3, p40 bey ES Man, Bie ote Pek "50," Du’ E3194): eh Colne anit Seeman SF Teo Dut aon 8 Np 7 Me roan enous ana, ese be pouty that Jops tse a8 he at path of een for the rermonots ofthe Botan foresin and around Gear shad to surmise to thom the iy ell ith te Egypt eva in ay evel urn haan Egyplan seat of goverament, Joppa dd ot become a Flin enter, ult is diner cer of Gass, Athiolon, and Ashdod. Joppa ie aot mentioned in ‘estplons af te srugles between the Plsies and Iselin the Books of Sagges and Samal accorcingly tere is ao eidence supporting he hypotbss ‘har twas cde within he Bounds of Palin Te ft hat at ach later period, curing the campaign of Sennacherb, Joppa vas sader the iain ofthe kag of Aah tells satin abou Iron Age I. Neitherdo thea yet wapublihed excavations conducted a Tel Jaf hed ght onthe tata of thes at theme. According to peiminary reports, afer he desteton of the Gantasie Egyptina city (Stun V) the ate was abandoned for al of he wel exncry. From the seven cet Pin ty (Sete 8), oly part of a oor and s git which consincd few Philistine shercs have Beea Feported, tue far!" This prlimioay inpeiion from the excavations st ‘omistet with oor assumption tht atthe beginning of Pte setdenert, Sappu'was nt eluded iia the boundries of Filta I rny be that he ty ‘and the step of const alongside were part of the autochthonc enclave of Gest. At ‘ny rae, st wou seem that the city lt its importance or was eva abandoned ‘ter the Egypian vere. ln his connection Ie shou be poted that with hee tapansion northward, the Palstines wt up x oew port at Tell Qaalt onthe ‘YarkonWaat mapped o Joppa resins iain te ral f speciation, and aly fuer exsavatins wished more ght on te fate ofthis importa ity. ‘Al batng nel onthe Oman o Arennpe, ha ales the poseblty statin the Yaron Basin, in the internecine repion Beveen the Paste and ‘he Site Sberdanl sted. Alearatay he uggs he lan of Acco, {posi now supported by exezyation in Tel Arco, This ten has been Aevelope by Yaa, ho suggested tat Stratum XI Tl use longed tothe Sedan), hehe would asrbe the ean element athe it (Srtum Xt) tothe Do(a} Danas, who, according ta his hypothesis are nothing bi the sors ‘of Dan wo wer later silted within the Inale ribe!™ Yer i fia to accept thir orignal suapetion, which har alceady been edopted by several scholar" if only because ofthe absence om thi elon of te Monochrome Doltery, whos pesnee hasbeen the ign throughout the ere Leva of the Depnnings of setlement ofthe Sen Pepin” 1st Anco Du Lad of Me Pin 197918 1 Ae bores 0, 9 24 USS SNe Aad Bas, Wi’ Bie Res Shs, agate nal of Bc! Arr 9p. 82st sendy Co, Goan, ar Be The Comme ‘Melo of Gach se bre Entei Nee York Tp tye Fon Rr io 1h 3 EOYITIANS, CAAT, AND PENS 09 ‘Tus, t would apper thatthe Cananite/Amorte encve of Geer, which petaps sched afar as these, created wedge between areas of Phlsig and Sil seems 19,ti no eurpsing that ths tact honie wedge Was one of the fist ebjeses of Pilitne expansion, immediately afer they eonsoidaed thei hold on Pili The Norther Valleys ‘With the Eayosian withdrawal from the ortern vales spin he ast ie of the tne sentry, the Cansante populate af the sorte Bo was ct off feom any cenialgoverament. Dating the period of time between the end of Enypisn ule and the consoldation of eh Phiitnes and thelr expansion soca here madeline nthe materi eal of he ally ces, whichis Aningiation ta they were thea suffering fom economic ae pls weak, ‘good example the fehl settlement 9 Stestom VIB ia Mepido, which Was ‘lsd onthe euinsof te rich CasaniteEaypia ly of Suntum VIA ‘brig, and others in hie wake, ted (0 date the war of Debora 10 iis riod arguing hat theyre in Tannach by the mates of Med’ he ong Sf Dodo ines the cesine inthe power of Msi, or even a apn is ‘eileen Butte vo cles ae mentioned i he verse only as lends for {Ge sies t which the Canaanite fore ane and nothing shoul be interred Tr the aotiem Jowdan Valley, the leading ety of Hazoe nas appareny estroge during the fst af ofthe tictenh centr. Recent thas been Sours tnt Capanite Hazor wes destroyed bythe Enypins a the bgseing ‘tthe Nistevnth Dynasty in order t eliiaae thi portant power ene, ‘hich dominated there going upto ie valley of Lbaton."! The seasons for the oonguse of Leith which wa Yr fem Sion, and they Bad o dealings with “Aram (ls 1828, ae likely to become clearer with the cortination ofthe ‘xcnaion of Tel Da We alo lc information concerning theater Canaanie tiie inthe northern ondan Valley apd th ease Galle, and the stats ef the Tetion et the beporing of Ion Age Ie ol shouded in mit In BethStean, te lst Egyptian ety Seat VI) was dsoyed in a are ee aa ene ocean Pate eget porte ee ee sy Wi. Alig, The Song of Debora ite Lah ofArchnslagy’ BASOR, 620935), pp. Berar econ a eee aera 310 awa since wnfisgmtin."? On its ruins were found pits and brick valle of @ small selement We donot have suicen data about the southern prt he Bet Shean Valley, wit the city of Rehab (Tell Stem) loca tf comer Te Jordan Valley ‘Te an hwatinundeenin i egos Tel eA nea he ote ofthe abot Rte At heed he Ee Bone Aes wars oe tan Egyptian enc Yl then Quen Tort fo ne Sunes They a serps of gratin ee oa ne ‘eons acento he empl. Athongh no el pene a ube ed cipitation, Hy cay be asuned tat ewig red ath ina eof the Als and Copan Though es scone demi he trl nd cts of seep, iti ptap psa tema see ttt ripenn i pn ‘te thy ee foun, a lio characte, were writer yen Roe ‘he er employed nth reo the Epa We ed sone ee forty tnt he nee Explains foe end he Newent Dray ton he Vly ma at ie sla ot for Ey ots wh wie on hen the te sens Yale Aecrg to Fake, tonne neta nan eae Wich ya compel by a hei tnt et apr, ned poten oe Smit he Pie Ptery ofthe oul i ed enone vals Ye a fet ees xt ata ti od hat Kan prove eee oft stan of Se Poplin te gia 442 nen hve 9p 3919. Yad ed 8. et epee Bh Shem Be Be tan do Son i Ce ee Yes Gb er an Soe _ oo amare Be Shen Ress seo i hmastet a 38, ag, NRA es HA. Prank aro Te il tlen 1 em ore, m2 "6 me eth pl nite a, oat (Esp 6p Ein Ue tnt nme at {erie iso, pi Onteba eau ae eee ine ea dag nome Baan gett eI TS ae 390. Tiles "Te Role of he Sap he Da tae Pastne-ranioain ie iat res ayn he Tao 8 Cua a Bree Wie Cr of Wer Lana ip SH 161 Fanon (bore, m1) 9,28 Dots hoe Tk oy ae 461 FIT Domi Te Boning om Agen andra AT 2), Seria ‘nay a drdeeby ef tn ot, Ams 182, § rovrra, casas, Au NLS au yey the mata caltre of Tel Della athe beganing ofthe ron Ane Is not Iselin scat, Thi Conclson is eupportd in oer ses ia the ‘ore and cesta Jordan Valley (Pl, Tel Ste, Tellel-Maza), whch fr diferent in tracer from the sizeof the highlands on both sides ofthe Sond Val The arbacoogel and ibe evidence netstat ths aes ‘vas renowned frit developed