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= oe Aor SL} pe Bs atl FG. 12.34 Probe output for the circuit of Fig. 1233 PROBLEMS: “*Note: Asterisks indicate more difficult problems. 12.2. Serles-Fed Class A Amplifier 4. Calculate the input and outpul power for the circuit of Fig. 12.35. The input signal results in a base current of Sm rms $cc (18) R= 162 FIG. 12.35 Problems Ito 4 and 26. 2. Calculate the input power diss ed by the circuit of Fig. 12.35 i Ry is changed to 15k. . What maximum output power can be delivered by the circuit of Fig. 12.35 if Ry is changed to 15kQ7 the circuit of Fig. 12.35 is biased at its center voltage and center collector operating point, ‘what is the input power for @ maximum output power of 1.5 W? 12.5 Transformer-Coupled Class A Amplifier ‘Acclass A transformer-coupled amplifier uses 25:1 transformer to dive a4-01 load, Caleslate the effective ac load (seen by the tansistor connected to the larger turns side of the (rans: foams). ‘What tums ratio transformer is needed to couple to an 8-0 oad so that it appears as an 8-0 effective load? Calculate the transformer turns ratio required to connect four parallel 16-2 speakers so that they appear as an 8-K0 effective load. 10, na nL 2, a "4. ns 15. 16. 7. A tansformer-coupled class A amplifier drives 2 16-9 speaker through a 3.87:1 transformer. Using a power supply of Voc = 36 V. the circuit delivers 2 W tothe load, Calculate: ‘a. Plac) across transformer primary. b. Vila). ‘e. V(ac) at transformer primary. 44. The rms values of load and primary current . Calculate the ffiiency ofthe circuit of Problem 8 ifthe bias current is Je, = 150 mA. Draw the circuit diagram ofa class A transformer-coupled amplifier using an npn (ransistor, ‘lass B Amplifier Operation raw the circuit diagram of a class B npn push-pull power amplifier using transformer- coupled inp. For a class B amplifier providing « 22-V peak signal to an 8-0 load and a power supply of Vee = 25 V, determine: ‘a. Input power. B. Ousput power. «. Circuit efficiency. Fora class B amplifier with Voc = 25 V driving an 8-02 load, determine: a, Maximum input power. . Maximum output power. ‘e. Maximum citcut efficiency, Calculate the efficiency ofa class B amplifier for & supply voltage of Voc = 22 V driving a 4-0 load with peak output voltages of: 20V. ‘Class B Amplifier Circuits ‘Sketch the citcuit diagram ofa quas-complementary amplifier, showing vollage waveforms in the cirewit, For the class B power amplifier of Fig. 12.36, calculate: a. Maximum P,(20). 'b. Maximum Pde), & Maximum S9, 44. Maximum power dissipated by both transistors. he input voltage to the power amplifier of Fig, 12.36 is §-V ms, calculate: a. Pd. b. Pye) Nec (30¥) + by po o ¥ "i G so —I @ Vie 30) FIG. 12.36 Problems 16,17, and 27. a. ne vw. 20. a. na 4. ne 6. “2. v8. . For distortion readings of Dy = 0.15,D5 = 001, and Dy ean 4. Power dissipated by both power ouput transistors For the power amplifier of Fig. 12.37, caleuate: a. P,(a0) b. Pde). ce Sm, 4. Power dissipated by both output transistors. Hee (40) “Yen -40¥) FG. 12.37 Problem 18. ‘Amplifier Distortion, Caloulate the harmonic distortion components for an output signal having fundamental ampli tude of 2.1 V, second harmonic amplitude of 0.3 V, third harmonic component of 0.1 V, and {fourth harmonic component of 0.05 V. Calculate the (otal harmonic distortion forthe amplitude components of Problem 19. Calculate the second harmonic distortion for an output waveform having measured valves of Veta, = 2A, Ver, = 10V, and Ver, = 20. 05, with fy = 3.3A and Re = 40, calculate the tora harmonic distortion fundamental power companent and total power Power Transistor Heat Sinking. . Determine the maximum dissipation allowed for a 100-W silicon transistor (rated at 25°C) for a derating factor of 0.6 W/°C ata case temperature of 150°C. ‘A 160-W silicon power transistor operated with a heat sink (gj = 15°C/W) bas Oye = 0.5°C/W and a mouating insulation of ics = 0.8°C/W. What maximum power can be ‘handled by the wansistor at an ambient temperature of 80°C? (The junction temperature should not exceed 200°C.) What maximum power ean a silicon transistor (Ty, = 200°C) dissipate into free air at an ambient temperature of 80°C? Computer Applications Use Design Center to draw the schematic of Fig. 12.35 with V; = 9.1 mV. ‘Use Design Center to draw the schematic of Fig. 12.36 with V, = 25 Vip). Determine the cie ‘uit efficiency. ‘Use Multisim so draw the schematic of an op-amp class B amplifier as in Fig. 12.33. Use Ry = 10K, Ry = SOKA, and ¥; = 2.5 Vip). Determine the circuit efficiency.

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