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Tao Tom Huang Conversation of the West Response – Isaiah

Stern School of Business
New York University

Conversations of the West

Isaiah Reading Response

The book of Isaiah, in my opinion, is certainly a more difficult read than

the Genesis and the Exodus. Unlike the previous two readings which

contained mainly stories, Isaiah primarily consists of prophesies, including

the prophecy of Babylon, Assyria, and Israel. What do these prophecies

mean? That was the question that I had in mind during my readings. One

conclusion that I formed after reading was that the prophecies serve to

demonstrate the fact that God is omnipotent: “Trust in the Holy One of

Israel.” God has the ability to control Earth; even when nations believe that

they are powerful enough to defend themselves against invasions, they can

and will be conquered by others at God’s command. Isaiah, the main figure,

I believe is not simply a good fortune teller that had a lot of his prophecies

come true, but rather a spokesman for God. Isaiah represented God during a

time of great political chaos for the country of Judah. When Assyria was

about to attack Judah, Isaiah suggests to the King to make no plead for help

towards other countries, but simply trust only in the Lord. King Hezekiah

listened, and God rewarded his and the nation’s faith by destroying the

enemy army in a single night. Then what are the significances of Isaiah’s

representation of God? I believe that first, it strengthens hope in God as the

all mighty one that controls everything on this planet. Impossible is nothing
Tao Tom Huang Conversation of the West Response – Isaiah
Stern School of Business
New York University
for the Lord. Secondly, it inspires love for God among the population. People

began to understand that as long as they are faithful to God, they will be 2008
protected and blessed. If someone is not faithful to God, no matter how January

strong he or she is, or even a nation, God can destroy them with a single

hand. Last but not least, Isaiah, as directed by God, made a prophecy of a

“messiah,” a powerful individual appointed by God in which he will rule with

justice and morality. This eventually leads up to the origin of the famous


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