metaeafis Without going ito the question of ‘denying he Kyte he ental Jordan Vale" he epesion ha his ‘en lay ute the boundaries ofthe est lace semen. Soy of tiblal tvdions concerning Scot and Penvs algo lads a 1 fer that ethane a Chomate encve ll existed her This conclusion resvet ‘onl supporttiom the lat of Solomon's ities Found in 1 Kings €7-19,i0 ‘ic the conta ovdan Valle is nlued, together with se Hexel and Bethe Shean Vay, inthe ft ditt, which vas mado up of former Canaanite ‘rslaves™ Ti tha the fut le often Lalit ‘ouble bo, which Ser entnded teu the tonuads of wetem Pletine Deployment of tue Forces “he mos sable ie of he ‘Soule Bolt was eit he westera oe, where he CGnaaite poulaon wa oid by ew aroupe of Seu Peoples. Tes groUp: bn and gained senath in pepaation fr the decisive strug for conte ich would tne place in Pls during the vem century. From he dt {rable tou the a0 eldnce of ettement By groups of Sea Peoples in the interior of the couaty. Th Philiine potey found at ites outside the coastal pin reached! tv paces partly through commerce ad partly a the Gane the Phin gated conl of mst of western Palestine, Avtemps tof the prttation of Sn People into the nortbern walleye from vastus bible ‘rains, apesly the acount of Stampa Dsn-Anath, ar isupportble, as wil be shown beow. ‘The short trasion period between the Eaypian withdrawal andthe Philistine atrencheat wat tke by preparations forthe coming strug for contol of {he county. New ptiers of Ke adapt tothe saation whieh arwe with the 10 44S oot i te Bron den ate A Cog nears Sm. ‘tvs s ot eaya, on Tos eon 70 rtm te kp, Tl oe ea Be eon ee Cnet Cane ane oct fe Ln rons Aa ey an gt tO. a Finnie ay Sor Shred) ne be ohne, le toe yest lowe tr: Rafe clan td by et hop ed ep ny Hee, ou tena ddtV 17 Fo, 28160 209917. Bue Kina ore 93 aan SI, pI mn awn anaen ispoearance of the central governing pone, emerged during tis period of ‘comparative order, Difeent population groups, some of long standing i the ‘country and some newcomer, ved alongide ech eer and infloest each ‘other, ven intermingling aa tsimisting to some exten. on tral that the Bible minimies this pater of aipracal sions Bebeen Uratlis tad {orsign groups. Inthe sory of Judah ad Tar, tee i in of reghbory ‘eltions and masa canesions between Canasnites and lity fsiating esciptions of eaons between Pilisnes and rales pear inthe stones of ‘Somson, apparent reflecting a somewhat ister period Sil, ove the period as 8 wholes characterized by an atmosphere of ‘the cam before the storm, mote ‘worm’ incidents undoubtedly alo cecured during it couse, ach 20 the campign of the Dates northward to congutr new terory for thems. "This tltive reste was well explited, eapeialy by the Phlistons andthe Inaclte ribes, who consolidated an fortieth erties Oa the ther hand, the Canaanite eninves bears gall) weaker, os ited byte pronounced slo inter materia cate. Mer hundreds fear of vision and se, e ‘Canaanite clysater were not ele to edapt tothe nem plist ra in ores aguns the ater, more enereti, groups, Take dvsivenes i fetes fa the bila raion which tthe Canaanite elves an te Cases kings one by one (gs Jos 12), while only sated iastancsof Canaanite coopeaton ate described for erampl, the amintane afforded by Horan king of Gee. 10 {esa Gow 10:38) ven ie llance beeen the rouierD Canaanite Kise, corgaiae by Adoni-zdsk, king of Jerstlem, ws play directed npn te Giheonites who had rade peace with Ietel, rather than sgn! the rel enemy (Got 103-5, Even if thee i doubt a ote storie ale ofthese dons, they would appar to present an ateuate retin ofthe neal means fe Cenaanite defense, sine the ibealeutor exanot be epee of hooting to Dlny down the strength of the detested enemies of lar ‘cera eval end unifintion nthe ants ofthe Canaantes tok pce only after they’ conaldated around tke Philistine cntee of poner, nbich they ‘ppaenlyreanded asthe heir to Egyptien rl. But a wile desorbed below, this eval came 1onteand prose oe the ‘wa song of Cannel lt ‘he country, Pra th Canaanite Palstine cooperation, hich nas inp oluniry andi part theresa of icumstance, theta ibes os wel eo Tit the length of thee tnt les, thir cae by cooperating nd forming lice withthe Hives and perbnps wih ther foreign eroups inthe highlands ‘This poly i reece in the try of he covenant vith the Gibsons and in the ‘sadtions about relations with the cy of Shechem (oe % Gn 34; 389) We donot have dette dita for determining te duration of his tension Perio, andthe dats we hve sugested ae primi a mater of contre, We have set the time of Eaypian wither aa convenient dat forthe beng of this period, and have texaely put it end several decades Before the deste bate at Eenetr, which sealed the fate of the Land of rl forthe next iy ovr casanstrah, ao mse a3 PALESTINE UNDER PHILISTINE CONTROL (CA. 107-600 BCE) [Not long afer her aaa on he shore of Canta, and immdintey afer the Shera of heir Espa lor, the Fits Daan to expend he phere of {he nace sod onl. ALT, hey expended slow, infonsing ony ttt Immedints neignbrhood bata tir poner inressed thelr eapension secre st they reached the height of their powes ate time of Sa ‘Abou a cntry ang shal afer hey ha ee as prisoners and Servants of Pharaoh fn Phin, the Phibsincs bene maxes ofthe oun. But tit "A noted above veces of the Piss rues were enabled onthe Former sites of lage Canaanite sles, nich ba been Egyploe acminstratie enters during the ns phase of Eypian ele in Canaan. Thos, the Plistine inerited the Canaanite goveramenta strctre ana the Egypt ainisraie cxganiaton "The Pine states wire headed by zeanin, The borders teton the principles and me rltlonhip betwen them ae not dear; butt woul em that under normal cicmstancs they wer nite ina confeerton/ headed ype a esprit oes From he nls of Son aps a {evlazed by Gat, iis oberon ir caret, i woul ef: he astro he {otus of Pilsine acini from the cous ino the interior of Piss "Tae power of the Poliines etme ciel from thet supecior itary ‘orgaizton and equipment. The combat poiincy ofthe Sen Peoples derived ftom tr slend ighing radtons i the anit Ost tat whieh they bad trout fom hele pice of origin in weer Anatol, and that whic hey had lead inthe ranks of he Egyptian sry, where thy had served elite uns {The combination of these tions creved a song aad elective anny, hich Included a force of hari archers (1S 313) and welheqpped oo solder 1S dead dessin of te Beet armor wor bya PlsUtehoplite appears in the sry of the del betwen David od Galath (1 Sm IT, #\ The Mgensean "Warr Vases ually prorat visa sation of Golnh's weapons and rioc!” Thee ne sholr wh find support in his comparison, odin the paral ih the dl deserted in Homer dor he hypothesis of