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Rudraksha: Wearing Procedure & Mantras.

The terms Rudraksha literally means the "Eyes" of Shiva and is so named in His benevolence.
Shiva Purana describes Rudrakshas origin as Lord Shiva's tears. He had been meditating for
many years for the welfare of all creatures. On opening the eyes, hot drops of tears rolled down
and the mother earth gave birth to Rudraksha trees.
For thousands of years Rudraksha beads have been worn by mankind for good health, religious
attainment through Japa and Shakti (power) and for fearless life. Saints and sages roaming in
Himalayas and other forests have lived healthy, fearless and a full life by wearing Rudrakshas
and its malas. There is no saint, God incarnation or Shankaracharyas, who can be identified
without these vibrant Rudraksha beads or malas
Rudraksha Utpatti (Origin) Mantra


Sat Namo Adesh, Guruji Ko Adesh, Om Guruji,

Mukhe Brahma Madhye Vishnu Ling Naam Maheshwar Sarvadeva Namaskaram
Rudrakshaya Namoh Namah.
Use the above SHABAR Mantra for immediate effects. The Mantra can be recited before wearing
Rudraksha / Rudraksha Mala and after removing the same.

Above in English

Sat Namo Adesh, Guruji Ko Adesh, Ohm Guruji, Mukhe Brahma Madhye Vishnu Ling
Naam Maheshwar Sarvadeva Namaskaram Rudrakshaya Namoh Namah. Gaganmandal
May Dhundhukara Pataal Niranjan Nirakaar. Nirakaar May Charna Paduka, Charna
Paduka May Pindi, Pindi May Vasuk, Vasuk May Kasuk, Kasuk May Kurm, Kurm May
Mari, Mari May NaagFani, Alash Purush Nay Bail Kay Seengh Par Rai Thaharahi. Dhiraj
Dharm Ki Dhuni Jamai. Vahaan Par Rudraksha Sumer Parvat Par Jamaiye Usme Se
Phootay 6 Dali, Ek Gaya Purv, Ek Gaya Dakshin, Ek Gaya Paschim, Ek Gaya Uttar, Ek
Gaya Akaash, Ek Gaya Pataal, Usme Lagya Ek Mukhi Rudraksha, Shri Rudra Par
Chadaiye. Shri Onkaar Adinath Ji Ko, Do Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Chandra Surya Ko,
Teen Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Teen Loko Ko, Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Chaar
Vedon Ko. Paanch Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Paanch Pandavo Ko, Chaah Mukhi
Rudraksha Chadaiye Shat Darshan Ko, Saat Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Sapt Samudro
Ko, Astha Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Astha Kuli Nago Ko, NavMukhi Rudraksha
Chadaiye NavNaatho Ko, Dash Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Dash Avtaaro Ko, Gyaara
Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Gyaara Rudra Ko, Dvaadash Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye
(Surya) Baraah Panth Ko
Terah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Tentees Koti Devtao Ko, Chaudhah Mukhi Rudraksha
Chadaiye Chaudhah Bhuwan (Chaudhah Ratno) Ko, Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye
Pandrah Thithiyo Ko, Solah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Solah Shringaar Ko, Satraah
Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Shri Sita Mata Ko, Attharaha Mukhi Rudraksha Attharaha
Bhaar Vanaspati Ko, Unnees Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Alash Purush Ko, Bees Mukhi
Rudraksha Chadaiye Vishnu Bhagwan Ko, Ikkis Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Ikkis
Brahamaand Shiv Ko,Nir Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Nirakaar Ko, Itna Rudraksha
Mantra Sampurna Bhaya, Shri Nath Ji Kay Charan Kamal May Adesh, Adesh

Ganesh Gayatri Mantra

Rules for Wearing Rudraksha

In general the wearer and the worshipper of Rudraksha is blessed with prosperity, peace and
health. yet there are certain precautions to be taken such as:

Rudraksha must be worn after Sidhhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra),
performing the prayers and ritual rites for its sanctification and Hawan etc. It should be worn on
auspicious day, Monday or Thursday.

2. Rudraksha Mantra and Rudraksha Origin Mantra is to be chanted daily 9 times while wearing
in the morning and after removing before going to bed.( Rudraksha must be removed before
going to sleep and must be kept at the puja place.
3. Rudraksha can be worn in the morning after having Bath. It can be worn after reciting the
mantra as above and incense/ ghee lamp etc must be used. It must not be touched before
bathing. One should clean his hands properly after using toilet.
4. The wearer of the Rudraksha should not eat non vegetarian food and should not take alcohol.
He should speak truth always and must go to Lord Shiva temple for his blessings.
5. Rudraksha must not be taken to the cremation grounds and funerals. Also it must not be
taken to the place while visiting a new born baby.
6. NEVER wear the Rudraksha while having sex.
7. WOMEN must not wear the Rudraksha during their menstrual cycle.
8. ALWAYS keep your Rudraksha clean. Dust and dirt can settle in the pores of the

bead. Clean these as frequently as possible with something with soft, fine bristles. If
the thread becomes dirty or worn out, change it. After cleaning, wash your Rudraksha
with some blessed holy water. This helps maintain its sanctity.
9. ALWAYS keep the Rudraksha oiled... After regular cleaning, oil the bead and treat it

with incense. This is of UTMOST importance. especially when not using the bead for
sometime, or storing it for a while.
10. Many get confused with the shape and size. One should not seriously worry about

it. Just see that the Mukhi is well defined, corns and contours are natural, and there
are no cracks near the central hole. Normally the buyer gets a feel when Rudraksha is
kept in the palm. He/She feels that this is the one which was wanted.
11. Rudraksha

is hot in nature. Some people just can't wear it. Their skin shows
signs of allergy. They can never wear any gold, silver or thread chain. So b etter
not to use. Keeps the beads in Puja room and offer daily Namaskars

Ek Mukhi Rudraksh, It is the most divine of all Rudraksh.

Do Mukhi Rudraksh with its front and side view.

Panch Mukhi Rudraksh; The most commonly worn Rudraksh.

ShivLing Rudraksh, with a snake hood over it.

Pictures of different Mukhis of Rudraksha

Two Mukhi Rudraksha

One Mukhi Rudraksha

Six Mukhi Rudraksha

Three Mukhi Rudraksha

Eight Mukhi Rudraksha

Four Mukhi Rudraksha

Seven Mukhi Rudraksha

Five Mukhi Rudraksha

Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha

Nine Mukhi Rudraksha

Ten Mukhi Rudraksha

Gauri Shankar Rudraksha

Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha

Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha

Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha

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