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deface-->de+face--(to damage the face)--to damage the surface of appearance--dis

Gainsay-->gain+say--(to say something for ur gain means saying against of other)
--dispute,contradict or deny
flamboyant-->(seems to be shining as flame)--showy,bold n brilliant
extraplacental-->extra+placenta(placenta is the layer outside body supporting ch
ild in womb n providing its giving comfert to child)
being outside of or independent of placenta or out of comfort zone
incorrigible-->in+corrigible(not corrected)--all the efforts to correct is usele
ss as:-incorrigible criminal,incorrigible liar
humbug-->(humberger is a dish,we r offering humberger to anyone free means we ar
e to take any benifit from him...means finally we are going betray him)---betray
luminary-->(luminous..meaning light n someone is shining as bright as light)--fa
mous person or person who is expert in special area
chimera-->(camera is use to take picture,picture are not real..but illusion)
illusion or a fullish fancy
circuitous--->(electrical circuit has always zigzag path)--not following a direc
t path,roundabout
Acquiesce-(closely related to quiet)-to do something without objection--to do it
evanescent--(e-vanish)--happening for only the briefest period,vanishing
ingenuous-(a person who tend to be genius is always full of deception or artfull
,so ingenuous(in genius))-->without deception,artless,frank
incision-(scissor is use to cut)-->cutting right to the heart of matter
insular-(peninsula-insula-insular......peninsulla is a island)-like an island,is
murcurial-->(murcury level change rapidly with temperature)-->rapidly change in
mood,emotionaly unpredictable
plebian-(similar to lesbian who is vulgar,low class girl)-vulgar,low class,or op
posite to aristocratic
mundane--(mun(mind)+ dane(die)--something led to dying of mind i.e boring)--bana
partisan--(parti-partiality)-one who supports a perticular person,cause or idea
reparation--(repair-----means to repair something damage that has occured i.e to
compensate for damage) ------paying back or compensation
meaning-- to adapt to a new environment, situation, climate, temperature, or alt
respite-->(res..t.)--period of rest

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