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Log into NutriCalc+

Create a profile for sample student Cody Roberts (you can only have 3
profiles in NutriCalc+ so if you already have 3 then just edit 1 of them with
this new information for Cody Roberts)
Birth Date: 02/01/80
6'0" (6 feet 0 inches tall)
190 pounds
Weight Gain/Loss 0 pounds per week
Activity Level: Active
Then click on Intakes and enter the following foods for Day 1 for Lunch:

Day 1: Carbohydrate Sources

Potatoes, skin, bkd (USDA SR-21) (1 each)

Drink, sports, fruit punch, svg (Gatorade Thirst) (8 fluid ounces)
Pasta, spaghetti, enrich, ckd (USDA SR-21) (1 cup)
Rice, brown, med grain, ckd (USDA SR-21) (1 cup)
Raisins, seedless, packed cup (USDA SR-21) (0.25 cup)

After entering food, under the Activities tab, enter this activity for Cody

Running, 6mph (10 min mile) for period of time 2 hours (120 minutes)
Generate an Activity Summary Report for this day with the food and
exercise entered

After you have entered all of the above food, generate & upload these 2

Single Nutrient: Carbohydrate

Activity Summary Report

10-Question Quiz
Once you have your reports and food entered in the NutriCalc+ program, you
are ready to start the 10-question, un-timed, multiple-choice quiz in

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