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Desert Storm Reflection

For my Desert Storm group presentation project, I needed to be able

to collaborate successfully in a group and create synergy to work with
others. My group was randomly selected, and we were assigned Operation
Desert Storm and Desert Shield as our topic. We needed to create a google
slides presentation to explain the event and help the rest of the class take
notes. While working on this project, I could tell that my collaboration skills
were improving. I noticed that my group was working very well together
and I was able to take the lead, gaining more trust in others (a weakpoint of
mine) as we went. This is definitely where I need the most help when it
comes to collaboration, I am able to take the lead, but I sometimes have
issues trusting others to get things done. As I go through high school, I plan
to work on this by becoming more involved in group projects, and trusting
others more.

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