the Aegean vgn othe Paine Without detreting rom te ale of hese onptrsont, thr contbton to sohieg the complex problems, not det with hereof deternng he of the Pistia and te ater Sea Peoples shold 115 And pps onangivnc ep. ous Rai Pain eben sme Nas anche oe ing Pt, Solas Bch toe 8 Meer Oa 20,6 (55,368, iF deere ety A Soa Poi odo pF a rata soem ot be oversintd "The dc is not unique othe Homes sting! {he depietion ofthe marsorson the Mycenaean ase ated to about the idle of Ihe enc cca) difer fern typi lsat of Mycenaean fie, 20 that they sould perhaps be Mente as Sea People fires Sir to Eqypuan reeritment pie), the Piistines als eiforced eit emy wih woecenaties fom among the Fadgeaous population, Tse were [pou of ebrev, such a he band which guthere arouné Davi. From the eeoune of Davi tay Zila inthe service of Achsh king of Gath, emer thar the Philsies prs assigned these bands the task of defending the tying dno of ter ity-sttes nthe deci ates, whee the Phi Somme tee etre airy might, they avoided itlading dhe mercenary Hebrews, fo feat hat he ter would deve ote aes (1 Sm 29), a8 had append inthe bate of Mishmash (1 Sm 1421. ach has bean wate ofthe vigue metaurial sis ofthe Phisines and ‘ofthe manopay which he held ave Hon This is othe pace to elaborate on that subject but ye wil brefly noe that thie asessment has ths far een based hil upon eal evidence (Sin (319-28 175) I ses rom he psiod ew nsf on proton have Bee fond ths a8 Also there sno ba for {suming tha the Pilitines bed a monopoly onthe prodation of bron since fn aralis ofthe finds points to the conti of Canaanite metalwork io the rowtern valleys and inthe Jondan Valley Te bibl icator conveys a8 Chaeerted picture ofthe coneentain ofthe metal industry in Fist ands, (Which woul be in heepng with the vewpoin ofthe Isai highlands ees, nyse ser aren 7) ih ater here 1B Se Sutcaorufont ae ats ete Sma he yn, and he ter Peschee ecm ain Tar Weve ea! any, Raat SNES chat mt em Ser Yon ‘eine Pe ate Pee Bc rena Bar Sede 8 Fae eet Shes ry eon Up mci han eo eterno open? HO, Cee hes ittars tov, 1) gp EIB FSabermet, Cnn Ze de ‘nn Ba iter bn ee iy i aoe Ronn Dob, er rei epi 115 $5 Bondo oypp 5 s09) uh eee, a boty sf wap sie orci ad brea as ery cet, LPC aes A Coe iy Ips en Tsao. O30 a of sau Ae aU Tu oe, 9. 6TH Rete St ple ovrrias,caMAANEES, AND ISTE, ais who were lately folate from the somes of metal, The dint connection eewen the Phitines and the metal industry, a8 impressed open facie Comlousnet, may pefbas be explained more interme of the acest to Sones of metal om laid and on ea than terms of exceptional metallugial fits The question ofthe operation ef he copper mins in the souter Arak A ihis de abold perape bers in thi conoxtio. Afr the Beyeian tvahdrawal, the Enypin sve at Tina apparently conned to sre the odie who vedi the ame! Ue plait thatthe Arabuh conned produc copper and it my be that tome ofthe metal was sold othe Pistines, Feit the Eappins The meting ef Minit and Pilstn pry in Tele Ail Tell eb Farah, and Tal Masoe™ may support this hypothess Philistine Hegemony the South Pilate expansion began imme after the Rgypia depart, ope ‘hen concurrent wih it and at fa twas dgected toward the noah and once Timah (Fel Boar) on Naa Sorek was trussed fom a ‘Caonanite ety toa Philsine one—a stelite of Ekron, The tration ean be fiat the scond half rte welRh cnr, since no Monochrome potery mas found‘ the enantio People fom Judah regula sled Timah, some to ‘ent ie chs, and oer to take a wife fom ameng ths foes! women (Gn SET gy, tine orrvown, Cananlien Fada, and belies ol at A incrmingled-—a sate fale which ads i expression i the excavations tht wer eid oot at the ste Tne Phinney appeal gxned canto ofthe autchthoniseciave of Cet in te ide ofthe eh entry. Gener andthe ees to seat aig ‘Gitaim, Shain, and Aijulon eed hele Conant share, Both under the Pine yoke ad lo dr te Hout of Sseph (Je 128,39) In conta The Phistne pip was Foner Ia the meter terctory of Gems, and they lanpateniy even seed in Aor, th tetry of Azoe Sipe graves be been verre song wih renaion Dory, ot gras abd jar basal, whee test ome of those buried were Plies” Ia Tell Gos a new seterent was ibtshed,nhowe scint name not know, TRe wealth of fnds uncovered a there expec Inte temple™ ees dffilt questions abow defining the tera eanracier of the ety. Only coe geertion air thir ara in the ‘SSunty ie sled iffic o tins oven win Pisin proper, between 18 Rohner he yr ug Tet Tn Lod 18 Fara vans Yvon eB ray a3. The Mie Po Soe and TA Coc ly Me so Be Seb 1 6 1 Cette bad te ent inser 8 (Si) 98 tap Butan Gorey 1h 9p. 358, 1 Maar ore Dh 16 ease the orignal Philistine element and thor which were sdoptdin Cana: much ‘more (cy which was esablsed outside Pista eeral decades afer the Philistine frst seRlement. A compler thnie tution prebubly alo haraceiedApbek the soute of he Yathon, whet the Piste presence bpm aller some time, during whic the city nas apparently inhabited by oer ‘Seu Peoples, perhaps he Sil, Canin onto of the strategic passage at Apbck ‘opened up the vay orth othe Plies ané Ape Became te rer pnt depart for thie ain (0 Sen #1; 291. Although conselidation and expansion eons were eh crected toward the irtegie area in the norte and northeast of Palit, as tie pasied the Pilates expanded thi phere of conte to osade the ares fo the east and southeast swe This development, mot of whi probably i ot ake pace ‘before heen f the cent century and the bela af the tenth, was in ge fringe and the conlcence of the faite groups in the arcas of dah oad Simson, wish oly then bag besooe eonthing of 2 threat to ihe ease outshirts of Pils." Mazar as segested that he episode concerning the ‘ations bevseen Abimelech, king of the Pitines who dvelt at Gear and ‘Abraham and Ise (Gp 2122-3; 26, eet a saan whi sno diferent ftom tha of tho er of David's stay at Zig. hii, then the quate eteeen the sheet af Gert and the shepherds of fae ove the wel tbe ten etyaes Gera tnd Beer Soebe, which rrled inthe covenant cnchided ‘erween Abimseeh ang lia at Beer-Shebs, pint 10 an attempt o bang the trike of Sincon under Piitine contol ad we thereby pevet the former from tpling over into te Neged ofthe Chertier Inthe pode, Gest i Portrayed as Philistine cyte, dominating sm ree kaowa fr is pasture in Sutheaseta Pisin. Even If the general famework ofthese stories eect the ‘beginning ofthe peiod of te monarch, it any be tat the centrality of Gear rats upon th station exisag atthe ead of taut pid, st 3 te when the Pauiarchal tations erstalize. Suppor fr tis reconsrctin ils found in the fet tat atthe Une of Dovid nearby Ziklag was sujet 1 Ashish, ing of ‘Gn. The excavations at Tet Hato, perhaps ote enti with Gera, hae rescaled that he te was ently nhabied at both erode ear Leow Age fd the ent of the Ion Ages"™ (hoe ms pe Seaigoandet roe mabe paint ‘ease Dds) cae. over, cxvanstas AD PRT m Phin contol ove Judah i eect he yee of stories of Smson (as 13:1) Even thoush tis execpt judge felted othe abs of Dan, the Danie are menuoned tall inte tres, and the Piste presse is ported sdieted ony a ads. Th lone tug of Smsoe ase an ai 1 personal ange, whl the people of Fudan accept Plistine authority without ‘union and are even prepared to handover Saon to the Pilates (gs 1:1 1 “Tne enigmatic anedote aout Shuma Bet-Asath, wo smote 00 Phitines wih an ow gond (gs 231 sila in ate the aes of Samson Since the Flement‘ensarah was asosinted wi the ty of BethvAnath ate teritory St Nghia the tendency hae ben fo ascribe Oalean orgs to Shamar sed foind inthe ara echoes of laser wth nasty aroup of Se Pops, which had supposedly penetied. into the norhern alles!