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Nombre: ____________________

La fecha ____/____/____

La Escuela de
We will finish our Classroom Objects unit by learning the classrooms, location, and
time! The first part includes your school template.

1st Primero,
Create your own school that includes 6 8 classrooms.
Label 3 items in each classroom that you have learned. You may need to look
some up.
Place a person in at least 3 of the rooms.
Pencil or colored pencils only!

2nd Segundo,
Create at least 7 10 sentences in Spanish about your school.
o Mi escuela se llama Marcos.
o El espaol tiene las carpetas, el lpiz, y el papel.
o El gimnasio tiene el maestro, pelotas de ftbol, y pelotas de baloncesto.
o Mi amiga Maria est en la clase de espaol.
o Voy a la cafetera son las doce.

3rd Tercero,
Present your school to the class or in groups depending on the time.
o Practice the virtues of respect, determination, and kindness.
o Share at least one positive affirmation and one improvement that could
help the presenters project.
Total: _____/25

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