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1 Benavides

Wong vs Burk
Carlos Benavides
English 113 A
Prof. Jackie Hymes

E-sports have definitely risen at a huge rate of growth that no one could have imagined.
Despite of this huge success, majority of journalists and analysts believe that videogames should
never be considered a sport. DL Burk believe it is a great risk for these athletes to proceed on
with their career. However Justin C. Wong believes that eSports will only continue to grow.

At a room in Harvard, Justin C. Wong interviews Andy Kim, a student at Harvard. Kim
explains his personal belief on the growth of eSports and only believes it will become the new
sport. Kim shows Wong that his efforts made Harvard more computer game friendly, being a part
owner of the gaming club. Wong agrees that eSports will rise, however it will never be on the
same level as the NBA. DL Burk walks in.

Burk believes that eSports has potential but claims it is iffy to call these so called
athletes safe to work in their station. Wong immediately represses that the united states
government considers eSports as a real sport, granting them VISA benefits to continue. Burk
understands the facts, however there has been many corruption in the integrity of such
professional games. Games where a little kid can be acknowledged as a professional? exclaims
Burk, Despite of talent, kids do really stupid things; Remember the match fixing in Counter
Strike (team iBuyPower)?

2 Benavides

Yes we do remember responds Kim.

What were the ages in that team? questioned angrily by Burk.

Two kids that are no older than twenty, probably eighteen and nineteen, along with three other
individuals in their early twentys answers Wong.

eSports, a like sports, brings the gambling factor, thus instead of winning or playing a
professional game at their professional level, they lost their diligence and betted against
themselves to make money says Kim.

Many people who bet on their favorite team, the favored team , the odds were 90-10 for god's
sake, lost a lot of money that day explains Burk. How the hell is eSports going to grow if there
isnt any security of professionalism, or any stable contracts or anything; why are some teams
considerably way more popular than others? In South Korea, gaming is considered as a Sport,
why not rest of world? Burk finishes.

To be fair, eSports at best is in its baby age, a gold rush for journalists, investors, programmers,
anyone that wants a chance to make it big in the future because eSports as a whole has a lot of
room to improve says Wong. The developers, after the match fixing incident, made sure that
things like this will never happen again, enforcing a lot of rules for these professionals to

3 Benavides

Well i overheard you Wong, saying that eSports wil never be in the same level as NBA or any
other professional normal sport...why? Burk replies.

Wong tries to figure out a answer, he stands up and looks at his phone, searching for
journalists. He comes across the most controversial but highly regarded, Duncan Shields. Well
actually, it is true that eSports will never be on the same level. I mean that in the domestic
interest at the least. You see here, the whole world is interested into eSports. He watches a
video from Shields from youtube. The purpose of any sport is to entertain the many individuals
in the world; everyone has different interests and not everyone looks at traditional sports and is
entertained saids Wong after watching a few minutes of the video.

Bullshit vaguely replies Burk. Burk gets ready to leave because he had enough of the
conversation with Wong. eSports has room to grow, at the same time it has room to completely
be ruined. Who is the audience toward eSports? Gamers right. The room for expansion isnt
entirely to every individual.

Andy Kim does not retaliate to the harsh words, he hasnt been participating in the conversation
as a whole. Wong slowly speaks, and has a weak expression. Wong strongly believes that his
ideology of eSports, There will always be a crowd for eSports, investors firmly believe this to
be true. For the professionals as a whole, they give up a huge portion of their life to dedicate
themselves for an unknown result, which in my mind is respectable because they love the game
they play.

4 Benavides

Burk has no expression, These athletes have no assurance to their life, which in many parents
mind, it is the most scariest thing to do. The spectators absolutely love watching, but if they fail,
most likely they end up in a dead-end job.

Most videogame CEOs are offering inside jobs to help improve the game and not release
their players in the outside world with nothing to attain. eSports although will never be able to
reach the domestic success for example, like baseball, it will reach the success for most of the
audience. People play video games for escapism, leisure, and to relax. Most of these
professionals have a huge story to tell, just like the stars from traditional sports, their life was
saved by playing a simple video game.

Work Cited :
Wong, Justin C. "Gaming as Sport: ESports on the Rise." University Wire, (2015): .
Burk, DL. Owning E-sports: Proprietary Rights in Professional Computer Gaming. University of
Pennsylvania Law Review . Volume 161 issue 6

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