™ Howeer, the Combination ‘BescAnat, common duxag the second millenniem throughout the, Ancint Near Eset fom Ugure to Epyp™ denotes a miliary ile 0° Geigntion, and 1 Hat ao conteedon whatioeer (except increty vs he (Cantante godess Art) wit the ety of BethrAnah, Thi in effect lodges ne ofthe foundations of Shamir nore conaecon; ad neither dos the ‘Scond bul, his eno nthe Song of Debora (Js 5) elghten us bout is rin tn the dae of Shangn the om of Anat the days of Jel. snothing ‘ore tina chtonooscl commen, aed it doesnot fix he reson in which he {Tevasine. Wecan sume the lsh ith the Pies In te South fe County, and lnded, in seven manuscripts of the LXNG thi epsode appear, Tellowieg the cyl of sore about Sion, May it at be dt Shama and Semon ate purlel names for the mime petoa? Altbouth a condasve fnplantion bt nt yt Been found for ame Sarge? he pevalig We Bee era canon yr Barbies. aa teens ora ‘he me of the ha Sy Ginga Noy Drain Ponerae f sein sae ee a Sormatenaatas yeaa mascara seed ciate cesawrersnentn ta eect Sacdlaneunnbiyieesnet ems otha Caan inte ort cra ded in en fund ofthe objectors ofthe Canaaieahaint to Piste hemos) Bill, canon shouldbe exrssed In teconstacing feaeahing Hoa ‘tice bised open thi enigma epode pricy since ile frm ll that we know about senate of the reions betwen the Cananie ad the hie. Hf Shanaat vas inded a Cansante ho crossed ove ino elle sans the ome mip ents age tha sth devation which rove the eon forbs eton here Ja the wl Heber he Re, otc wh ‘hom hes entonedin he Song of Debora, ha lo sited ber allegiance. Ute these o Juthand Tamar that of Abele eas oo oo ines of Samson rect «sate of rave tangy nd cs diy contact between Philistines and Eales, foded, ke arhaclogeal coven i the Shepelh eget close commer ander elton wi Phils. eth Shenesh which was an ete border ey (Sm 6s comigerble soar of Palltinepoter has been found (Sam TI) and even further es he emcery of el "ln, Piste veel wh had ern import rome ees fave been uncovered On theater han, tere ave no gn fon) Phe ‘tempt annex prs ofthe Shepesh oo exand te etme eanva “This, he tr which mrp itha he Plaine akeovef te sone it of Plein took plc witout ry species, wih he ro hate cer ofthe southeo country fund theme je ote ath of Piste rl, which broke oot amar the ter ofthe Hou Joey a ‘speilly hat of Bexjunia. One expen of this staan i found nt erpnson fhe tora of Si wih of Dei lone wrod Canaante-Pilstine Cooperation inthe North ‘With the Pilitine nkcover ofthe aorthernShephlah and the sbjetion of the futoshtoic populntion io the are, the wedge whkh id sparted the Pins in he South from the Sno the ett ous ms removed. We do ot have information about the elaone between the varous groups oS Peoples, but it may permape be sumed tht wih the Pilate expansion ‘ort, there would have Been sme caopertion among them agit het common enemy, ant that the Sil woul! have been gradu ssid nto arc ar oy. mm tna oe cua oe vem na any cides 17 SED, gp 29699, wih erkerKertue. eta I oo tay ym SASS A us or tt soyrTis,canaanes ano rOLSTINS a the Phas, tn he ae of Wea-Aeoa, tig fom 1078 CE, the Sin Tinga Dorel neon eng stone neal powe a eam tay i hea hl f the seen entry tha they at el sept teen “Tie Biron ‘had always been a ‘bottleneck’ on the way to the north, and it would sem thet there maw danger at mold Be booked By Tate il {oun bes sing thi pesod a wl. Te tule eten te Sea People on thee andthe pled he of Maan for contol fey spt og fou reed Ia Tl Zeon noi Strona setement wich pied ‘om ttf fa! thoughout etn. After the Rete, Wich a fn Telecare, tbe place came under the contol of 4 bem eement, probly the Sia, sho eablahed a foes thee rag the event ‘he ste Shason wat tl fr snaiing the onsen beeen te Phin ad ibe Conant cols inthe nortern val Is exons 0 in the none saeye lh ages for Cxoane venation ate vet cena Sam Vint Meisner is wah of aac, ing mes bjt, and Ihecontat wih he poverty he previ gerscouplanan AcoMieDe {tsountf pane pte some of Plz, ws uaeered™ Ths neo mein veel th te Gctatons™ orbs peed ha PDE Satg entered suwe i te Boma Age yale nthe eiey of he Mhlisie fovemor of Moyo’ A snlatrjvenaton spattered a ‘er Clute cis inthe wale rch at Yoga. “he war eee Bk aad Sera ened ads 45 sou probably be uted this period, We cannon sary, ne hte to the eh itctue om thi eont, od ne wl aly ation waar of ey posts wl tr impartn for eotucng te Bone Belgrosed and a ame ‘pun Tr sould be sad a he out ht tee no geet about he sity othe veal theres bow he peso Stl ae Judes Tnlue «jr bis or et) betwen Cana onder ore north ot the Jena Vey, The uceralty td Geareeet appear aemp tonstect he dao the eent—the ea pe where the bate (or ba) ‘Scored is date a parcans, te ton betnesn he prose (Chapter and > eau 146 re, ZL tr. 2 2 Sah cr eg 8 ak 2 eee ee reid, Sees erate mag meta on Oe Bee en 2p yo ee Gdn 2 ero se ee mt ges pl See team Aco Cs Pc at he Str ae sh tes Co x0 aman ssc octry (Chapter 5) andthe celaton ofboth othe description ofthe bate at the ‘Waters of Meron in Joshua 112 ‘A convenient starting point for he dcusion ithe tatu Hazor, whose king Jin, according to bot Joshua 1 ad Judges 4 reputedly tod athe heed of the Caoaasite eoalion If Hazor had already been estoy nthe it half of the thieenth eentry, then i cold not have partite i the Canaane ealtin, let lone edi Jesh 11:0, Tor Hazoeformery was the bead of ‘hose kingdomsia stone anachrosas ofan autor whe Unew ofthe cal stato ofthis ety in the tant pas and thus hate oat fot esersip ‘he Cantaice alliance." Removing, Hazor from the pire resol he honolosielcifeuiessteraming fom te eatgraphi evidence Havre AS sendy mentioned, the geographic! reference “at Tatra, by the waters of Megido" (Js 5:8) cannot serve asa base for cating the bate, The hore! 