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Name: Matthew Fenton

Date: 9/28/15
Period: 4
7th/8th Grade: 7th

Entrepreneur Questionnaire
1. What are 3 things that you are really good at?
I am really good at basketball, chess, and video games
2. What is something you find to be easy that others around find
difficult to do?
Math because I like it and enjoy, so I think that it can be easy, but
other people dont like math, so they think it is hard
3. What are 5 things your friends or family members consistently
complain about?
We complain about screaming and being loud, people who are
driving in bad and dangerous ways, people being annoying, people
being mean, and getting bad grades.
4. What is something you wish there was an invention or service for
that would make your life easier?
Mowing the yard
5. If you had to create $100 in one week, what legal and realistic
ideas could you do to create it? Give 5 examples.
Lemonade stand
Car wash
Party that you pay to go to
Yard sale
Returning products that I dont use or dont work to the store

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