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Bilal M.

7401 Westlake Terrace, Apt. 1601
Bethesda, MD 20817-6533
301‐469‐7592                March 22, 2010

The Honorable Mrs. Sheik Hasina

Prime Minister
Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Dear Honorable Prime Minister,

We are grateful for the historic kindness of Bangladeshi people and government, who have
always given shelter, protection and support to the unfortunate people from Rakhine State, who
have been persecuted by the successive ruthless rulers of Burma.

Although the whole country is like a prison, and all Burmese are suffering under the yoke of
military dictatorship, Rohingyas are among the worst affected. Their persecution is well
documented and known by the international community. Their only sanctuary has been to flee
to Bangladesh whenever their very lives have been threatened.

We are well aware of the great burden these refugees are for Bangladesh. However, these
innocent victims should not be treated as the source of the problem. The flow of refugees out of
countries where they are brutalized, into neighboring countries, has been a perennial problem
from time immemorial.

We, therefore, respectfully request the government of Bangladesh to first, shelter and protect
these innocent and helpless victims; and second, in concert with concerned governments, work
towards a solution of this great humanitarian tragedy.

We thank you for your all your efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Rohingya refugees.

Yours Respectfully,

Bilal M. Raschid

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