'econsrution of the war of ies and Barak shuld tus be bated on tn aniss ofthe polialstateie circumstance a the tie Sera, who cvelin Harosbeth-ta-Golim (Js 42), commanded the Caneeite foves. Seholassigpsted thatthe ame Sirs, coud bea non See name of I, Lain, or Cretan orga Although no exact paral as yet een foun forthe name the closest compurions pot in an Avmtall-Aegean det, “his would support the lypetess tht Sirs orgs wer from anon the Set Poples grec, orth Phltines in parceuae* Ofte aiferen suggestions for the location of Harsha Gaim, the most Pisesbe would sem fo be thal of Rainey, according to which ts ame Ist ‘escrptive appeliion forthe Jere Yaliey gener andthe pin adic to Mev in parler, star othe parallel ere ‘Oailsa-Golla 2 Ti plain served asthe trdonal assembly ane sapng point ofthe Carnie ates ‘Tos, Sera was the army commander appointed to led the Conan nit forces which gathered inthe Jaret Valley, betnezn Taanach and Medd, Alough the Piling are not mentioned st al nti conteton itis ogi at Sera winded hiliine strate o rr ame other group of Sx rope) no as able to mobile a massive Cans forse an lead Lonard lrgesenle ae avis he Lact cee inthe Clie, This as suey one of he rget ‘argv aber 1) p65 ee Hp ae 98h no ha a caer 1) a att ‘Tosengiau cee apna are lo 0 ong ooo 211 Ai aoe 8p 366 3 WEE. AblhsTabel ane Gd of Cason London [sep 186, Chita ani eae Pe Pen S91 99 TO 2 Se a Ya 1 oc so ee Bons at pp cles cr vee OITA, caNAAMEHS AND TNS a ‘mis of dat ine, eve if he report of 909 chariots (Is 413) won appear to be comderablyexagerted, Opposite them stood an fama fore commanded by Bark fom Kedesh= apa, The sae of the lcelte free and the number of ibs tht setively participate in she acack are subjects beyond the scope ofthis aril. {would ow cnly that there ae scholars wha degre withthe prevaling opinion wo ‘he age and uty ofthe Sore of Deborah" This has farcechin impestione for he store iacuion, ine vous dealt in helt of bs (egy the appearance ofthe names Ache tnd Gea) served as chronologlal anchor oe (be antiquity of the baile, Caguot hs secnlly edvanced an interesting bypothess scoring to wish teenie Ia of ibe i nohing re in ate Sadnhite addon tothe ancient vex, describing wih ony the par played By ‘most of te northern tribes fo the war eont2™ The be fook pace atthe foot of Mowat Tabor, sea the Kishon River es 414) The lasts chou the pace of bul ad perp even the eso of the eat, which put Ser’ azmy ate disdhatage, The Canaanite chariots hid Aitculyy moving ove the rocky o8d muddy hil teri andthe Canaanite stack ended ins file, Te Irtelterpursied the rereating Canaanite eres ll the way back othe sang reat Taanach o the waters of Mexico “The mos sabe pecod forthe eeaton of broad Canarnitecolion headed bya Philistine suategit ws ding the Piietne expansion norte, in the eleventh century BCE The Cansanie ete io the northern valle nee Experiencing a tesurgenc, so that for them the time a ripe t anther thle fies under Phe command for on ofthe few organ atc 94 he nly oven which most of the ety-tete ofthe north cooperated lon wth one nother. Kis fil propose om exact date fo he bate daring the eleventh nur. There are those who suggest a aul conection betwen the resus of the Wat inthe sow andthe tattle st Bbeexer the nr deste tobe Phitine reality atack but this snot eecntly the case, At any tte, there i general agreement for dating the war of Batak a Sica psoe to the Bbenexet atl, wih I common date othe mide of he eleventh enor, or Ines Some date rig the fist half ofthe cleventh century would ths sem pplopite for the bate of Movnt Tabor, "AS far es we kao, this war the lst serous atlempt on the pact of the 28 AD. Mayes ee Prief e ee Lenon 17, 7.388; tl aor, bi tate aon, 9 is Ata, p 96273 sr ag hd ne sade Benue cat et fhe he Nera Ga 1) ps 217 Mee 316. BN BM, Te Piste ane Ts Wit est Mara) The Wee aro fhedeh Pape Yt, TH AME IM, 239 Maye bo 21 Bp bow, 59), 2. 1S 2 an snone ‘Conanies to gather ifr in order to block th pend the cite bes lato the norttern vale, Also, nothing furier is known of such widespren ooperation beeen Cunasites sod Philistines, an werwantsy the siruele "pins ae waseertre inthe hans of he Ptne. Te ltr lowing the Aeisive cor over the Lacie arms in the Glbo, paced Sly armor ithe temple of Astaroth, an hs Body and those of ston, they arene tothe wall ‘of CamaniteBth-Shean (1 Sm 31:1) Pechas this was an expression of revenge fac the Chnanie-Prtie defeat atthe foot of Mount Tabor epprsiaatly ity years cain Philistine Rule isthe Highlands ‘The Canaanite defeat in the Gale browgh! the Philistines othe rein that ‘hey woud eed to connate trugae aginst the sei bes alone abd neat thee power come in the southern pat the county. es undoubiedl the Pilsties who inkintd the dsive cas othe bale of Bhenezr, inthe second hall f he eleventh century. This consasion fs Supported by the expinded version ofthe LXX for 1 Sal 1, whch Prefemble on several courts to the Maoreti version: ™ enuneed odsenl ato oie Lied. Aal cae pu ae Bes {hte tor so om Herel] ow Weel et a te bate opin! ts Bane “The aon in the LXX (which was omited from the Mason tat doe co ography) cei inats na ly wb ie ws the garecon Ba alo te cause of the delet the sins ofthe tons of El “The Ismelte defeat and the subsequent conquest ofthe rligiussente in Shiloh brought Pine ral into the Bas ofthe lal etement inthe env ils, The stags whieh flowed in completing the conqued ae tot described, bu the cicunstances selected in Seoul reves tat th ental highlnds were sujet te Pitne autho. “Te apparatus of Fhlsioe conta n aes regions & known oa fom indict sources, ut From what le we de know, it wuld sce ha i nok ier subually from Eypian rule in Canaan, We do not keow of the !nnetation of sali tvtce oro centaiedgoveramentin them. Conta 20 8 nr, Mose Hae Tt ee ara of he Bt of Sn Ort Inti pt P Mcane Se aco Se or Bp, Ts Sit ee i a, sis Ont ty see 122 Qe exnae atthe Blin) Eston Shi 9811986 Pamir Reet 7) 1 WSS) pS ovrrans,camansees ako RULE mm ‘2s exercised fom “Philistine glows (oysab Pepin 1 Sm 1, where Philistine goveraor an gargon soldiers were watiohed (1 Sm ID (33) ‘One ofthe Pilane govenment centers nas at Gta of examin ae 10 Secome Gibesh of Sl, whieh is wally Mentiieh with Tell e-Ful2 To ‘acaatlons atthe ste, part of fren wae uncovfed, wih 4 tower and Ceseaate all, which ot a ener stge had pehaps served asa “Phlitine {frrsce’ Bat the plan ie not sifiently ear, and the Bade ae gute eager “The obvious stats loge of sling Gibsah of Bean os a Piste sential Coney Sa, may ways caaparile te Pros cette of centr "ersnlem fr hi apa. sea of Beam ss baton thee eno-pliea Imi the Gibeonite cies to the nes, Jebuste Jerse to the south, and ‘rule Besamin tothe north ad the ett, What isd of reltions exited tetwoer the Philtines onthe on had andthe Jue ad the Gibeoots on the othe isnot known, But tay be assured tha thse enclaves too ke thle stale eighbocr, wer subject Pilitine conto, Some sels argue foe sopetation between the Gidconites andthe Piss, «creuastnce ich ‘ould explain Sua’ rte stage fovard thi population ™ However, this remlns © conketwe. The staloning of sition Hoops at Gibesh ensued ies contol over the etic uit in the aren an alo costed a wedge Serween Jud and te tier of ela wedge which we ave noted, ad Sepinsngs atthe end of Egyptian uo, In Gibeah, the main Philstine government center ithe highlands, Sul ved snd came to por Iwo ao thith fc hat at hatte preparations were aking place forthe eevol aga the Piste, a4 that de ual beaded by Jonathan was formed in GibeahofBenamin( Sn 132 rit unde the noses of the Pisses, ne cn only conlae that he late a it an objetons to Sauls actions, which wee ected agus the Amauies. They reaaed tet stake only after Sl as crowns st heeded the revolt which ose them 10 “eet 1o Micha (1 Sr 15:16) bu they di note rom thir mistake tnd tho allowed David to esas his force at Hebron before they became aware of We lean of yet another Pitnegnrcson at Beiehem of Judah fom the Aescipton ofthe bates which ook pace Between Dh athe Fines in the Vile of Rephnin (2 Sm 23:14) there was indeed gareon in this ety before te as af Dal, i would provice an important pice of information one et erg earns 2S teeta Coe saa nr (ob 19,912 a reancan soe Sone tre emetic tnt senate ova ie fea ey Saban eae ateilecae ene ee URE RCO seen eae eee Seer eed eet mney Seas Se rea ae alti es, 24 Th oy Pitta anny capa mone by se be sore gig Se ‘dl wo comand ht ose igo Cefn HS 98 0 Ot ‘be Rolin a ter emotget rarer nan oa ee BE \oitndene bt gt Sto teen ad onan ‘ot ong cer hg Een nly tm | em Pee ais face akon ah ge ovens exwunsees ano ues as st of Palestine fr abou ity ye ‘This sate of asirscominued without any substantial change even afer the ‘tbioment of the aeite monarchy. Saul did aehive 4 number of loc ‘successes in is style wth te Philsines following the victory at Nichnash, hemanaged to die them out ofthe cnt highlands (1 Sim 123), nd ven it ‘hepa he was bl to ine heir acy (1 Si 1752). However hsatemptto ‘yenk out ofthe Pilstneenilemeat and reat ctr only with tbe (Gale ites ence ina desive fest (18m 3), The Palins lesen the Ieton of Sr’ defeat at Mount Tabor, aad wily avoided being dragged into bate inal sting. ter thi victory in Jere Sm 281), they comin to rate the Iaete army which erated to Mount Cibo, td even overook Sra) and bi sone (1 Sy 31:2), Tle vtory not only restored tal Pistine entrl of the northern valleys but ppatenty, ofthe hilt srongolds ‘nll Tht an be lene from th act that Belen n Jude saved as 8 Pristine snvieon daring the ates in he Valley of Rephaiy (2 Sm 2314). But he Phin aid ot Rave Lng to eloy the ruts ft ‘who oserumed the itoion was acl a former mers 1 wl prac epi of he Piis ‘The grat Pilate victory ee wich Salad hissons ere led anda Inge part ofthe iret amy was dexroyes 2 Sm 127), paradoxically marks the begining of the deine ofthe Patines, While the army of Sl andthe Pristine rules were being Worn down i the now, Dad has pepsig to haves te fats of hs efforts the south. Upon karning of the disse, David Immeciay wost yp to Hebeoa ad anoited hinwelf hing of Sudan. ‘The Pilisines dot put up any oposion to ths move, and perhaps rea approved it onthe asumpion tht the cafe between Davi’ men andthe remnant ofthe Hoot of Sal won ere thir vm ends, Toe engi tee tirorcaly when David was crowaed tng of all of Irae and eatablched hi Capital at Jerse 2 Sm 5:7). Bue te Palstine atempe ro block his rowing ong came oo late, Inthe to aac wish were mounted in the Rep ‘Vebey south of Jerse, the Pasties were defened and ven back a ar a8 Gear (2m 518-25; 1 Che L416) In thse Bates Davids oops were probably fever in umber than the amy of Sel which had fought a este, but Dai ely exploited the contin’ of the hilly topography and the element of Supe, and be also was well aguante with Patie Hging ethos ‘About subsequent mows inthe war with the Phlsies tere only valent ory ofthe bel deed of Dad's men (28 211522 1 Che 2048), and aloo the summary in 2 Samuel Bt and David took Metber- tmmah out of the tod of the Phiatie'.Inead of "Mtbepammab, t (Chronicles 1:1 has ‘Gath and is wigs’ a scholars have hesimteds wo the 26 ream soe relation beeen these versions From the gesc context appears hat Methopamaah refers one way ot anoter, fhe rei of goverment wick David tok from tke hands of the Poeines, but he exact mearig ofthe cexpesion reins uneae™ As Tor the version "Gath ands veges 1 ‘Chronicles, has any Bstorcl foundation al, shoud pot be asamed tat the reference i to the ety of Achih wi ll ued Cath dig the time of Solomon (1 Kes 2), Apparemy the weerenee ito oe ofthe cites of thi tame inthe northern Sheps Cath/Gitim or Gath-Rnimon; hic appaeny ‘and fo al he conquest of Davi inthis repion. Aa tothe fate of Gre, the Cental ct in the northern Shp, tee eno cea fafrmation for this vio, Itmy bethat tne ty nas conquered ding the rig of asi” and nas low agin a te Beginning of the slay of Solomon; or, akeratiey, tat it femaiped ¢ Canaanite enclave ander Piliine protection?" wat given to Solomon by Pharaoh as dotry tobi daughter, Solomons wie (1 Ke! 9:18). ‘With the change in fortune, the Pailin cytes were sed bY Das fand brought him spas (2 Sm #12). Be, exept for ebe northern Shepels, which i not belong o Pla proper there eno evidence that Davieut the feritones ofthe Paitin cytes He did not evn ston governors in Phils as be had done in Edom and in Aran-Dacrscs Is ely that Dave's poley stemmed fom theft het Egypt a the nf the Twenty Fist Dyas, ‘was gradually ecoveting is stengh, and saw Pristina lng within ite ove sphere of inate. The policy of coeiation toward the age neighbor in the south, which reached its apogee withthe royal mariage of Slomas, probably Deg Ia the days of Dai ‘Withou Piste support, the Cananie enliven th northern valleys fe into David's hands, a did Dor ofthe Sie. Except forthe arcbrcoloicl tvidene, there Is ho et information abo this congust. The Canaanite class ere fncaded as sepzee unis (he fourth and (th lst) In Solomon's administrate avian, which had its bepanings ducing the ele of David" Ths, more thas ose thousand Jar of Caanie atonal estes Palestine came toa end pps Sj be e faae Hn Br, Wes a, pS Bt Se Samar atve a hg BS hw abne = hyp 38236 Be ina tore, 19 21 Bs hae ators 3) pit Ei Th oa it Br above 219). BY ee aman abe, mp. 1 at ur ert, 201A aa wc! abr 3 9 ce tne non “Sond Camu: dase Se fret tators Reaed oe ate overan,caxaaoeas, AND PTGS m Phituines in the Service of David ‘One of David's fat steps in organi his King, which ints poll ‘ntom and foresight, asthe eabliknet of «corps of bodyguards not rom, mong his ovn peo Ii alos certs that Cherthitec and Peles comes, ftom Kista Fle, which ee used synonymous in the Bible* David Drobblybozan wobiing thee meseare, at Whose hen he put Bem ben Jind of Kabel, wiles in the sence of Achish, king of Gath Tey wee rofesons solder, whose loyalty to David stod the test of the taratece (hich Kingdom experince te one ofthe pesages the word Care’ found in ple of ‘Chere’ 2S 223) Tnay be atte author ba ening the Casa mercenaries who served Grn later pris nthe Egypuan and orer armies, inctuding tht of Toa (2 Res Td, 19) “he subetiton Sade ts explraion aot caly inthe simlar {peling Du alo inte eatre ofthe two groups" Otter trons tot came fom Phila alo Joned Dave's camp. Daring he revotof Abul, 60 men of Gat joined i, headed by lal te Gitte 280 15), From ie inivostve convention between David and Itai we find mich resemblance Betneen te groop of Cites td te group which gered around David atthe tne of his fight fot Sal, Contry to te prevailing opinion the mon of Gath were aot a mobile itary uit, sch asthe Cherethiies and the Peles, bu thera group oa, 9}, who bad et Gath or unknown ‘Russe, The sant has chideon (99) tnd seer wth Did ase had Drvialy found sete ith Acti a Gah In Davis word o ish we fe Ais sincereleeiention withthe later probably stemmig from thesia fates lib two, Dave advoe Hel not to endanger hie ina sul forte erown hostess carnot be forsen ad suggest hi chat he return with imam {othe king (19), Hei probably refering to Aehish king of Ga, who sill fled during the te of Solomon (0 Kgs 239), and not to the pretender to the ‘Beers; Absalom, a4 not exepetes have presumed? When Teal remains {nmant about ng fat o that of Davi, hei appointed commande of netid ofthe my (2182, 3) Teeepsode conta lnsiructive viene of the soil moby whit haccterned this turbulent period in the itory ofthe 2 bat Ae toe, HD,» 38.2 Bi 53 “tagete Gann Sng, ces oe Cambri Pl Sc, 208 2s The eflag oie Caan who, acre Hae, rahe oe Atl ap Se for eam, Bd hon 9,19) p92 3 3 SS omits RAR Se Dr Sool binge 8p 27%; W, Mowe Eve A'S Bade someting 9% pli HW Haga, od Ut ‘Suc 4 i, Neuter tp 9; A, Cut Ut Ba ds irr Sac nae cote a ue (OIE, a rect serkg 8. ‘sounty, With the overturn in the politcal nd ltr frtne it nas nt fo before chaoge also appeared in Phin sei. When they arted poet the ebrew ands of yesterday became inattatonaed: nd tthe mame tine, aroups of "Philistine Hebrews) came ovt of ested Phils The bibles iter was undoubted alo sare ofthe symbolism ofthe eso: Davi, who dims ben a refuse n Gath, now bestow hs poteton one cefuge from Decline in Philtne Sea Power Ang with he eine in hi goneron the Pie found theme incy mai! Seno the Pte, We owe die incon bot hs poe bt wold em geal ha abeay tee ss fff he Penn caret ms cmpeon tees thier an the Sn op Pals The oly decent whch i il fo sed ean amount of ght one lane the accom of WeneAmensexpetiont th Late a, Ts deca as an npn re eeonsneting eee tat pa ee Along with ifrmston sont he Sita a weed in Dotto sti teinny about commen pane inthe een ta te Medisracen in he eventh sary BCE I the dog en Ne ‘Aton a 2g of Blom the ate egos on ten ofp veh ‘nas ner et in Sen, Be mi of Le Hee to ie fy shin of Sion whch te wi ir" Argh mused nea ‘Atalan eng or hi une nd for weaves eer (te lr) wich are mentored a snr pace inh acme ta ong ely aa three wer lof Psi eens tay ee cree Propet and Maar ven massed ht kr ouster cone “he dub astrmpon the bs fre anno ote oe Phin in ering commer wh tok pce nlong thst oe Lavan an. Egypt Bt ec sy oft teat sow hat ges covets ek sid bans adh hr ayo dei ha hese See eee eee Feat Scheer nes ta me opetegi eter neal ren SEAR an re a uy ce fee heen pa Rio Siaees ovr, canaanees, x0 rnsTN 2 swople mentioned above cei in Pili The comparison which Zer8 ‘es between Stendes and Wt tal lends suppor othe bypotess hat te ater was a mrcat foa the Levant who resid inthe Dela of Egy nd sendsted boxnes with Sidon from tere The suggestion i also only ‘ejecta but emphasis the weakness of Alright’ assumption and of the {aeeaching historia econructions which are bated om. We re at abe termine the ienty of kr, We, and Mn, who are sentone inthe ‘rout without st ndtion oftheir lato ts, ese lacevidene to ‘termine hat part the Paine cer played in maine commerce eis ‘arora to ate thatthe Phoenician nd Piste ites competed with ont ‘other to eng is hae ofthe fourhing ade. A posible cm echo this sul hasbeen preserved inthe tron ited by Janis, ceorig to Wich ‘ople fom Sedan rebull Tyre one yeu Before the destrction of Troy, ket Drevouly Being defeated bythe kag ofthe Atelier (may be ha ts fasion actus rls the invasion of the Sea Peoples dung the reign of Ramesses Il, and that “Ashton a this contests sed general to refer 0 ‘te Piksine,” This tation alo contsnesrernce to he begining othe reseal of Tye, wich wood later develop into the cental metropolis in Protea and become the chie ea power the Mediterranean, The 008 llarcewhien developed teineen Tyre and the Howse of David Brought about Te complet ecrlement ofthe Philisie eles fom both lard ands Pals and Eevee Nothing is known of teatons between Fay and the Phitsine sitter during tie timespan beeen the Epp wibdzaval from Canian andthe tenth {any BCE, We have infornition sting renewed Eeypian involvement ix Phils only a the end ofthe Twenty Fast Dysnty (Samu, and eopecally rig he eign of Sak tom the Twenty Sec Dymsty This period Tis EUS diel conti te Snioe oso sun forte a Saturation ype 8 Onpeven poeta ‘aay tae he uate een co) Me mri ‘emma Scie, Ear ftps Srae hd denon 5980, 281 Wom ie Poicand bore, 1), p27, 1; He (above, 1), 9p 386, 4B; suai, ot 29 Gee op 2 Taran ia tba fing i const Abie nye he Pci taced ith Epp WPA, he leo te nen der ore’ We Tr tot ence Near 284 od ma Mare hone 78), PAE 2 anti te, 25, 0.6 ion ao rat sna eves) pp 210-22 0 sranan soon beyond the ope ofthe present tare, Iwi oy relate toa usigue aypcian ierption whieh ay perhaps conan the Hist int of renewed pies ts between Egypt and Phi “The iscrption i engraved on statue kept a Balore.®” The staue self ‘elnge tothe Mile Kingdom, bt the inssption engraved on it i probably ‘ated fo the Third Intermediate Period. The engraver Is Plas 8 py. who ‘ates he tl of “eiary of Canna of Piisines (opty pn Pe ‘Toe tthe's ame would appet tobe Seti (crate co Epa in er 403) bot the emiary Nell has a diecty Egyptan oume. The exception! ‘scersphisal ombination in his tie ithe fs Egyptian menon of Peta a2 pole! or georaphicl term, Theres dasrersent a othe exc slanifance ‘tibet as well eth tats ote engraver, “Cena” wih the adi fhe eine arte (pin) appears rom he tie of te Niatenth Dyast onward with 2 double mctning--ts the aan of the oontry ata whole ada the {ealgnton for Gass, be opto Eypsian Caan." Tha, alsuggested that the inemon is an “eminary of Phiistne Cass” (ite, “of Gaza of the Phustins’,ot an emsary of Poistioe Canaan’ iter “of Cannan ofthe Prisons. In contrast, Welpert prefered to regal Ast as an Egypt ity, who was ona sion a Pit Ether way, te earption tesiis te renoned ‘diploma’ ies between Eaypt and Pili ™ te iia fo detrige the exact te ofthe isipton of the bass of ‘leopraphial considerations. adi woud seer tt prima tril ones {the campaign of Shisha veld to Te accped dating tothe Twenty Second DBpraty. Although this dating powible Cole the dating to the Taeaty Sach Dynasty which sore have sgerted}™ an acer date woulé not Be out of the ‘quan OF the diferent suggeions for sndertnding the combizaion "Canaan of Pinner, the mos acceptable would vem toe tht whic seit sv geopliial designation’ referring to al the Pine cytes, Le, 12 ‘tot part of Canaan which remained in Pilne hands I ay peraps be onpeed withthe eombiontion “Canaan, Ind ofthe Phin, whlch appease ‘a Zephanin 2, goal! with you inhabitants othe sea oust, you eaten of the Career 287 Gaon Te Sats oa Epi Comision Sl JE. 219), Soa The menpian ns needy ees om 9 Mista So 08 2a SA Cee iene et in es Ln ap 10 Hopp esate Nowa See oeten abtnunde: Oot Se he Appa Guten nae 39 (0, ress, aN as; Apt ma ee ic ep iar fe TF Dr, se seg ae oh 28 Con in one 298,218 who sass at ire ob Foealan ovPTans,cANAARITES AND PITNER 3 ‘The Pertod of Phiiine Supremacy in Historical Perspective For about 140 yer after he Fgyptan withdrawal from Canaan, he Pili ‘et thestongest element i weaten Plvine, But twas ony dung the st tof tat pig, for abot Fit yar ht they were abe fo eels Tet fenul inthe rexion Eventhough te were 4 gow element om the Canaanite cee, the Phistnes lnedae'y adapted othe way of en Bayo Caaan and beans ts bi ‘Tair government ns bused on two foundation from he Canaaaes ty Adopted he vcoroliel suet the ciystate, and fom the Exypins iy ‘dopted oinistaie and oltry orgasation ahs see, the prod of hele fale may be regarded a8 eof imbished elogve to the 400 years of| Egypina impecal dominion in Cenaa, However, spittle itary ight and their wt, the Piladaes didnot posses the power fo replace such an “mpite a Erp, Ths th expression Phtine empire ened by Albright does ot eit hee vegime in Palestine." "The ered of Pilate hegemony acs mot of he charters of imperial rule, Nocona impeil metropolis rege in Pista and ee terior sue {0 the authori ofthe Pili priocpatice was gle limited in comparison vith any of the empires in the alent or. Brena he Hight of thee poet, Thee le dd no extend mich fartber thas the arthern vay, and it would tppes tht even in aon ental and outer Palestine, Paste eorteo as tenuous and ateratent, We Go not fate Infornation about the degre of ‘sonomie exploitation of creas abet 1 Pisin ule a prominent atibute Sf any imperial government. Acinlly, Paine efforts were diested ciel toward Bovking the expansion ofthe Hl country tbe into te coastal reglans ted the sally, rather than expanding and depen thelr owe bold on ‘diol teri, In htc perspective possible tomy thatthe Pits as continues of tae Egyptian rule, inenated fora short te the srucares ofthe ani Yigne in Cana and eles for etveal generations the powetu proseses tick ese o hangs the face ofthe extern bain ofthe Mediterenean In the ‘ours ofthese proces, the large imperil sutures gave way to centeled ational sts "Ar they were forced ack by Davi othe bound of Pina prope, the Philstine pipes conned to ext a separate polical unit for the nex '0 eer, uni th Babylonia exe, bt tei nfuence onthe Riiory of the retin wat marge. Honially the ceeest imei et by the prod of Pils 248 i bn, 025 eo toe m0 pf oA aon 1 {8a tanaconah onenene emge’ ne Engh ron wai ‘lading hi ha tet exper Msi pho cna) ant ee pissnin ey eco hese Piste green p. 24 Wikdnual etre conn ncen Ak toe hp en ea 1 eanaln ae ere he tanome ein 6 the net etre. a2 rear soe rule was actly on the story of tel, Ter to doubt ha he Pine threat provided the ci impeasor the rslaton of he elite ation and theater's ans oa monarchy, nol the Pitins sl infeed the results of he power srg between he al fiction in ee ele cmp, Th mun who won the throne was he who had bil pbs power in Phils and who, uring the pti of hs ue, put ia practice no smal aut of wt be ad et a the Plitine camp, Moke pata sp be 6 he ay ran who ree ‘An mporunt development in Consent clue in ts wight yecs as de increased Enypin ence, While o-nay cultural interchange Between Eeypt fn Canaan hod inde persisted for hupdseds of ears, reached it pl Sing the Nintenth and Twenith Dynastr asa rest of aveeted Egy policalinvolement in Canaan. Tis phenomencs found exprenion in ath, telipion, and thought" Ls mont farceahing consequence, whow Importance 0s Bejond the Boundaces of ine and epee contre Bere, vaste Bit an beenngs ofthe alate n Canna, This spot the place to vevew he road snbjet shou like only to mae afew base comments enceroing the wider Coltral cntats afte elon of ce Comoe spe ‘Ste the sours ofthe Canaanite alphabet ais Egyptian ting itis xtra ‘hat originate nw egion subj cc to Teptinn nience Ast the en tis root, Cataarite wing is manly elev adoption of Egypt wong, ey accepting the sagle-consonset series of the Egyptian sylabiry. wile foreoing the welh of mult-cossoant sigs and lgopras. Alo th pee of graphics, we find the infaerce of Epspin ptography, even though the Canaanite graphs ester i septate one nih ofthis ts ie to die the creation ofthe Candaaite spate 2 ane fvenion, sae the ie ints sity bad lng een Intent wth the complesstractre of Eas woking. But inorder “exit! the alphabet from within the completed system of xypian witing, x0 exiemaliagortor was needed, one who wat fee of the onfiing weigh of te ancient taidon of Eaypisn writing. The Chante, nha ere exposed for hundreds of years othe inves of ypu ere, and 21 Fer ena in, ee inn of i ne 26 Forge sey oni bint eB, rT Elin of he Pe Caraie ‘Aint SOR 14 ie p94 Rasen SAT AR MT ‘eae Caanite pa Some Sete UI (Dp. sie} Noe yoyo Hse ra ch Fa eau Tet dy 34 (ORGIES eae Bn Te nen of he Altes Dennen he Sc inn Bes ran, CANAAN, AND HTN oa hom Iangurge nas sited to the consonatl structs of Egyptian ras, filles this condion. For a long peed, the Canaanite sed the Aktadion umeform script for the exchange of Fetes aad for adaiitatve, leg nd Telgoos corrspondense 2 ‘Bt. the peoples of Camtan were not ore,

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